Title: Applying model migration schedules to represent age-specific migration flows
1Applying model migration schedules to represent
age-specific migration flows
- James Raymer
- University of Southampton
- Andrei Rogers
- University of Colorado
Paper prepared for presentation at The Third
International Population Geographies Conference,
Liverpool, 19-21 June 2006
- Research question and significance
- The multiexponential model migration schedule
- Age-specific patterns of migration in the U.S.
West - Application of model migration schedules to
represent age-specific migration flows - Some results
- Summary and discussion
3Research question and significance
- Question
- How can known regularities of age-specific
migration be better used to estimate migration
flows? - Significance
- Age-specific data are needed for planning and
understanding patterns - Often these data are incomplete or not available
4The Rogers-Castro (standard) multi-exponential
model migration schedule
Model schedules are used to Identify
regularities Smooth irregular data Infer missing
data Represent unknown age profiles
Rogers A and LJ Castro. 1981a. Model migration
schedules. RR-81-30, International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
5The four main families of multiexponential model
migration schedules
6Age profiles of U.S. interstate migration and
immigration, 1985-1990
Aim develop a method for obtaining estimates of
age-specific migration flows given various levels
of incompleteness in the data Key assumption
aggregate migration levels are known
7Model migration schedule of observed age profiles
of migration in the U.S. West, 1985-1990
196 age profiles
8The four age profiles of interstate migration in
the U.S. West, 1985-1990
9Model migration schedules of observed standard,
young standard, old standard, and elderly
retirement age profiles of migration in the U.S.
West, 1985-1990
118 age profiles
34 age profiles
35 age profiles
9 age profiles
10Model migration schedules (standardized to unit
area) of observed age profiles of migration in
the U.S. West, 1985-1990
11Comparison of different age-specific models used
to predict age profiles of interstate migration
in the U.S. West, 1985-1990
12Comparison of different age-specific models used
to predict age profiles of migration from
California to Arizona, Colorado, Montana, and
Utah, 1985-1990
13The observed and predicted migration flows from
California to Arizona, 1985-1990
14The observed and predicted migration flows from
California to Colorado, 1985-1990
15The observed and predicted migration flows from
California to Montana, 1985-1990
16The observed and predicted migration flows from
California to Utah, 1985-1990
17Summary and discussion
- Four age profiles of migration were used to
represent 196 flows - Can extensions can be made to other contexts?
- Intercensal survey data
- International migration between countries in the
EU - Less developed nations
- Future work involves identifying key factors that
explain different age profile shapes