Title: Removing the Mystery from Email Tracing
1Removing theMystery from EmailTracing
2Email Tracing
- In order to determine the sender of an email, an
investigator will want to have the emails header
information. - An email header is the information added to the
beginning and/or end of the electronic message. - By default, email clients and services only show
you an abbreviated form of the header such as
3Email Tracing
Outlook 2000
Netscape Communicator
AOL 6.0
Outlook Express
4Email Tracing
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB4C4 Mon, 21 May 2001 094701 -0700
- Received from web14506.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3579700 Mon, 21 May
2001 084723 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010521164640.85785.qmail_at_web14506.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web14506.mail.yahoo.com Mon, 21 May 2001
094640 PDT - Date Mon, 21 May 2001 094640 -0700 (PDT)
- From Can Do ltcan_do1_at_yahoo.comgt
- Subject check out this email header
- To todd_at_search.org
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
5What is MIME
- Short for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions,
a specification for formatting non-ASCII messages
so that they can be sent over the Internet. Many
e-mail-clients now support MIME, which enables
them to send and receive graphics, audio, and
video files via the Internet mail system. In
addition, MIME supports messages in character
sets other than ASCII.
6Email Tracing
- The information needed from an email header to
identify the sender can be broken into 3 blocks
of information - Senders email address
- Internet routing information
- Senders IP address
- Email server information
- The Message ID
7Email Tracing
- To find this information, start at the bottom of
the email header and work up.
- Email header information is organized in a bottom
to top sequence.
8Message Transfer Agents
- Electronic mail is just like regular mail
- It is handled by various sorts of Post Offices
called Message Transfer Agents (MTA) - As each message passes through the local or
relevant MTA it puts header info on the message
like the regular Post Office does a postmark - Called a Received header
- Similar to stack of pancakes. Newest are
- placed ON TOP.
- (Last MTA to touch it will be at the TOP)
9Email Tracing
- Step 1 Finding the Senders Email Address
10Email Tracing
- What can you do with the senders email address?
- Depends on what type of email address it is
- Hotmail, Yahoo!, etc (free services)
- AOL, Earthlink (pay for service)
- Business/Organization email addresses
- e.g., todd.colvin_at_search.org
11Finding the Senders Email Address
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001 171939 -0700
- Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May
2001 162111 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 PDT - Date Wed, 30 May 2001 171928 -0700 (PDT)
- From Data Grab ltdatagrab_at_yahoo.comgt
- Subject You too can be a winner!!!
- To todd.colvin_at_search.org, datagrab_at_aol.com
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
12Email Tracing
- Step 2 Finding the Senders
- IP Address
13Finding the Senders IP Address
- Goal
- Determine senders Internet Service Provider
(ISP) based on the IP address - Yahoo! is not an ISP
- Obtain subscriber information from the ISP about
the sender by linking the sender to that IP
address - Requires subscriber-activity logs
14Finding the Senders IP Address
- Potential problem
- IP addresses can be statically or dynamically
assigned - Static assigned to you and you only
- e.g., businesses, cable and DSL
subscribers - Dynamic you borrow it and its shared
among several users - e.g., dial-up subscribers and
organizations running DHCP - User activity logs can quickly disappear
15Preservation (Freeze) Order
- 18 USC Sec. 2703 (f) Requirement to Preserve
Evidence http//uscode.house.gov/usc.htm - Valid for 90 days
- Use with caution
- Some ISPs will notify the target about what has
happened - The ISP may terminate the account
16Finding the Senders IP Address
- First, locate the Internet routing information
- This is an abbreviated listing of the route the
message took from the senders computer to the
destination - Indicated by lines beginning with Received
17Finding the Senders IP Address
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001 171939 -0700
- Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May
2001 162111 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 PDT - Date Wed, 30 May 2001 171928 -0700 (PDT)
- From Data Grab ltdatagrab_at_yahoo.comgt
- Subject You too can be a winner!!!
- To todd.colvin_at_search.org, datagrab_at_aol.com
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
18Finding the Senders IP Address
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001 171939 -0700
- Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May
2001 162111 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 PDT - Date Wed, 30 May 2001 171928 -0700 (PDT)
- From Data Grab ltdatagrab_at_yahoo.comgt
- Subject You too can be a winner!!!
- To todd.colvin_at_search.org, datagrab_at_aol.com
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
19Finding the Senders IP Address
- Once you locate the routing information, find the
first line (the bottom line) beginning with
Received - If present, the senders IP address will be here
20Finding the Senders IP Address
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001 171939 -0700
- Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May
2001 162111 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 PDT - Date Wed, 30 May 2001 171928 -0700 (PDT)
- From Data Grab ltdatagrab_at_yahoo.comgt
- Subject You too can be a winner!!!
- To todd.colvin_at_search.org, datagrab_at_aol.com
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
21Finding the Senders IP Address
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001 171939 -0700
- Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May
2001 162111 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 PDT
22Finding the Senders IP Address
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001 171939 -0700
- Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May
2001 162111 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 PDT
- Locate the Internet routing information
- Find the first line (start at the bottom) that
begins with Received - If the IP address is present, it should be just
to the right the word Received
23Finding the Senders IP Address
- Subject New Streaming ShockWave Casino - No
Software downloads ! - Mime-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/html charset"us-ascii
- Date Fri, 3 Mar 2000 032544
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding 7bit
- X-Priority Normal
- X-Indiv y353940d1ae42d1f61
- X-JobID 51334-CD
- X-Return-Path DEHEtN_at_AOL.COM
- X-OriginalArrivalTime Fri, 03 Mar 2000 032544
(UTC) FILETIMEB67F3B3001C060E6 - X-Oringinating-IP (
- X-Mailer Windows AOL sub 129
- X-Apparently-From Brianiorlooi_at_aol.com
X-Originating-IP line not present in all email
24Finding the Senders IP Address
- Perform a WHOIS on the IP address
25Move to your computers
- Three groups
- On the internet please go to www.arin.net/whois
- Look up the following IP and report the name,
contact, address, and phone. -
26Now what do you do?
- Find the Internet Service Provider
- Acquire proper court documents
- Pursue the User name, address, and necessary
account info - But how??
27Finding The ISP!!
Write this web site down!!!
- http//www.infobin.org/cfid/isplist.htm
28Finding the Senders IP Address
- What if there is not an IP address?
- Newsgroups
- Listserves
- For example
- High Tech Crime Consortium (HTCC)
- http//www.hightechcrimecops.org/
- High Technology Crime Investigation Association
(HTCIA) - http//htcia.org/
29Finding the Senders IP Address
- What if there is not an IP address?
Received by sgiserver1.search.org with Internet
Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)
30Finding the Senders IP Address
- What if there is not an IP address?
- Every email gets an ID that identifies it and the
email server that handled the message - The message ID is assigned by the email server
31Finding the Message ID
- By finding the Message ID you can
- Determine the exact email server that handled the
message - Find the IP address of the sender from the email
servers logs - Caveat logs may not be present or last only a
short time
32Finding the Message ID
- Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) - id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001 171939 -0700
- Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.com
( by SEARCH.ORG - with SMTP (IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May
2001 162111 -0800 - Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
ail.yahoo.comgt - Received from by
web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 PDT - Date Wed, 30 May 2001 171928 -0700 (PDT)
- From Data Grab ltdatagrab_at_yahoo.comgt
- Subject You too can be a winner!!!
- To todd.colvin_at_search.org, datagrab_at_aol.com
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
33Email Tracing
Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web12601.m
34Email Tracing
Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail
35Email Tracing
36Email Tracing
37Email Tracing
Is this a date? May 31, 2001?
38Email Tracing
Received from search.org ( by
sgiserver1.search.org with SMTP (Microsoft
Exchange Internet Mail Service Version
5.5.2650.21) id K9HBB5S8 Wed, 30 May 2001
171939 -0700 Received from web12601.mail.yahoo.
com ( by SEARCH.ORG with SMTP
(IPAD 2.52) id 3099300 Wed, 30 May 2001 162111
-0800 Message-ID lt20010531001928.11843.qmail_at_web
12601.mail.yahoo.comgt Received from by web12601.mail.yahoo.com Wed,
30 May 2001 171928 PDT Date Wed, 30 May 2001
171928 -0700 (PDT) From Data Grab
ltdatagrab_at_yahoo.comgt Subject You too can be a
winner!!! To todd.colvin_at_search.org,
datagrab_at_aol.com MIME-Version 1.0 Content-Type
text/plain charsetus-ascii
Always provide the full email header!
39Email Tracing
Is this a date? May 31, 2001? Incorrect
clock? Different time zone?
40Email Tracing
- Great, you know how to trace an email, but how do
you view an email header in the first place?
41Viewing Email Headers
- Hotmail
- 1. Login and choose Options
42Viewing Email Headers
- Hotmail
- 2. Choose Preferences
43Viewing Email Headers
- Hotmail
- 3. Scroll down the list to Message Headers and
choose Advanced
44Viewing Email Headers
- Hotmail
- 4. Scroll back to the top or bottom and choose
45Viewing Email Headers
- Yahoo!
- Login and choose Options
46Viewing Email Headers
- Yahoo!
- Choose Mail Preferences
47Viewing Email Headers
- Yahoo!
- Scroll down and choose all at the Message
Headers option
48Viewing Email Headers
- Yahoo!
- Scroll back up or down and choose Save
49Viewing Email Headers
- Outlook 2000
- Open the email, select View, then Options
50Viewing Email Headers
- Outlook 2000
- In the window that opens, at the bottom, is the
51Viewing Email Headers
- Outlook Express 5.5
- Open or select the email
- Select File and choose Properties
52Viewing Email Headers
- Outlook Express 5.5
- Choose the Details tab
53Viewing Email Headers
- Netscape Communicator 4.77
- Open the email
- Select View, highlight Headers and select
54Email Tracing
- Other issues
- Not all emails will have full header information
- Internal emails
- Anonymizers
- Anonymizer.com
- http//www.anonymizer.com
- zerØknowledge
- http//www.zeroknowledge.com
55IP Address Tracing
- Going back to the WHOIS process
56IP Address Tracing
- To determine who is responsible for an IP
address, perform a WHOIS lookup on it - The information obtained will be the point of
contact - e.g., email address, mailing address, phone
number - More likely than not, it will be a service
provider (e.g., ISP or Web hosting company), not
your bad guy
57IP Address Tracing
- Remember, the Internet is a big place!
- IP addresses belong to organizations all around
the world - Different countries/regions have separate IP
address databases for WHOIS lookup
58IP Address Tracing
- ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers)
http//www.arin.net/whois/arinwhois.html - RIPE (European Network Coordination Centre)
http//www.ripe.net/cgi-bin/whois - APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre)
59IP Address Tracing
- ARIN is a good place to start
- It will usually tell you which database to go to
if the IP address does not belong to its own
60IP Address Tracing
- ARIN is a good place to start
61IP Address Tracing
- Example WHOIS lookup
62IP Address Tracing
- Go to ARIN web site
- Enter IP address in WHOIS window
63IP Address Tracing
- Go to ARIN web site
- Enter IP address in WHOIS window
64IP Address Tracing
- This is a partial hierarchy
- UUNET Technologies is leasing IP addresses to
Olypen, Inc.
65IP Address Tracing
- To find out more about Olypen, Inc., click on the
Netblock hyperlink
66IP Address Tracing
- This is the Netblock information
From this we get
Email address
Phone numbers
67IP Address Tracing
- This is the Netblock information
68IP Address Tracing
- This is the Netblock information
69IP Address Tracing
- Result of clicking on PB121-ARIN
Basically the same info
Still do not know much about Olypen, Inc. What do
they do?
70IP Address Tracing
- Result of clicking on PB121-ARIN
One way to find out is to see if they have a web
www.olypen.com ?
71IP Address Tracing
They are an Internet Service Provider
Additional phone number, too!
72IP Address Tracing
- By doing a WHOIS lookup on the IP address we got
- Name of company responsible
- Address
- Phone numbers
- Name to contact
- Email address
- Web site info
- Company info ISP
- Additional phone number
- Location verification
- To trace an email get
- Senders email address
- Senders IP address
- Message ID
- Senders email address
- Subscriber information is not always reliable
(e.g., Yahoo!) - IP address
- Not always present (e.g., Newsgroup)
- Message ID
- If IP address not present, the Message ID might
help you get it through email server logs
- To trace an IP address do a WHOIS lookup
- Contact information
- Sometimes company information