Progress in Investment Reform for Romania INVESTMENT REFORM INDEX - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Progress in Investment Reform for Romania INVESTMENT REFORM INDEX


Introduction to the Investment Compact and the Investment Reform ... An increase in investigations, indictments and convictions has been registered in 2006. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Progress in Investment Reform for Romania INVESTMENT REFORM INDEX

Final Results
Progress in Investment Reform for
25 January 2007 Investment Compact Country
Mission to Romania
  • Introduction to the Investment Compact and the
    Investment Reform Index (IRI)
  • Final IRI 2006 Results for Romania
  • Dimension specific results for 2006
  • IRI Results and Romania Country Priorities

Introduction to the Investment Compact and the
Investment Reform Index (IRI)
The OECD Investment Compact is a leading program
to improve the investment climate in SEE based on
OECD good practices
OECD Good Practices
Measure and Evaluate Policy Reform
Coach in Implementation of Priorities
Annual Process to Achieve Impact
Help Countries Define Priorities
Structure and Organization of the Investment
Current operational offices Romania and
Bulgaria Offices to be set up Serbia and Croatia
Based on the OECD Policy Framework for
Investment, the IRI measures reform in 10 main
policy dimensions
Main focus of evaluation in 2006
Part of a separate process conducted in
cooperation with the EC in the framework of the
European Charter for Small Enterprises
The Investment Reform Index is organised to
involve all levels in the evaluation and input
  • IC Core Team collects data and interviews OECD
    Experts to establish a preliminary level of
    progress for each country in each policy
  • Local consultants build from the first
    measurement by collecting primary data in the
    countries and conducting interviews with local
    experts. The results analysed by the IC Core Team
    and incorporated into the level of progress
  • The Private Sector and the Country Economic Team
    evaluate the latest measure. This provides an
    opportunity to step back and analyse the
    measurements in a broader context. After
    consultation mechanisms are complete, all parties
    confirm a final measurement, which is published

Local Consultants Country Economic Team
IC Core Team
Private Sector
OECD Experts Local Experts
Strengths limitations of the IRI methodology
  • Main strengths of the IRI methodology
  • Incorporates existing work already conducted by
    other organisations (e.g., World Banks Doing
    Business report) and combined with data collected
    by the OECD-IC
  • Use of a common scoreboard facilitates
    public-private consultation helps public
    officials to communicate better with respect to
    policy progress and areas where more reform is
  • IRI incorporates regional good practices from
    CEE countries, which are the most relevant recent
    examples for SEE countries to learn from.
  • Indicators of the IRI have been structured to be
    fully compatible with the EU accession process in
    SEE, and to cover other dimensions important for
    the investment climate that are not included in
    the acquis communautaire - the dimensions of the
    IRI are based on a broad definition of policy
    areas that affect the business climate, based on
    OECD cumulative experience and Policy Framework
    for Investment.
  • Limitations of the IRI methodology
  • IRI does not cover all the policy dimensions that
    affect the business climate (eg financial
  • Measuring the effective implementation of
    government policy can be difficult. The IRI
    combines available quantitative data (e.g.
    percentage of companies with ISO certificates)
    with qualitative data (e.g. private sector
    feedback through interviews) - countries are
    moved up on the scale of implementation only if
    there is concrete data to support doing this.
  • Distinctions between scoring levels can be
    challenged and not all of the indicators have the
    same weight or importance. To address this issue,
    a simple weighting system has been incorporated,
    but the assigned weights can always be
  • All dimensions are not equally important for each
    country, as they are at different stages of
    development. Each country therefore has to
    interpret the scores based on its specific
    development context.

Timeline for the IRI Process
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Phase IV
Phase V
Phase VI
Final IRI 2006 Results for Romania
Final IRI 2006 Results for Romania
  • Dimensions where policy reform is more advanced
  • Investment Policy
  • Tax Policy
  • Competition Policy
  • Anti-corruption policy
  • Trade Policy
  • Human capital
  • Dimensions where reforms have been slower are
  • Regulatory Reform
  • Investment Promotion and Facilitation

Dimension Specific Results for 2006
IRI results for each dimension
Overall IRI Scores For Investment Policy
SEE Average
  • Scores for investment policy are high and there
    is little variation among SEE countries.
  • Romania scores 4 for Investment Policy, leading
    the region together with Bulgaria.

IRI results for each dimension
IRI Scores for Investment Policy - Breakdown by
Sub-dimension -
  • Non-discrimination and international cooperation
  • As with Bulgaria, Romania scores 4.5 on
    non-discrimination and international cooperation
    mainly due to equal treatment of foreign and
    domestic investors. Romania adhered to the
    Multinational Investment Guidelines of the OECD
    in 2005, introducing additional stability for
    foreign investors.
  • Protection of property
  • Romania scores 3.75 for protection of property.
    Even if the score is relatively high, Romania
    needs to put more emphasis on IPR enforcement.

IRI results for each dimension
Overall IRI Scores for Investment Promotion and
SEE Average
  • SEE scores for Investment Promotion are more
    uneven and lower than for investment policy, with
    an average of 3.
  • Romania scores at the SEE average, as important
    reforms are still needed to improve the
    institutional structures for investment promotion
    and to define a clear investment promotion

IRI results for each dimension
IRI Scores for Investment Promotion and
Facilitation - Breakdown by Sub-dimension -
Investment promotion and facilitation strategy
Only a few SEE countries have succeeded in
defining effective investment promotion
strategies. Romania still has to adopt an
Investment Promotion Strategy that includes a
strategic vision, has a sector and geographic
focus, identifies customer type, tailors measures
to improve the business environment and defines
marketing campaigns. Investment promotion agency
and programmes The IPAs in SEE countries outside
Bulgaria and Serbia are at the early stages of
operation. In Romania, the IPA is undergoing a
restructuring process a new investment law will
provide a new institutional framework for
investment promotion. Transparency of investment
policy and investment promotion and facilitation
framework Bulgaria and Serbia are ahead of
their peers in transparency, being closely
followed by Romania. Romania enforced a clear and
regular way of consultations, accompanied by a
transparent system of analyses and
IRI results for each dimension
Overall IRI Scores For Tax Policy
SEE Average
  • Significant improvements have been made for tax
    policy and legislation in SEE, with attractive
    corporate tax rates, although weak tax
    administration lowers the overall score for tax
    policy to 3.
  • Romania scores above the SEE average, and more
    reform is expected in the field of tax
    legislation, tax administration, public-private
    consultations and tax inspections

IRI results for each dimension
IRI Scores For Tax Policy - Breakdown by
Sub-dimension -
  • Tax policy and legislation
  • Most countries have put into place tax policies
    and legislation that are in line with
    international standards. Romania has a 16
    corporate tax rate, and tax legislation is
    generally well drafted and well implemented.
  • Tax administration
  • In general, countries are weaker in tax
    administration as compared to the tax policy and
    legislation sub-dimension. Romania scores above
    the SEE average, however more reform is needed in
    the field of tax inspections and in the revenue
    collection agencies.
  • Compliance costs
  • Compliance costs in SEE are high overall,
    including in Romania. Online tax filling is
    available only for some taxes in Romania it is
    expected to be extended at national level.
  • Transparency
  • SEE countries have generally implemented good
    consultation mechanisms and provide relatively
    easy access to information, although they are
    much weaker in monitoring and evaluation.
    Romania is among the countries showing the
    greatest progress in consultation mechanisms with
    private sector. However, Romania still requires
    significant improvements in monitoring and

IRI results for each dimension
Overall IRI Scores For Anti-corruption and
Business Integrity
SEE Average
  • Romania leads the SEE region in anti-corruption
    and business integrity.
  • Romania has made important progress in fighting
    corruption over the last year. More emphasis
    should now be put on implementation and
    monitoring of reforms in this field

IRI results for each dimension
IRI Scores For Anti-corruption and Business
Integrity - Breakdown by Sub-dimension -
Anti-corruption strategy Romania has a clear
anti-corruption strategy and action plan with
evidence of implementation. Half of the 52
actions had been implemented in early
2006. Anti-corruption legal framework and
adoption of international conventions Romania
has signed and ratified the main international
conventions. An increase in investigations,
indictments and convictions has been registered
in 2006. Promotion of good governance and public
administration Public procurement and conflict
of interest are enforced in Romania and the
Romanian Government continues to improve the
legal framework related to implementation.
Important progress should be highlighted
mentioned for customs administration.
Transparency Romania has significantly
improved the public/private consultations, and is
among the leaders in the region in this area.
IRI Results for Competition Policy
IRI results for each dimension
Scores for Competition Policy are not included
in the 2006 edition of the IRI evaluation.
IRI results for each dimension
Overall IRI Scores For Trade Policy
SEE Average
  • Along with investment policy, trade policy is one
    of the strongest policy dimensions in SEE,
  • with an average of 3.50.
  • Romania leads the region together with Bulgaria
    and Croatia, with a score of 4.

IRI results for each dimension
IRI Scores For Trade Policy - Breakdown by
Multilateral and regional bilateral trade
agreements Romania is a member of the European
Union starting with January 1st 2007 Romania is
a member of WTO since 1995. Trade
liberalisation Applied most-favoured-nation (MFN)
tariffs for industrial goods are in general
adjusted according to international standards by
most SEE countries. The average tariff rates for
industrial and agricultural products are still
high (15.1 and 20.3 respectively) and will be
lowered due to EU accession Technical barriers to
trade In general, most SEE countries scored lower
in sanitary and phytosanitary standards than in
technical standards and accreditation and
conformity assessment. Romania is one of the most
advanced countries in adoption of European
Standards in terms of food safety, the
transposition is almost complete however,
veterinary and phytosanitary standards
transposition has been slower. Administrative
barriers to trade Important progress has been
done in terms of number of days spent for import
and export in customs. Pro-active trade
policy Romania has a special department dealing
with Trade Issues, managed by a Delegated
Minister. An Export Strategy has been adopted and
a clear and regular system of consultations is in
place, due to the Export Council. It has regular
meetings and minutes of the meetings are posted
on the Trade Department Website. The Export
Promotion Strategy has for example been discussed
with the Council.
IRI results for each dimension
Overall IRI Scores For Regulatory Reform
SEE Average
  • There is a high degree of variation among SEE
    countries concerning regulatory reform.
  • Romania - together with Bulgaria and Serbia - is
    clearly ahead of its peers in the region, with a
    solid strategy, a relatively strong oversight
    body and some use of Regulatory Impact Analysis.

IRI results for each dimension
IRI Scores For Regulatory Reform - Breakdown by
Sub-dimension -
  • Regulatory Reform Strategy
  • Romania has a clear and formalised strategy
    covering all key components of regulatory field
    with solid evidence of implementation
  • Institutional Framework
  • The Business Environment Unit is in charge of
    regulatory governance, RIA and regulatory
    transparency the BEU is a strong centrally
    placed unit and minor improvements are to
    optimise its performance (e.g. the power of
    challenging low level legislation)
  • Regulatory Impact Analysis
  • RIA is still in an infancy stage in SEE. Romania
    however implements RIA for SME issues and for
    competition issues. Romania has also adopted a
    new strategy enforcing RIA for other fields of
  • Regulatory Transparency
  • Romania has both the routine and the legal basis
    to use regular consultations with interested
    stakeholders Transparency Law, working groups
    and involvement of NGOs, social partners and
    employers organizations are daily/structured
    activities of the Romanian Government.

IRI results for each dimension
Overall IRI Scores For Human Capital
SEE Average
  • Romania, together with Croatia is the most
    advanced country in SEE for human capital, in
    particular in the areas of education strategy,
    workforce skills and civil servant training.
  • Romania however needs to improve the Transparency
    in Education and Workforce Skills Development.

IRI results for each dimension
IRI Scores For Human Capital - Breakdown by
Sub-dimension -
Education and workforce skills development
Romania has the most comprehensive education
strategy, well developed national training and
adult learning programmes as well as civil
servant trainings. Transparency in education and
workforce skills development Bulgaria, Croatia
and Montenegro are the best performers in SEE in
terms of transparency in education and workforce
development having introduced solid monitoring
mechanisms and effective public/private
consultation channels. Romania is still at early
stages in terms of monitoring and evaluation.
IRI Results and Romania country priorities
IRI Results and Country Priorities Romania
  • OECD IC Recommended Country Priorities
  • Investment Promotion Elaborate a comprehensive
    Investment promotion Strategy that includes
    priority sectors and concrete programs to tie
    foreign investment to local investment (SMEs).
    This IP Strategy should also be clearly linked to
    the industrial and export promotion strategies
  • Investment Promotion Strengthen the investment
    Promotion Agency with additional staff and budget
    (aim to double budget from 500,000 Eur to 1
    Million Eur and increase staff to 40 from 19).
    The agency should intensify promotion to
    potential foreign investors through
    country/specific missions and offer clear and
    well-packaged on the ground services for
    potential and existing investors.
  • Implement transparent and consistent standards
    for tax inspectors to impose sanctions and
    monitor the results with pre-defined indicators
    to reduce discretionary power.
  • Regulatory Reform Introduce Regulatory Impact
    Analysis for all newly adopted legislation.
  • Anti-corruption Introduce a system with
    indicators to monitor implementation of the
    public procurement law. This system can then be
    used as basis to monitor other area of
    anti-corruption (such as customs reform,
    professionalism of civil service).
  • Human Capital Adapt the education strategy
    (including vocational training and adult
    learning) to reflect the specific needs of the
    labour market over the next ten years.
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