Title: Pricing of Warrants in a Firm
1Pricing of Warrants in a Firm
- P.W.A.Dayananda
- Dept. of Mathematics
- University of St.Thomas
- St.Paul, MN 55105
2What is a financial warrant?
- This is a financial instrument that allows the
holder to acquire a share of stock by paying K
at time - Normally issued with bonds as a sweetner.
- In many cases they trade seperatly from the
associated bond issue. - Exercise is normally 5-15 yrs time.
3What are the main charcteritics?
- Normally they can not be traded.
- Similar to exchange trade Call option
- Similar to executive stock options.
- Warrants may be called prior to exercise and even
the exercise price could be changed.
4Growth of financial warrants
- Market capitalization of warrants grew at the
rate of 26 per annum for the last decade. - In US Chrysler gave the federal government stock
warrants in exchange for loans. - In some countries in Asia warrants account for
about 0.4 of total market value.
5How do the warrants affect the Firm?
- When they are exercised the firm needs to issue
new shares. - Firms equity gets diluted when warrants are
exercised. - Warrants holders on exercise have voting rights
and other privileges when they are exercised as
they become common share-holders.
6Assumptions for modeling
- Stock pays no dividends.
- Firm has N common shares and n warrants only.
Share price at time t is S(t). - Let total equity value at time t be V(t)
v(t)V(t)/N. - Stock price dynamics
(1) - Equity per share dynamics
- Payoff of a warrant at exercise time
(3) - The present value of a warrant at time t0
- is
(4) - and
(5) -
- Note W(t) is a random variable
- Value is deterministic
- We can not use Black-Scholes formula to value
as the process is not observable and it does not
have known volatility. - However, text books use Black-Scholes to value
warrants-which we will discuss later.
- One can show that satisfies the pdf
- (6)
- Also Total equitytotal market value of shares
total discounted value of warrants. This gives - Nv(t)NS(t)nW(t).
- Hence
- Take expectation of (7) with respect to risk
neutral measure giving - (8)
- where
11Previous method used for warrant pricing
- Authors assumed that the process v(t) has
geometric Brownian motion with constant
volatility and used BS formula - (9)
- together with
(8) - Iteratively to find
12Volatility of equity compared to that of stock
price volatility -1
- We use Itos formula for relation in (7)
giving (10) - Thus the Elasticity (E) of the warrant price
- (11)
13Volatility of equity compared to that of stock
price volatility-2
- But , where (12)
- Note Egt1
14Volatility of equity compared to that of stock
price volatility -3
- Thus, equating the volatility terms on both sides
of (10) and using (11) gives - (13)
- Hence (14)
- So when . (15)
- Empirical work of Galai (1991) supports it.
15Pricing Warrants-1
- We write , and .
- Then from (13) we have
- (16)
- Differentiating (16) with respect to v, we get
- (17)
16Pricing warrants-2
- But we had from (6) that
- (6)
- Compare (6) with (17)
- (17)
- This gives
- (18)
17Relations for warrant price-
- From first two terms in (18), we have
(19) - Hence
- (20)
18Plot of warrant price against alpha
19Conditions for gt0
- Using the numerator of the expression (20) for
warrant price as a quadratic in - we have the relation that must hold.
20Ordinary differential equation for alpha ( )
- The first and third terms in (18) gives the pdf
(21) - Substituting for from (20), we get the ODE
- (22)
21Boundary conditions to solve (22)
- One can show that at exercise time
- (23)
- This gives the relation for the boundary value
for - (24)
- (Explain why sign is used)
22Solving the ODE in alpha then warrant price
- Our prime task now is to solve the equation (24)
which is of the form - (25)
- And then substitute for in (20)
- (20)
- to obtain warrant price - at time t0.
23Approximation- to second order in alpha
- We neglect third higher order terms in
- (25) giving
- (26)
- Numerical illustrations are provided in the
- tables when r0.05,K55,s(0)50 ,
- and different values.
24Table -1
25Table -2