Title: CollisionResistant Hashing: Towards Making UOWHFs Practical
1Collision-Resistant HashingTowards Making
UOWHFs Practical
Mihir Bellare
Phillip Rogaway
2Motivation (pg. 3)
- "in light of attacks on MDx the conclusion is
that the design of collision-resistant hash
functions may be harder than we had thought." - Designs need more reasoned engineering
- "Ask less of a hash function and it is less
likely to disappoint." - Investigate alternate (possibly weaker) goals
- Definitions
- Notation
- Types of Collision Resistance
- Strength Statements
- Lemmas
- Constructions
- Merkle-Damgård
- Linear / XOR Linear
- Tree / XOR Tree
- Message Lengths
- Signing with a TCR Hash
4Notation (pg. 7)
- binary alphabet ? 0,1
- message space Msgs ?
- message M ?l ? Msgs
- key K ?k
- Hash family H ?k ? Msgs ? ?c
- Hash function f HK
5Types of Collision Resistance (pg. 8)
- Any Collision-Resistance (ACR)
- standard notion of collision resistance
- Target Collision-Resistance (TCR)
- adversary must commit to a target message
- formalization of UOWHF
- weaker notion than ACR
- good enough for signing
- no birthday bounds
6Any Collision-Resistance
- Adversary is given K
- Must output M, M' where
- M ? M'
- HK(M) HK(M')
- Collision finder described by one program
- M,M' ? CF(K)
7Target Collision-Resistance
- Adversary first chooses and commits to M
- They are then given K
- Must output M' where
- M ? M'
- HK(M) HK(M')
- Collision finder described by two programs
- M,State ? CF-I()
- M' ? CF-II(K,M,State)
8Strength Statements (pg. 8)
- Adversary (t,u,?)-breaks the hash family if it
can produce a collision in - at most t time and space
- for messages no longer than u
- with probability at least ?
- Hash family is (t,u,?)-resistant if there is no
adversary that (t,u,?)-breaks the family
9Strength Statements Cont'd
- Desire t/? to be large
- Use (t,?)-resistant if the upper bounds on length
u, do not matter - Refer to equal-length collision finders
- M M'
- And variable-length collision finders
- M ? M'
10Composition Lemmas (pg. 10)
- Given
- H1 ?k1 ? ?l1? ?l2 (t1,?1)-resistant
- H2 ?k2 ? ?l2? ?c (t2,u2,?2)-resistant
- Composition
- H H2 ? H1 H2(K2, H1(K1,M))
- Is (t,u,?)-resistant, where
- t min(t1 - ?(k2), t2 2TH1 - ?(k1)
- u u2
- ? ?1 ?2
I think this should be u1 l1
11Lemma Proof (pg. 31)Justifying Success Bounds
- Intuition Only need to find collision in either
H1 or H2 to break the composition H - Pbreaking H Pbreaking H1 ? Pbreaking H2
- Breaking H1 and H2 are disjoint
- ? ? ?1 ?2
12Lemma Proof Cont'dBreaking H1
- Construct collision finder for H1 from H
CF-I1() M,State ? CF-I() return M,State
CF-II1(K1,M,State) K2 ? ?k2 M' ?
CF-II(K1K2,M,State) return M'
- Operates in t ?(k2) ? t1
- t ? t1 - ?(k2)
13Lemma Proof Cont'dBreaking H2
- Construct collision finder for H2 from H
CF-I2() M,State ? CF-I() K1 ? ?k1 x ?
H1(K1,M) return x,(M,State,K1)
CF-II2(K2,x,(M,State,K1)) M' ?
CF-II(K1K2,M,State) x' ? H1(K1,M') return x'
- Operates in t 2TH1 ?(k1) ? t2
- t ? t2 2TH1 ?(k1)
- Merkle-Damgård construction
- does not propagate TCR-resistance
- Other constructions investigated
- Linear Hash
- Linear Hash with XOR added
- Tree Hash
- Tree Hash with XOR added
15Merkle-Damgård (pg. 11)
MDHn(K,M) C0 ? IV for i 1 ... n do Ci
? HK(Ci-1 Mi) return Cn
ktotal k
16Proof that MD is not TCR (pg. 12)
- By counter example
- Idea -- design H such that
- H is TCR
- MDH is not TCR
- Construct H from a known TCR-resistant
compression function F - H will have an extended chaining value
- extension is either K or a constant
17Proof of MD not TCR Cont'dConstruction of HK()
- Let
- FK(M) ?k ? ?cm' ? ?c
- HK(M) ?k ? ?(ck)m ? ?ck
- C chaining value broken into C1??c and C2 ??k
- HK(C1 C2 M) FK(C1 C2 M) K if C2
? K - 1c 1k if C2 K
18Proof of MD not TCR Cont'dShowing HK() is TCR
- Construct collision finder for F from CFH
CF-IF() M,State ? CF-IH() return M,State
CF-IIF(K,M,State) C1 C2 x ? M if C2
K then abort M' ? CF-IIH(K,M,State) return M'
- CFF (t,?)-breaks F where
- t tH ?(k c m)
- ? ?H 2(k1)
19Proof of MD not TCR Cont'dShowing MDHK() is not
- K is chosen at random so
- C2 ? K with p 12-k
- MDHK(M1 M2) HK(HK(IV M1) M2)
- HK(FK(IV M1) K M2)
- 1c 1k
- For collision, choose another M1' and M2
- Adversary (t,?)-breaks MDHK() where
- t ?(m)
- ? 12-k
20Linear Hash (pg. 13)
LH(K1...Kn,M) C0 ? IV for i 1 ... n do
Ci ? HKi(Ci-1 Mi) return Cn
ktotal k Mm
21Linear Hash TCR Proof (pg. 14)Sketch Only
- Construct collision finder for H from CFLH
- similar to previous constructions
- Assume H is (t',?')-resistant
- Then LH (Mm ? N) is (t,?)-resistant where
- t t' ?(N)(TH m k c)
- ? N?'
22Linear Hash Cont'd
- TCR-resistant
- Large key length
- linear in maximum message length N
- H is re-keyed Mm times
23XOR Linear Hash (pg. 15)
XLH(KK1...Kn,M) C0 ? IV for i 1 ... n do
Di ? Ki ? Ci-1 Ci ? HK(Di Mi) return Cn
ktotal k c Mm
24XOR Linear Hash Cont'd
- Similar to Linear Hash
- If H is (t',?')-resistant
- Then XLH is (t,?)-resistant where
- t t' ?(N)(TH m k c)
- ? N?'
25XOR Linear Hash Cont'd
- TCR-resistant
- Key length grows slower than linear hash
- H is keyed only once
- Remains linear in maximum message length
- Choose over linear hash when
- c lt k (1 m/M)
26Tree Hash (pg. 16)
- d ? branching factor
- m d c
ktotal k logd(Mc)
27Tree Hash Cont'd
TH(K1...Kv,M) C0 ? M for i 1 ... v do
n ? Ci-1m for j 1 ... n do Dj ?
HKi(Ci-1,j) Ci D1 ... Dn return Dv
- If H is (t',?')-resistant
- Then TH is (t,?)-resistant where
- t t' ?(N)(TH k c)
- ? (N-1) ?' /(d-1)
28Tree Hash Cont'd
- TCR-resistant
- Key length grows logarithmically
- H is re-keyed at each level
29 XOR Tree Hash (pg. 19)
ktotal k dc logd(Mc)
30XOR Tree Hash Cont'd
XTH(KK1...Kv,M) C0 ? M for i 1 ... v do
n ? Ci-1m for j 1 ... n do Ci-1,j
? Ci-1,j ? Ki Dj ? HK(Ci-1,j) Ci D1
... Dn return Dv
- If H is (t',?')-resistant
- Then TH is (t,?)-resistant where
- t t' ?(N)(TH k c)
- ? (N-1) ?' /(d-1)
31XOR Tree Hash Cont'd
- TCR-resistant
- Key length grows logarithmically
- slower than basic tree hash
- H is keyed only once
32Message Lengths (pg. 22)
- Up to now, security has been shown for M,M' of
equal length - Normal padding scheme may not be TCR
- Pad(M) M 1 0m-l mod m ltlgt
- (H ? Pad)(M)
- However there is a general technique that is
secure against variable length TCR ...
33Variable Length TCR (pg. 23)Messages of Integral
Block Length
- H2 K2(H1 K1(M) ltMgtm)
- Claim is (t,?)-resistant where
- t min(t1 k2, t2 ?(k1) 2TH1 ?(l1))
- ? ?1 ?2
- Proof is same as that of composition lemma
- except CF-I2 returns x ? H1 K1(M) Mm
- and CF-II2 returns x' ? H1 K1(M) M'm
34Variable Length TCR (pg. 24)Padding Proof Sketch
- Pad Msgs ? Msgs
- H ?k ? Msgs ? ?c
CF-I() M,State ? CF-I() M ? Pad(M)
return M,(M,State)
CF-II(K,M,(M,State)) M' ? CF-II(K,M,State)
M' ? Pad(M') return M'
- H is (t,?)-resistant where
- t t 2TPad
- ? ?
35Signing with a TCR Hash (pg. 25)
- Reduce message to be signed
- Not concerned with masking structure
36Signing Algorithm
SIGNsk(M) K ? ?k s ? Signsk(HK(M) K)
return s K
37Security Bounds
- Assuming
- Sign is (t1,q1,u1,?1)-secure signature scheme
- H is (t2,?2)-resistant TCR hash
- Then
- SIGN is (t,q,u,?)-secure where
- t min(t1 (q1)TH qTSign, t2 (q1)TH TGen
qTSign) - q q1
- u u1 c - k
- ? ?1 q1?2