Title: A Real World Attack: wu-ftp
1A Real World Attack wu-ftp
- There have many intrusion accident happened in
day. Do you know what technique that crackers can
intrude your web server, mail server and ftp
server. - Today, this exercise will guide you through the
process of discovering a vulnerable system,
exploiting the vulnerability, and installing
software to cover your tracks.
- Located a vulnerable system
- Exploit that vulnerability to gain a root shell
- Installed a RootKit
- Access the system via the RootKit
4Principle and Pre-Study (I)
- CERT Advisory CA-1999-13
- Multiple Vulnerabilities in WU-FTPD
- MAPPING_CHDIR Buffer Overflow
- Message File Buffer Overflow
- SITE NEWER Consumes Memory
- http//www.cert.org/advisories/CA-1999-13.html
5Principle and Pre-Study (II)
2003 Top Ten Vulnerability Threat (Symantec) 2003 Top Ten Vulnerability Threat (Symantec)
1 Microsoft Windows DCOM RPC Internet Buffer Overrun
2 Microsoft RPCSS DCOM Interface Long Filename Heap Corruption
3 Microsoft Windows ntdll.dll Buffer Overflow
4 Sun Solaris Sadmin Client Credentials Remote Administrative Access
5 Sendmail Address Prescan Memory Corruption
6 Multiple Microsoft Internet Explorer Script Execution
7 Microsoft Windows Workstation Service Remote Buffer Overflow
8 Samba call_trans2open Remote Buffer Overflow
9 Microsoft Windows Locator Service Buffer Overflow
10 Cisco IOS Malicious IPV4 Packet Sequence Denial of Service
A type of programmatic flaw that is due to a
programmer allowing for an unbounded operation on
6Required Facilities
- This process of cracking a system is only tested
in internal network. - Do not actual exploit on unprivileve host
- Hardware
- PC or Workstation with UNIX-like system
- Software
- Wu-ftp 6.2.0
- RootKits and Buffer Overflow Program
7Step (I) reconnaissance and scanning
Use nmap for system scanning
Test the account of anonymous
8Step (II) exploit the target
Decompress the buffer overflow file and compile it
List the usage of this tool
9Step (III) cracking
Execute the buffer overflow on target host
Got the root right
10Step (IV)
- Download the rootkit from outside and install it
checking the login user
Download the tool from another victim
Decompress the rootkit
Execute the rootkit
11Step (V) auto-patch the victim
the default login password
change the system command
open the telnet port
Report the system information
close the system filewall
12Step (IV)
- try the rootkit if it works
- Now you can do anything
The Telnet daemon has been replaced
Input the ID and the Password Which predefine by
We have got a root shell now
- Checking the OS and applications vulnerability
periodically. - Catch the idea of Defense in Depth.
- http//www.cert.org/
- Nmap
- http//incsecure.org/
- Buffer Overflow and RootKits download site
- http//www.flatline.org.uk/pete/ids/