Timing Specification Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Timing Specification Techniques


... (activate.deactivate) ... states made on activate () and deactivate () method calls. ... deactivate method because the Therapy object would accept the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Timing Specification Techniques

Timing Specification Techniques
  • W. T. Tsai
  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Arizona State University
  • Tempe, AZ 85287
  • wtsai_at_asu.edu

  • Motivation
  • Guarded Method Sequence Specification (GMtSS)
  • Design and Implementation Techniques for
    Time-Critical Systems
  • GMtSS Specialization and Inheritance

  • In recent years demands for challenging
    new-generation real-time application arisen
  • Distributed multimedia processing
  • Next-generation RT VR (Virtual Reality)
  • Multi-party multi-media conferencing
  • Distributed orchestra
  • Military command-control
  • Time-sensitive health care
  • Tele-medicine, Remotely controlled surgery, etc.
  • Non-stop web servers
  • Embedded Computing Systems
  • Sensor networks
  • Embedded computing
  • Ubiquitous computing

Timing Should be Addressed at Specification Level
  • Addressing timing issues at coding and testing
    level is rather late.
  • It is necessary to add timing constraints into
    the system specifications.
  • One approach is to add timing constraints into a
    specific specification language such as UML.
    Currently, many attempts have been made to add
    constraints into UML such as OCL (e.g.,
    but in most cases, timing constraints have not
    been a priority item.

Adding Timing into Software
  • Many programming languages allow timing
    information to be accessed directly, e.g., Ada,
    OCCAM2, and C. For example, in ANSI C has a
    basic time type time_t.
  • IEEE POSIX standards requires at least one clock
    to be supported with minimum resolution of
    CLOCK_REALTIME is 50 Hz or 20 ms.
  • However, programming in time is still difficult
    and complicated.

Adding Timing Information into OO Programs
  • Prof. K. H. Kim in his DREAM project developed a
    set of programming constructs that allow timing
    information to be processed in an OO language.
  • Basic idea is that methods can be triggered by
    time without any other external sources such as
    methods, i.e., the method will be activated once
    the time arrives. You may find his approach by
    reading the following overview paper.
  • http//dream.eng.uci.edu/TMO/pdf/overview_200502.p

Adding Timing Information into OO Programs
  • At time T do S
  • Start S during T - ?, T ?
  • S may be a single assignment statement, a
  • compound statement, or a function.
  • http//dream.eng.uci.edu/TMO/pdf/overview_200502.p

Adding Timing Information into OO Programs
  • Write abstract specifications of timing-sensitive
  • Design Time-triggered Message-triggered Objects
    (TMO) or Time-Triggered Spontaneous Method (SpMs)
  • Specify method completion deadline
  • Maximize concurrency by data relation analysis

Guarded Method Sequence Specification (GMtSS)
  • Introduction
  • Method Sequence Specification (MtSS)
  • Guarded MtSS (GMtSS)
  • Usage of GMtSS guards
  • Restrictions on Guards
  • Interpretation of GMtSS
  • Trigger and Synchronization Properties using
  • Completeness and Consistency Checking of GMtSS

GMtSS Motivation
  • Several OO and other modeling techniques exist.
    Examples Causal obligations, MtSS, action
    histories, event trace diagrams, path expressions
  • Modeling of object interactions involving time
    has received limited attention
  • Techniques to model interactions between objects
    in OO systems involving timing constraints are

  • MtSS Regular expression based notation for
    specifying the sequencing relationships among
    different methods of a class. No support for
    representation of timing constraints
  • GMtSS Is an extension to MtSS
  • Enables the specification of constraints that
    involve sequencing as well as timing
    relationships among the method interactions
    between the objects

GMtSS Definition
  • Consists of three components
  • a MtSS referred to as the base MtSS
  • zero or more guards, referred to as the guard
    set, that specify timing and other relationships
    among methods in the base MtSS
  • a condition vector that represents boolean
    relationships among the base MtSS and the guards

GMtSS Guards
  • Uni-Guards
  • Bi-Guards
  • MtSS Guards
  • S-Guards

  • Guards that express timing relationships that
    involve a single method. Uni-guards specify how
    much time should have elapsed since a particular
    method call
  • 3 types
  • Delay specifies that at least a certain time
    must have passed after the execution of a certain
  • Deadline specifies that at most a certain amount
    of time must have passed after a method call
  • Exact specifies that exactly a certain amount of
    time must have passed after a method call
  • Condition Brady Therapy active for at least 5
  • Base MtSS (activate_brady suspend_brady
    resume_brady deactivate_brady) .
  • Guard Delay (activate_bradyi) 5

  • Conditions expressed between pairs of method
  • 3 types
  • Delay used to specify that at least a certain
    amount of time must pass between two method calls
  • Deadline used to specify that at most a certain
    amount of time must pass between two method calls
  • Exact used to specify that exactly a certain
    amount of time must pass between two method calls
  • A slow atrial beat (at least 3 seconds between
    consecutive atrial beats) is expressed as
  • Base MtSS a_beati. a_beati1
  • Guard Delay (a_beati, a_beati1) 3

  • Used to specify that a sequence of methods must
    not occur relative to the occurrence of some
    method in another MtSS
  • Specified as m.!M, indicating that the method
    sequence M must not occur after the occurrence of
    the method m
  • The condition Magnet applied for 30 seconds
    without removal can be expressed as follows
  • Base MtSS (apply_magi remove_mag).
  • Guard1 Exact (apply_magj) 30
  • Guard2 apply_magj. !remove_mag

GMtSS Examples
  • Normal atrial beat. This is defined as an atrial
    beat (a_beat) that occurs at least one second and
    at most three seconds after the preceding atrial
  • Base MtSS a_beati. a_beati1
  • Guard1 Delay (a_beati, a_beati1) 1
  • Guard2 Deadline (a_beati, a_beati1) 3
  • No ventricular beat (v_beat) within 3 seconds of
    an atrial beat (a_beat)
  • Base MtSS a_beat
  • Guard1 Exact (a_beat) 3
  • Guard2 a_beat. !v_beat

Interpretation of GMtSS
  • GMtSS is considered to be satisfied when the
    condition vector which is based on the base MtSS
    and individual guards is satisfied over the
    objects method call history
  • A base MtSS is interpreted using a corresponding
    equivalent automata
  • Each Guard (except S-Guard) also has a equivalent
    automata defined. Delay Uni-Guard automata shown
  • Based on the base MtSS automata as well as the
    automata for the guards, a GMtSS is satisfied at
    some instant if each of the automata is in its
    final state at that instant

Interpretation of GMtSS
  • GMtSS is considered to be satisfied when the
    condition vector which is based on the base MtSS
    and individual guards is satisfied over the
    objects method call history
  • A base MtSS is interpreted using a corresponding
    equivalent automata
  • Each Guard (except S-Guard) also has a equivalent
    automata defined
  • Based on the base MtSS automata as well as the
    automata for the guards, a GMtSS is satisfied at
    some instant if each of the automata is in its
    final state at that instant

Trigger and Synchronization Properties using GMtSS
  • Can be used to represent constraints or
    conditions that an application must satisfy
  • Synchronization Properties model the conditions
    (represented using a GMtSS) that must be
    satisfied for a method to be safely invoked
  • Trigger Properties specify what actions must be
    executed when a certain set of conditions
    (represented using a GMtSS) is satisfied

Synchronization Properties
  • Requirement Brady Therapy can be suspended only
    if it has been active for at least 5 seconds
  • Let G be the GMtSS that specifies the condition
    Therapy active for at least 5 seconds
  • Synchronization Property Enable (suspend_brady)

Trigger Properties
  • Trigger property is modeled as T-gtm1, m2 mN,
    where T is a GMtSS and m1, m2 etc. represent
    methods in objects
  • If three consecutive fast beats occur, then
    Therapy must be activated
  • Let G1 be the GMtSS specifying three consecutive
    fast beats. This requirement can be specified as
    follows G1 -gt activate_brady

Consistency Checking
  • Consistency Checking Ensures that the
    specifications do not conflict with each other
  • Localized consistency checking Given the
    complexity and size of constraints in typical
    industrial systems, it is not practical to
    perform checks on a global scale. Localized
    checks that focus on specific areas are required.
  • Propose 3 different types of localized checks
    based on experience for GMtSS specifications
  • Peer consistency checks
  • Scenario based consistency checks
  • Platform consistency checks

Peer Consistency
  • Focuses on consistency checks between peers which
    are system entities that exchange messages or
    data. Ensures that the behavior of a system
    component will not conflict or cause problems to
    its peer.
  • Focuses on different timing properties and
    specifies rules.
  • Types of checks
  • early event check If a component requires a
    delay before a certain event is generated by its
    peer, then check if its peer has a corresponding
    requirement inserting at least that amount of
    delay before generating that event, i.e., ensure
    that a component does not generate an event
    earlier than its peer expects it.
  • Other checks late event check, minimum rate
    check, maximum rate check, exact rate check,
    periodic event check

Scenario-based Consistency
  • Check consistency within a scenario or a set of
  • Types of checks
  • deadline-deadline consistency check This check
    considers the case where a scenario has a
    deadline on its completion and one or more of its
    sub-scenarios also have deadlines on them. The
    deadline-deadline consistency check verifies
    whether the deadline of a sub-scenario is
    consistent with that of the scenario in which it
    is a part of.
  • deadline-delay consistency check This check
    considers cases where a scenario has a deadline
    on its execution while a sub-scenario has a delay
    constraint on it. This check verifies whether the
    delay constraint on a sub-scenario is consistent
    with the deadline constraint of the scenario that
    it is part of.

Platform consistency
  • Platform support can be critical for satisfying
    certain types of timing requirements
  • Check consistency of timing specifications with
  • Example checks
  • processor speed.
  • number of transactions that can be handled per
    second by the database.
  • message handling capabilities of middleware such
    as CORBA or RPC
  • capabilities of transport links such as switches,
    routers, T1 lines etc.

Design and Implementation Techniques for
Time-Critical Systems
  • GMtSS Implementation Framework
  • Design Idioms for Time-Critical Systems
  • Design Patterns

GMtSS Implementation Framework Goals
  • Develop a reusable OO framework that facilitates
    embedding of GMtSS specifications into
    application code.
  • Framework must provide a base set of classes with
    common functionality. Applications must be able
    to extend/specialize the framework classes for
    their individual constraints.
  • De-couple constraints from other system
    functionality so that each of them can be
    modified and carried over into future product
    versions independently
  • Additional types of guards must be easy to add
  • Allow for flexible modification of constraints

GMtSS Object Model
GMtSS Implementation Framework
  • Implementation of Guards
  • each guard is assumed to have a separate class
  • applications instanstiate guard classes when
    implementing GMtSS properties
  • base guard class provides interfaces that are
    used for providing interfaces to GMtSS and other
    interacting classes
  • specialized guard classes implement the finite
    automata for interpreting the specific guard.
  • each Guard is assumed to implement the abstract
    EventHandler interface so that it can be notified
    of events
  • each Guard registers with the EventDispatcher to
    be notified of events of interest to it.
  • MtSS also considered a special type of guard for
    implementation ease

GMtSS Implementation Framework contd.
  • Implementation of GMtSS
  • abstract GMtSS class implements the containment
    relationship with a base MtSS and several guard
  • concrete GMtSS classes implements the condition
    vector and the interpretation mechanisms for a
    particular GMtSS
  • concrete GMtSS classes use the interfaces
    provided by the Guard classes to query the state
    of each guard
  • applications have to develop concrete GMtSS
    classes, one for each GMtSS property

GMtSS Implementation Framework contd.
  • Implementation of Synchronization Properties
  • for each property, develop the required concrete
    GMtSS classes.
  • instantiate the concrete GMtSS objects at
    appropriate locations in the applications
  • Setup the appropriate GMtSS objects.
  • When a method is invoked, query the state of the
    GMtSS objects to check if the method is enabled
    or disabled based on the enable or disable
    properties associated with the method.

GMtSS Implementation Framework contd.
  • Trigger Properties
  • framework provides abstract ActionHandler class
    with an action method
  • concrete ActionHandler classes specialize the
    action method
  • applications have to develop the concrete
    ActionHandler classes.
  • applications have to instanstiate concrete
    ActionHandler objects and register them with
    GMtSS objects.
  • the action method is invoked on each of the
    registered ActionHandler objects whenever GMtSS
    in the trigger property is satisfied

Example wireless application
  • Wireless application with several timing
  • developed specialized GMtSS classes as well as
    specialized ActionHandler classes
  • Application included both trigger and
    synchronization properties
  • state machine implemented using GMtSS framework

GMtSS Implementation Framework Observations
  • Supports modification of constraints and
    associated actions independently
  • GMtSS and guard classes can be reused across
  • Additional guard types can be supported by adding
    specialized Guard classes for them to the
    framework. Other parts of the framework are not
    impacted by this.
  • Analysis is required to determine when GMtSS
    objects need to be created during run-time
  • Same action handler class can be used for several
    trigger properties

Design Idioms for Time-Critical Systems
  • Piggybacking
  • Quick Repeating
  • Detect Transmission Failures Closest to the
  • Reduce Context Switching Delays
  • Prioritize Event Processing

Combined View Pattern
  • Use this pattern when multiple attribute values
    are needed from a remote server at the same time
    and operations to retrieve individual attributes
    are costly

Transaction Pattern
  • Use this pattern when failures can happen during
    the execution of a complex operation

Timed Operation Pattern
  • Use this pattern when a deadline timing
    constraint needs to be placed on the execution of
    a synchronous method

Command Sequencer Pattern
  • Use this pattern when the same command needs to
    be performed on a list of entities in a specific
    sequence. The sequence may need to be changed

Message Retransmitter
  • Use this pattern when reliable delivery of
    messages is required through re-transmissions of
    messages when their acknowledgements do not
    arrive within a given timeout period.

GMtSS Specialization and Inheritance
  • Adding new system features while maintaining
    existing constraints is important when families
    of products are developed
  • Helps in reducing the costs of development as
    well as testing
  • OO technology facilitates behavioral refinements
    and extensions to classes using the concept of
  • Inheritance can be used as a mechanism for either
    reusing the code in existing classes or for
    behavioral subtyping to define subclasses that
    behave as subtypes of their parent classes.
  • How can GMtSS based specifications used for
    specifying constraints on a base class be
    modified in a subclass such that the subclass is
    a behavioral subtype of the base class?
  • The concept of GMtSS specialization and
    generalization is proposed as a means to support
    behavioral subtyping of classes that use GMtSS

  • The behavior of objects can be viewed as
    describing the type information for the objects,
    i.e., a description of how the objects can be
    used safely.
  • According to principle of substitutability
    Wegner 88 used widely An instance of a subtype
    can always be used in any context in which an
    instance of a supertype was expected.
  • In the context of safety-critical systems, we
    define a subtype to be one that satisfies all the
    safety constraints of the supertype.
  • This means that whenever a subtype is substituted
    in place of a supertype, no safety constraints
    would potentially be violated.
  • How can constraints on base classes expressed
    using GMtSS be translated into GMtSS
    specifications for their subtypes based on above

Subtyping Example
  • A Therapy object can be in one of two states
    active or inactive, with transitions between the
    two states when calls are made to activate () and
    deactivate () methods. Initially the object is
    assumed to be in the inactive state.
  • Can be modeled as
  • Enable (activate) lt(activate.deactivate), gt
  • Enable (deactivate) lt(activate.deactivate).acti
    vate, gt

Subtyping Example contd.
  • A Timed Therapy object can be in one of two
    states active or inactive, with transitions
    between the two states made on activate () and
    deactivate () method calls. Once the object
    enters the active state, it must remain in the
    state at least for 3 seconds before it can be
    de-activated. Initially the object is assumed to
    be in the inactive state.

Subtyping Example contd.
  • Substituting a Therapy object in place of a Timed
    Therapy object would lead to a violation of the
    safety constraint on the deactivate method
    because the Therapy object would accept the
    deactivate method within 3 seconds after entering
    the active state.
  • Substituting a Timed Therapy object for a Therapy
    object would not lead to violations of any safety
    constraints of the Therapy object.
  • Timed Therapy is a subtype of Therapy

GMtSS Specialization rule
  • A GMtSS specialization is defined as a
    relationship between two GMtSSs defined such that
    one of the GMtSSs holds whenever the other holds
    for a given method call history. A GMtSS Gi is
    defined to be a specialization of GMtSS Gj
    (represented as Gj-gtGi), if Gi is satisfied
    whenever Gj is for a given method call history
    (conversely Gj is called the generalization of
    Gi). Thus Gj-gtGi means that Gi holds whenever Gj
    holds for a given method call history.

Synchronization Properties Modification
  • Enable Property Rule Changing an enable property
    of the form Enable (m) GB in a base class B
    to the form Enable (m) GD, where GB is a
    specialization of GD, in a derived class D,
    ensures that the enable property in the base
    class B still holds in the derived class D.
  • Disable Property Rule Changing a disable
    property of the form Disable (m) GB in a base
    class B to the form Disable (m) GD, where GD
    is a specialization of GB, in a derived class D,
    ensures that the disable property in the base
    class B still holds in the derived class D.

Trigger Properties Modification
  • Trigger Property Rule Changing a trigger
    property of the form TB-gtR in a base class B to
    the form TD-gtR, where TD is a specialization of
    TB, in a derived class D, ensures that the
    trigger property in the base class B still holds
    in the derived class D.

GMtSS Specialization Rules
  • Base MtSS Weakening
  • Rule 1 L(Base(Gi)) ? L(Base(Gj)).
  • Delay Constraints
  • Rule 2 For any Delay uni-guard gk Delay(m)
    T1, a corresponding Delay uni-guard gl of the
    form Delay(m) T2, is weaker if T1 gt T2.
  • Other rules for other types of GMtSS constructs
    are defined

Construction Approach
  • Incrementally weaken elements of a GMtSS to
    derive a specialized GMtSS
  • Weaken base MtSS, guards or condition vector

GMtSS Specialization Observations
  • Work focused on individual objects
  • Many systems also have constraints that span many
    sub-systems and objects within them - a more
    detailed analysis is required to understand the
    ramifications of making extensions to one or more
    sub-systems or objects.
  • Changes to one object may necessitate
    modifications to other interacting objects or
  • Verification still required even with systematic
  • Tools and techniques that can facilitate testing
    with emphasis on the modified parts of the
    constraints, can be useful in reducing the costs
    associated with testing new products.
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