Title: Discovery of Web Services in a Federated Registry Environment
1Discovery of Web Services in a Federated Registry
- Kaarthik Sivashanmugam, Kunal Verma, Amit Sheth
- Large Scale Distributed Information Systems
(LSDIS) Lab - Department of Computer Science, University of
- Introduction
- MWSDI (METEOR-S Web Service Discovery
Infrastructure) - Extended Registries Ontology
- Characterizing Registry Federations
- TModel Support for Federations
- Publishing and Discovery
- Conclusions
- Service Oriented Architectures are being proposed
to meet dynamic business environments - Web Services are XML based instantiations of SOA
- UDDI is a crucial of part of Web Service Triangle
- UDDI aims to extend the reach ofthe enterprise
both as provider and consumer of business
SOA Triangle
- Initial vision of UDDI
- Replication of centralized UBRs
- Businesses will be businesses
- Need privacy, security, trust
- Rise of private and semi-private registries
- UDDI version 3 (and presumably version 4) provide
support for distributed registries
- This paper presents the idea of creating Registry
Federations - Registry Federation is defined as a group of
co-operating registries that provide transparent
access to all member registries - Examples of federations
- Two companies X and Y share their registries
- Federation of all registries in Auto parts
6METEOR-S Web Service Discovery Infrastructure
- METEOR-S1 is a project which deals with all
stages of Semantic Web Processes - Our approach involves using the current industry
standards infrastructure to add semantics - MWSDI deals with adding semantics to UDDI
registries - Provides transparent access to UDDI registries
based on their domain or federation
1 http//lsdis.cs.uga.edu/Projects/METEOR-S
7Extended Registries Ontologies (XTRO)
- Provides a multi-faceted view of all registries
in MWSDI - Federations
- Domains
- Registries
8Types of Queries Supported
- What is the access URL, available data model or
type of the registry R? - Does the registry R support the ontology O?
- Which are the registries available under the
business domain B? - Is the registry X a member of the registry
federation Y? - Which registries pertain to the domains that
support the ontologies O1 and O2? - Get all the registry federations that belong to
the domain D? - Find all the registries that are categorized
under the node N in the taxonomy (or ontology) C?
9MWSDI Implementation
- Peer to peer network based on JXTA protocol
- Different types of peers based on their roles
- Gateway Peer
- Handles addition of new registries in MWSDI
- Responsible for updating registries ontology and
propagating the changes to other peers - Registry Operator Peers
- Each registry providing semantic publication and
discovery must provide an operator peer - Must implement generic publishing and discovery
interface provided by MWSDI - Potential mediators between UDDI and ebXML
10MWSDI Implementation
- Peer roles (contd.)
- Auxiliary peers
- Act as providers of Registries Ontology to their
clients - Propagate changes in the ontology to their
neighbors - Client peers
- Transient peers to provide a GUI for accessing
(publishing services and querying for services)
registries in MWSDI - Peer protocols
- All peers must support JXTA specific protocols
- Peer Discovery Protocol and the Pipe Binding
Protocol - All peers must also support MWSDI specific
protocols -
11MWSDI Specific Protocols2
- Peer initiation Protocol
- Defines initiation of new registries in MWSDI
- Defines propagation of changes in Registries
Ontology - Client Peer Interaction Protocol
- Defined APIs and interactions for semantics
publications and discovery - Defines distribution of the registries ontology
2Verma et al., 2004 METEORS WSDI A Scalable
Infrastructure of Registries for Semantic
Publication and Discovery of Web Services,
Journal of Information Technology and Management
(to appear, 2004)
12Characterizing Registry Federations
- Can use relevant work in federated databases3 to
characterize registry federations - We characterize registry federations in three
dimensions - Data distribution
- Structural and semantic heterogeneity
- Autonomy
3A. Sheth and J. Larson, Federated Databases
Architectures and Issues, ACM Computing Surveys,
22 (3), September 1990, pp. 183-236
13Data Distribution
- Different schemes possible
- Hierarchical and non hierarchical
- Domains
- Replication
- Ownership
- MWSDI provides multi-dimensional partitioning
with the help of Registries Ontology - Domains and federations
14Structural and Semantic Heterogeneity
- Structural Heterogeneity
- Different data models like UDDI and ebXML
- Semantic Heterogeneity
- Which services have the same functionality
- MWSDI deals with semantic heterogeneity
- Only deals with UDDI registries
- Ontologies are used to resolve semantic
heterogeneity - T-Model directories to handle semantic
heterogeneity across registries in a federation
- Can registries be accessed independently of the
federation ? - Can the registries support different mechanisms
for publications and discovery - Autonomy in MWSDI
- Registries can be accessed independently
- Registries can support different mechanisms for
semantic publication and discovery as long they
support the generic interface
16TModels and TModel Directory
- SK can you please 3-4 slides for this
17Querying for a Registry
- R ltf, d, o, rgt
- f corresponds to the names of the registry
federations - d corresponds to the business domains
- o corresponds to set of ontologies
- r corresponds to a set of registry relationships.
- R lt F1,F2, D2, D3, O1, O2, O3, O4, gt
18Result of the sample query
- Presented an approach for accessing distributed
registries - Used Registries ontology to provide multi faceted
distribution and querying - There will be many registries
- This is an potential approach to handle them