Chapter Six Systems Design - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter Six Systems Design


Real-Time Rendering: Polygon Culling and Level-of-Detail Processing 157 ... Most of the time we are trying to solve the Polygon Culling Problem. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter Six Systems Design

Chapter Six - Systems Design
  • One Thread, Multiple Threads 147
  • With One Thread . . . 147
  • With Multiple Threads . . . 152
  • Important Subsystems 156
  • Real-Time Rendering Polygon Culling and
    Level-of-Detail Processing 157
  • Real-Time Collision Detection and Response 165
  • Computational Resource Management 174

Chapter Six - Systems Design
  • Conclusion 175
  • References and Further Reading 176
  • The reading collection at the back of this
    chapter is key to really being able to build a
    NetGame system.

What does NetGame software look like?
  • One Thread, Multiple Threads
  • Important Subsystems
  • Real-Time Rendering - Polygon Culling Level of
    Detail Processing
  • Real-Time Collision Detection and Response
  • Computational Resource Management
  • Interaction Management

Single ThreadNetGame
(No Transcript)
Real-Time Rendering - Polygon Culling LODs
  • The Generate New Picture box on the previous
    slide is somewhat misleading.
  • It is not that simple unless we have unlimited
    graphics power. We usually dont.
  • Most of the time we are trying to solve the
    Polygon Culling Problem.
  • We try to use available CPU cycles to throw away
    most of our 3D model before we send it through
    the graphics pipeline ...

Real-Time Rendering Polygon Culling and
Level-of-Detail Processing
  • But we some 1.5B polygons per second so maybe
    this becomes less of a problem ...

Hierarchical Data Structures for Polygon Culling
  • The classic reference for this is the 1976 paper
    by James Clark Hierarchical Geometric Models for
    Visible Surface Algorithms.
  • The idea in the Clark paper is to build a
    hierarchical data structure for the displayable
    world ...

Hierarchical Data Structure for the Displayable
Real-Time Collision Detection and Response
  • Movement through our NetGames requires that we
    have some way to determine if we have collided
    with the surfaces in our world so that we can
    stop our movement or react to the collision.
  • Interactivity in our NetGames requires that we
    have some way of reaching out and touching an
    object in our game, being able to determine what
    we touched and then being able to react.
  • Both Movement Interactivity require real-time
    collision detection response.
  • And that is a fine way to consume processor
    cycles ...

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • A Short Survey on Collision Detection
  • The problem of collision detection has been
    explored in the literature of computer graphics,
    robotics, computational geometry, computer
    animation, and physically-based
  • modeling.

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • Numerous approaches based on geometric
    reasoningDK90, bounding volume hierarchy
    Hub96, spatial representation GASF94, NAT90,
    numerical methodsCam97, GJK88, and analytical
    methodsLM95, Sea93 have been proposed.

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • However, many of these algorithms do not satisfy
    the demanding requirements of general-purpose
    collision detection for NetGames.

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • By unifying several techniques from previous work
    Lin93, exploiting temporal and spatial
    coherence, and utilizing locality and
    hierarchical data structures, the research team
    at UNC has developed several collision detection
    algorithms and systems targeted toward
    large-scale, interactive simulation environments,
    including I-COLLIDECLMP95, RAPIDGLM96, and

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • Public domain code is available for ftp at geom.

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • References
  • Cam97 S. Cameron. Enhancing gjk Computing
    minimum and penetration distance between convex
    polyhedra. Proceedings of International
    Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1997.
  • CLMP95 J. Cohen, M. Lin, D. Manocha, and M.
    Ponamgi. I-collide An interactive and exact
    collision detection system for large-scale
    environments. In Proc. of ACM Interactive 3D
    Graphics Conference, pages 189196, 1995.

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • DK90 D. P. Dobkin and D. G. Kirkpatrick.
    Determining the separation of pre-processed
    polyhedra A uni ed approach. In Proc. 17th
    Internat. Colloq. Automata Lang. Program., volume
    443 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pages 400413.
    Springer-Verlag, 1990.
  • GASF94 A. Garcia-Alonso, N. Serrano, and J.
    Flaquer. Solving the collision detection problem.
    IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., 143643, May 1994.

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • GJK88 E. G. Gilbert, D. W. Johnson, and S. S.
    Keerthi. A fast procedure for computing the
    distance between objects in three-dimensional
    space. IEEE J. Robotics and Automation, vol
    RA-4193203, 1988.
  • GLM96 S. Gottschalk, M. Lin, and D. Manocha.
    Obb-tree A hierarchical structure for rapid
    interference detection. In Proc. of ACM
    Siggraph'96, pages 171180, 1996.

Real-Time Collision Detection Response
  • HLC97 T. Hudson, M. Lin, J. Cohen, S.
    Gottschalk, and D. Manocha. V-collide
    Accelerated collision detection for vrml. In
    Proc. of VRML Conference, pages 119125, 1997.
  • Hub96 P. M. Hubbard. Approximating polyhedra
    with spheres for time-critical collision
    detection. ACM Trans. Graph., 15(3)179210, July

Computational Resource Management
  • In our multi-threaded NetGame system, there is
    one fundamental question above all
  • How do we make sure the threads of our NetGame
    dont hog the processors?

(No Transcript)
Threads Shared Memory
Threads versus Processes
  • Creation of a new process using fork is expensive
    (time memory).
  • A thread (sometimes called a lightweight process)
    does not require lots of memory or startup time.

Process A Thread 1
Process A Thread 2
Multiple Threads
  • Each process can include many threads.
  • All threads of a process share
  • memory (program code and global data)
  • open file/socket descriptors
  • signal handlers and signal dispositions
  • working environment (current directory, user ID,

Thread-Specific Resources
  • Each thread has its own
  • Thread ID (integer)
  • Stack, Registers, Program Counter
  • errno (if not - errno would be useless!)
  • Threads within the same process can communicate
    using shared memory.
  • Must be done carefully!

Thread Creation
  • pthread_create(
  • pthread_t tid,
  • const pthread_attr_t attr,
  • void (func)(void ),
  • void arg)
  • func is the function to be called.
  • When func() returns the thread is terminated.

  • The return value is 0 for OK.
  • positive error number on error.
  • Does not set errno !!!
  • Thread ID is returned in tid

Thread IDs
Each thread has a unique ID, a thread can find
out it's ID by calling pthread_self(). Thread
IDs are of type pthread_t which is usually an
unsigned int. When debugging it's often useful to
do something like this printf("Thread
Thread Arguments
When func() is called the value arg specified in
the call to pthread_create() is passed as a
parameter. func can have only 1 parameter, and
it can't be larger than the size of a void .
Thread Lifespan
Once a thread is created, it starts executing the
function func() specified in the call to
pthread_create(). If func() returns, the thread
is terminated. A thread can also be terminated
by calling pthread_exit(). If main() returns or
any thread calls exit()all threads are terminated.
Detached State
Each thread can be either joinable or
detached. Detached on termination all thread
resources are released by the OS. A detached
thread cannot be joined. No way to get at the
return value of the thread. ( a pointer to
something void ).
Joinable Thread
Joinable on thread termination the thread ID and
exit status are saved by the OS. One thread
can "join" another by calling pthread_join -
which waits (blocks) until a specified thread
exits. int pthread_join( pthread_t tid,
void status)
Shared Global Variables
Sharing global variables is dangerous - two
threads may attempt to modify the same variable
at the same time. Just because you don't see a
problem when running your code doesn't mean it
can't and won't happen!!!!
Avoiding Problems
  • pthreads includes support for Mutual Exclusion
    primitives that can be used to protect against
    this problem.
  • The general idea is to lock something before
    accessing global variables and to unlock as soon
    as you are done.
  • Shared socket descriptors should be treated as
    global variables!!!

A global variable of type pthread_mutex_t is
required pthread_mutex_t counter_mtx PTHREAD_M
UTEX_INITIALIZER Initialization to
static variable!
Locking and Unlocking
  • To lock use
  • pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t )
  • To unlock use
  • pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t )
  • Both functions are blocking!

Thread Safe library functions
  • You have to be careful with libraries.
  • If a function uses any static variables (or
    global memory) its not safe to use with threads!

Thread Summary
Threads are awesome, but dangerous. You have to
pay attention to details or it's easy to end up
with code that is incorrect (doesn't always work,
or hangs in deadlock).
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