Title: Quality Accounts: Stakeholder Engagement
1Quality Accounts Stakeholder Engagement
3Structure of the presentation and objectives
- These slides will provide
- An Overview of High Quality Care and the Quality
Framework - An Overview of the purpose of Quality Accounts
and initial thinking on their development - Areas for discussion on Quality Accounts
- The objectives of the engagement are to
- Find out from a wide range of stakeholders what
Quality Accounts should look like concentrating
on form, content and the publication timetable - Raise awareness of Quality Accounts among staff
and key stakeholders
4The quality framework
5Quality is at the heart of everything we do
- High Quality Care for All defined quality as
having three dimensions ensuring that care is
safe, that it is effective, and that it provides
patients with the most positive experience
possible. - Safety
- Effectiveness of process and outcomes
- Positive patient experience
6Seven key elements of the Quality Framework
- High Quality Care for All gives seven key
elements of the Quality Framework - Bringing clarity to quality by being clear
about what quality looks like - Measure quality through a new quality
measurement framework at every level - Publish quality performance by requiring
providers to publish quality accounts - Recognise and reward quality by ensuring that
the right incentives are in place - Raise standards by promoting stronger clinical
and managerial leadership - Safeguard quality through regulating
appropriate services and professions - Stay ahead by supporting innovation
7Measurement for Quality Improvement
- An engagement process started on 18th November
2008 to look at Measurement for Quality
Improvement - The objective of this is to identify indicators
to support improvements in quality - This work will provide the foundations for other
quality initiatives - This process is due to finish by the end of
January 2009
8How do quality accounts fit in?
Key purposes
Example product
- Improvement against national priorities
- Accountability to taxpayers
- International benchmarking
- Improvement in quality within the region and
progress against the regional vision - Enable benchmarking
- Regional quality measures
- Services from Quality Observatory
Co-production at all levels of the system
- Service improvement
- Board accountability
- Provider benchmarking
- Clinical Team quality measure and dashboards
- Service improvement
- Team benchmarking for improvement
Local clinical ownership of indicators
Sources of evidence-based indicators include
Royal Colleges, specialist societies, NHS
Information Centre, universities, commercial
9Quality Accounts overview
- We will require, in legislation, healthcare
providers working for or on behalf of the NHS to
publish their Quality Accounts from April 2010
just as they publish financial accounts. These
will be reports to the public on the quality of
services they provide in every service line
looking at safety, experience and outcomes
High Quality Care for All
Jan 2009
July 2009
Oct 2009
March 2010
- Passage of primary legislation through Houses of
Parliament - Engagement with stakeholders
- Public consultation on the detailed secondary
- Continuing stakeholder engagement
- Development and publication of guidance
12Purpose of quality accounts
- Quality accounts are a mechanism for public
reporting - The purpose of quality accounts is to enable
- Boards/organisation managers of providers to
focus on quality improvement as a core function - The public to hold providers to account for the
quality of NHS Healthcare services they provide - Patients and their carers to make better informed
13Principles of quality accounts
- To ensure that quality accounts can achieve these
purposes, they should cover the provision of NHS
Healthcare services and contain information that
is - A trustworthy and reliable picture of the quality
of services provided - Meaningful and relevant to users of quality
accounts - Designed to allow for comparisons to be made
- Produced in a timely fashion
- Published in a way that promotes easy access for
14Initial thinking
15Progress until now
- When developing legislative provisions the aim
has been to avoid placing detail of the scheme in
the primary legislation - The detail on quality accounts will go into the
secondary legislation - However, the need to draft the bill correctly has
meant that some early thinking has been done on
the broad form and content - This is still subject to discussion and
16Initial thinking on Quality Accounts
- The legislation, subject to the approval of
Parliament, will require all providers who supply
healthcare services for or on behalf of the NHS
to prepare a Quality Account - There will be centrally and locally determined
elements to quality accounts - There are some issues of key, often national
importance which will need to feature in all
quality accounts - However, most NHS priorities are set locally and
Quality Accounts will need to report on the most
important of these
17Initial thinking on centrally set elements on
- The following lists the types of information that
could be required - Information required by Department under the
terms of the Operating Framework, published by
the Care Quality Commission in its periodic
reviews, or through other national reporting
frameworks - Information relating to safety and quality which
as supplied to the Care Quality Commission to
assure providers compliance against their
registration requirements - Information relating to quality which is supplied
to the Care Quality Commission in respect of
special reviews, investigations or studies which
have concluded - Data on quality which may be required under the
terms of a contract with a PCT - Information supplied for clinical audits
18Initial thinking on locally determined elements
- Providers will be able to make their own
decisions on this part of the account - However, the thinking is that Quality Accounts
would be stronger if providers worked with local
bodies / people on content - It is suggested that they should seek validation
from external bodies - The local metrics for Quality Accounts are being
discussed as part of the MQI engagement - SHAs have been asked to report back to DH on this
by Jan 2009
19Initial thoughts on process
- Who will need to provide Quality Accounts?
- All trusts and independent sector providers to
publish quality accounts in 2010 covering 2009/10
financial year - Independent primary care contractors will join at
later date - Sign off?
- It is expected that Boards of NHS Trusts and
senior management equivalents in non-NHS
organisations will sign a declaration that their
Quality Accounts provide a true and fair view of
the services they provide - Publication?
- Published electronically with hard copies on
request - Validation?
- No plans for formal audit but external validation
will be encouraged
20Having your say
21Areas for discussion
- Is the purpose of Quality Accounts clear?
- What difference will Quality Accounts make for
patients, NHS managers, clinicians/staff? - What are your views on the proposed content of
Quality Accounts? - What should be the balance be between the
centrally-set and locally determined parts of the
account? - Has DH suggested the right sources for the core
of nationally consistent information? - Boards must sign their Quality Accounts as a
guarantee for users that the content is reliable.
What will be the impact of this? - When and how should quality accounts be
published? - Open it up
22Continue the discussion online
- If you would like to engage further in this
debate, you can sign up to the on-line bulletin
boards by sending an email to - nhsquality_at_ipsos.com
- We will send you your login details to access the
board which will be active from 2nd February to
27th March - Thanks for your input. The results from this
engagement will be analysed by Ipsos MORI and
used to inform the further development of Quality