Title: Kiwanis
Serving the Children of the World
T.A.G. Team Together Achieving Growth
Serving the Children of the World
Defining Statement Kiwanis is a global
organization of volunteers dedicated to changing
the world, one child and one community at a time.
Serving the Children of the World
T.A.G. Team Together Achieving Growth
4Do you believe?
5Kiwanis International
- District Growth Illustration
6The Need
- In North America, for every 1,000 people there
are 19 children under the age of 6 living in
7The Opportunity
- In North America, for every 1,000 people there is
1 Kiwanian.
8Growth Sources
- New Club Building
- Recruitment
- Retention
9District Information
Starting Membership on 9/30/05 9,782
Membership Goal as of 9/30/08 12,000
Clubs Â
Growing clubs 72
Maintaining clubs 15
Declining clubs 184
Declining clubs of 1-5 members 60
Key Clubs without sponsors 14
10New Club Building
- Clubs Avg. Members Total
Members - Year 1 9 x 25 225
- Year 2 10 x 25 250
- Year 3 11 x 25 275
- Total 750
Clubs New Members Total
added per year - Year 1 Growing Clubs 72 x 12 864
- Year 1 Maintaining Clubs 15 x 6 90
- Year 2 Growing Clubs 96 x 18 1,728
- Year 2 Maintaining Clubs 15 x 9 135
- Year 3 Growing Clubs 131 x 24 3,144
- Year 3 Maintaining Clubs 12 x 12 144
- Total 6,105
Percent Members deleted - per year
- Year 1 Avg. Annual Deletion Rate 18 1,761
- Year 2 Avg. Annual Deletion Rate 16 1,472
- Year 3 Avg. Annual Deletion Rate 14 1,378
13The Whole Picture
- Starting New Member Deleted Ending
- Membership Adds
Members Membership - Year 1 9,782 1,179 - 1,761
9,200 - Year 2 9,200 2,113 - 1,472
9,841 - Year 3 9,841
3,563 - 1,378 12,026