hello world - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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hello world


hello world ... Security * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: hello world

  • Fundamental Requirements
  • Privacy
  • Integrity
  • Authentication
  • Non-repudiation
  • Availability

  • Privacy issue
  • How do you ensure that that the information you
    transmit over the Internet has not been captured
    or passed on to a third party without your
  • Integrity Issue
  • How do you ensure the information you send or
    receive has not been compromised or altered

  • Authentication issue
  • How do sender and receiver of a message prove
    their identities to each other
  • Non-Repudiation Issue
  • How do you legally prove that a message was sent
    or received
  • Availability Issue
  • How do we ensure that the network and the
    computer system it connects will stay in
    operation continuously

  • Cryptography transforms data using a key (a
    string of digits that acts as a password) to make
    the data incomprehensible to all but the sender
    and the intended receiver
  • Plaintext unencrypted data
  • Ciphertext encrypted data
  • Cipher/Cryptosystem technique/algorithm for
    encrypting messages
  • Simple examples of cryptosystem
  • Substitution
  • Transposition

Secret key (Symmetric) Cryptography
  • uses same (symmetric) keys to encrypt/decrypt a
  • fundamental problem before two people can
    communicate, they must first find a way to
    exchange the symmetric key securely
  • Point-to-point key exchange
  • Centralized Key distribution center generates a
    session key
  • DES algorithms developed by NSA and IBM in the

Public Key (Asymmetric) Cryptography
  • developed by Diffie Hellman (Stanford Univ)
  • Two inversely related keys are used
  • Public key freely distributed
  • Private key kept secret by its owner
  • Either the public key or the private key can be
    used to encrypt or decrypt a message
  • If the public key is used to encrypt a message,
    only the corresponding private key can decrypt it
  • Vice versa if the private key is used to encrypt
    a message, only the corresponding public key can
    decrypt it (this can be used to authenticate the
    sender of the message)

Public Key (Asymmetric) Cryptography
  • The defining property of a secure public key is
    that it is computationally infeasible to deduce
    the private key from the public key
  • Public key algorithms require large amounts of
    computer power
  • Symmetric systems are faster
  • RSA most commonly used public key algorithm
    (developed by Rivest, Shamir, Adleman, MIT
    Professors, in 1977)

Key Agreement Protocols
  • Public key algorithms can be used to allow two
    parties to agree upon a key to be used as secret
    key to be used for symmetric key encryption over
    insecure medium
  • Digital Envelope
  • message is encrypted using a symmetric key
  • Symmetric key is encrypted using public key
  • Attach encrypted symmetric key to encrypted
    message and send the entire package
  • To decrypt receiver first decrypts the symmetric
    key using the receivers private key. Then the
    symmetric key is used to decrypt actual message

SECURITY-Hash Function
  • Also known as message digest
  • Mathematical function that gives message a hash
  • The chance that two different messages will have
    the same message digest is statistically
  • Collision occurs when multiple messages have the
    same hash value
  • It is computationally infeasible to compute a
    message from its hash value or to find two
    messages with the same hash value
  • Example MD5

SECURITY- Digital signatures
  • Solve problems of integrity and authentication
  • Like a written signature, authenticates senders
  • To create a digital signature
  • Run original plaintext message through hash
    (message digest)
  • Encrypt message digest using senders private key
    (creates a digital signature and authenticates
    the sender)
  • Encrypt original message with receivers public
  • Send (encrypted messagedigital signaturehash
    function) to the receiver

SECURITY Digital Signatures
  • Receiver
  • Receives the package
  • Uses senders public key to decipher the digital
    signature and reveal the message digest
  • Uses receivers own private key to decipher the
    original message
  • Applies the hash function to the original message
  • Compare the deciphered message digest to the
    result of hash function

SECURITY Digital Signatures
  • Digital signatures do not provide the proof that
    a message has been sent
  • A time-stamping agency (third party) can help to
    solve the non-repudiation problem by digitally
    signing the time-stamp
  • US government recently passed digital-signature
    legislation that makes digital signatures as
    legally binding as hand-written signatures

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
  • How does a customer know that the web site it is
    accessing belongs to a trustworthy merchant and
    not to a third party site that is acting as
    merchant to steal credit-card information
  • PKI integrates public-key cryptography with
    digital certificates and certification
    authorities (CA) to authenticate parties in a
  • Digital Certificate is a digital document issued
    by a CA and includes
  • name of the subject (being certified)
  • Subjects public key
  • Expiration date
  • plus other relevant information
  • CA is a financial institution or other trusted
    third party such as VeriSign or Thawte

  • CA takes the responsibility for authentication,
    it checks the validity of information before
    issuing a digital certificate
  • Digital certificates are publicly available in
    CA certificate repositories
  • CA signes the certificate by encrypting either
    the public key or a hash value of the public key
    using the CAs own private key
  • CA has to verify every individuals public key.
    Thus users must trust the public key of a CA.
  • A certificate authority is a chain of
    certificates starting with the root certification
    authority IPRA (Internet Policy Registration
  • Root only signs certificates for policy creation
    authorities (organizations that set policies for
    obtaining digital certificates)
  • Policy creation authorities sign digital
    certificates for Cas
  • CA s sign digital certificates for individuals,

  • SSL protocol developed by Netscape
  • Built into web browsers and numerous other
  • When you use the Internet, the connection between
    you and any other point can be routed through
    dozens of independent systems (unauthorized
    people can steal confidential information, credit
    card numbers etc by eavesdropping)
  • SSL protocol was developed to transfer
    information privately and securely across the
  • SSL is the de facto standard for encrypted and
    authenticated communications between clients and
    servers on the Internet
  • Virtually all online purchases and monetary
    tansactions on the Internet are secured by SSL
  • URL starts with https

  • SSL usage is not just limited to securing
    e-commerce transactions other SSL usage
  • financial institutions, insurance companies, B2B,
    private organizations
  • SSL ensures that connection is private and
    secure by providing authentication and encryption
  • Authentication confirms the server and
    optionally the client are who they say they are
  • Encryption creates a secure tunnel between the
    client and the server which prevents any
    unauthorized system from reading the data
  • SSL-enabled clients Netscape, MS Internet
  • SSL-enabled servers Apache or MS IIS
  • Clients and Servers confirm each others
    identities using digital certificates which are
    issued by CA.

  • SSL is comprised of two protocols
  • Handshake Protocol (key exchange)
  • Record Protocol (bulk data transfer)

SSL- Handshake Protocol
  • Authenticates the server to the client
    (optionally the client to the server) using
    public-key encryption (asymmetric) techniques
  • Allows client and server to negotiate the cipher
    suite to be used
  • Allows the client and the server to generate
    symmetric session keys
  • Establishes the encrypted session
  • Once key exchange is complete, client and server
    use symmetric session keys to encrypt all
    communication between them (SSL Record Protocol)
  • Symmetric encryption algorithm such as DES or RC4
    is used.

SSL Negotiation Steps
  1. Initially request for SSL session comes from the
    browser to the web server
  2. Web server sends the browser its digital
    certificate (contains info about the server and
    servers public key)
  3. Browser verifies that certificate is valid and
    that a CA listed in the clients list of trusted
    CAs issued it. Browser also checks expiration
    date and web server domain name
  4. Once browser has determined that the server
    certificate is valid, browser generates a 48-byte
    master secret. This master secret is encrypted
    using servers public key and is then sent to the
    Web server
  5. Web server receives the encrypted master secret
    from the browser and decrypts it using the
    servers private key
  6. Both web server and the browser have the same
    secret key
  7. Communicate securely by encrypting data using
    symmetric technique

SSL Negotiation Steps
SSL Negotiation Steps
  • SSL sits on top of TCP at the transport layer
  • SSL operates independently and transparently of
    other protocols so it will work with any
    application layer and transport layer protocol
  • This allows clients servers to establish secure
    SSL connections w/o requiring knowledge of other
    partys code

Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
  • developed by Visa and Mastercard
  • Uses digital certificates to authenticate each
    party in an e-commerce transaction, including the
    customer, the merchant, and the merchants bank
  • Public-key cryptography is used to secure
    information as it is passed over the web
  • Merchants must have digital certificate and
    special SET software to process transactions
  • Customers must have digital certificate and
    digital wallet software
  • Digital wallet is similar to a real wallet it
    stores credit card information as well as digital
    certificate verifying cardholders identity
  • Clients credit card number is not stored on the
    merchants server

  • When a customer is ready to place an order
  • Merchants SET software sends the order
    information and the merchants digital
    certificate to the customers digital wallet
  • Customer selects credit card to be used for the
  • Credit card and order information is encrypted by
    using the merchants bank public key and sent to
    the merchant along with the customers digital
  • Merchant then forwards the information to the
    merchants bank to process the payment
  • Only merchants bank can decrypt the message
    since the message was encrypted using banks
    public key

6. The merchants bank then sends the amount of
purchase and its own digital certificate to the
customers bank to get approval to process the
transaction 7. If the customers charge is
approved, customers bank sends an authorization
back to the merchants bank. 8. Merchants bank
then sends a credit card authorization back to
the merchant 9. Finally merchant sends a
confirmation of order to the customer
Microsoft Authenticode
  • How do you know software you ordered online is
    safe and has not been altered ?
  • Do you trust the source of the software ?
  • Microsoft authenticode combined with VeriSign
    digital certificates authenticates the publisher
    of the software
  • Authenticode is a security feature built into
    Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • Denial-of-service attack occurs when a networks
    resources are taken up by unauthorized
    individual, leaving the network unavailable for
    legitimate users
  • Another type of attack modifies routing tables
    of a network, thus disabling network ability or
    funneling all data to one address in the network
  • Distributed denial service attacks ( attack does
    not come from one single source, but rather from
    multiple sources

Denial of Service Attack
  • A "denial-of-service" attack is characterized by
    an explicit attempt by attackers to prevent
    legitimate users of a service from using that
    service. Examples include
  • - attempts to "flood" a network, thereby
    preventing legitimate network traffic
  • - attempts to disrupt connections between two
    machines, thereby preventing access to a service
  • - attempts to prevent a particular individual
    from accessing a service
  • - attempts to disrupt service to a specific
    system or person
  • Illegitimate use of resources may also result in
    denial of service. For example, an intruder may
    use your anonymous ftp area as a place to store
    illegal copies of commercial software, consuming
    disk space and generating network traffic

Modes of Attack
  • Consumption of scarce, limited, or non-renewable
  • - Network connectivity,
  • - Using Your Own Resources Against You
  • - Bandwidth Consumption
  • - Consumption of Other Resources
  • Destruction or alteration of configuration
  • Physical destruction or alteration of network

Network Connectivity
  • half open connection (client does not send ACK)

Server SYN--------------------gt
ACK--------------------gt -- Client and server
can now send service-specific data --
Using Your Own Resources Against You
  • The intruder uses forged UDP packets to connect
    the echo service on one machine to another
  • The result is that the two services consume all
    available network bandwidth between them
  • Thus, the network connectivity for all machines
    on the same networks as either of the targeted
    machines may be affected.

Bandwidth Consumption
  • An intruder may also be able to consume all the
    available bandwidth on your network by generating
    a large number of packets directed to your
  • Typically, these packets are ICMP ECHO packets,
    but in principle they may be anything.
  • Further, the intruder need not be operating from
    a single machine he may be able to coordinate or
    co-opt several machines on different networks to
    achieve the same effect.

Network Security
  • Firewalls protect local area network from
    intruders outside the network (packet filters)
  • Kerberos (internal authentication) employs
    symmetric secret-key cryptography to authenticate
    users in a network and to maintain integrity and
    privacy of network communications

Further Reading
NEO4J (Graphbase)
  • A graph is a collection nodes (things) and edges
    (relationships) that connect
  • pairs of nodes.
  • Attach properties (key-value pairs) on nodes and
  • Relationships connect two nodes and both nodes
    and relationships can hold an
  • arbitrary amount of key-value pairs.
  • A graph database can be thought of as a
    key-value store, with full support for
  • relationships.
  • http//neo4j.org/

NEO4J Features
  • Dual license open source and commercial
  • Well suited for many web use cases such as
    tagging, metadata annotations,
  • social networks, wikis and other network-shaped
    or hierarchical data sets
  • Intuitive graph-oriented model for data
    representation. Instead of static and
  • rigid tables, rows and columns, you work with a
    flexible graph network
  • consisting of nodes, relationships and
  • Neo4j offers performance improvements on the
    order of 1000x
  • or more compared to relational DBs.
  • A disk-based, native storage manager completely
    optimized for storing
  • graph structures for maximum performance and
  • Massive scalability. Neo4j can handle graphs of
    several billion
  • nodes/relationships/properties on a single
    machine and can be sharded to
  • scale out across multiple machines
  • Fully transactional like a real database
  • Neo4j traverses depths of 1000 levels and beyond
    at millisecond speed.
  • (many orders of magnitude faster than
    relational systems)

1. Debit 100 TL to Groceries Expense Account 2.
Credit 100 to Checking Account
UPDATE account1 SET balancebalance-500 UPDATE
account1 SET balancebalance500
  • A transaction is simply a number of individual
    queries that are grouped
  • together.
  • Transactions provide an "all-or-nothing"
    proposition, stating that each
  • work-unit performed in a database must either
    complete in its entirety
  • or have no effect whatsoever.

  • four conditions (ACID) to which transactions need
    to adhere
  • Atomicity The queries that make up the
    transaction must either all be carried out, or
    none at all should be carried out
  • Consistency Refers to the rules of the data.
    During the transaction, rules may be broken, but
    this state of affairs should never be visible
    from outside of the transaction.
  • Isolation Simply put, data being used for one
    transaction cannot be used by another transaction
    until the first transaction is complete.
  • Connection 1 SELECT balance FROM
  • Connection 2 SELECT balance FROM account1
  • Connection 1 UPDATE account1 SET balance
  • Connection 2 UPDATE account1 SET balance
  • 4. Durability Once a transaction has completed,
    its effects should remain, and not be reversible.
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