Title: Markus Hopfner
1Implementation of LeaderNational institutional
organisationThe Austrian experience
- Markus Hopfner
- European Commission, Directorate General for
Agriculture and Rural Development - Vienna, 6 July 2006
2Key figures
3Federal structure of Austria
9 provinces
- Area ranging from 415 to 19.178 km²
- Population ranging from 276.000 to 1,6 Mio
- Legislative power partly on provincial level
4LEADER II (1994 1999) in Austria
- Accession to EU in 1995
- No pre-accession programmes
- Policy experience in regional development and
agricultural structures, but not within aquis
communautaire - New EU-cofinanced programmes set up both on
provincial and national level - 8 LEADER II programmes on provinical level
5LEADER programme Austria 2000 2006
- 1 single programme
- Drawn up in co-operation of national and
provincial level - Managing Authority Federal Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water
Management - Designation of Provincial Programme Units (PPU)
as key players for programme implementation
6LEADER programme Austria 2000 2006
- Public funding 106,6 Mio EUR of which 76,83 Mio
from EAGGF-Guidance - 56 LAG selected for programme implementation
7LEADER programme Austria 2000 2006
Funding according to actions in Mio EUR
8Co-operating institutions - overview
9Programme management
10Financial management
- Paying Agency within Ministry of Agriculture,
Forestry, Environment and Water Management - Fully responsable for financial implementation
- Declares expenditure to the EAGGF
- PPU designated as intermediate bodies
- Pay EU contribution to the project promoter
- Declares expenditure to Paying Agency
11Project support - step by step 1/5
12Project support - step by step 2/5
13Project support - step by step 3/5
14Project support - step by step 4/5
15Project support - step by step 5/5
- Lessons learnt from LEADER II (number of
programmes) - Programme management co-ordination work,
especially in initial period - Importance of having administrative units close
to LAGs - Well-fitting system in the Austrian context