Title: Keeping Your Home PC Healthy
1Keeping Your Home PC Healthy
- Thomas Clark
- King Philip Middle School
- March 24, 2004
- Keeping Your Home PC Healthy
- Working With Information
- Overall PC Strategies
3Keeping Your Home PC Healthy
- How do I prevent my computer from crashing?
- Windows has many helpful programs
- Preventing a computer virus
- What is a computer virus?
- How do I protect myself?
- Recovering from crashes
- My computer crashed! What do I do now?
4Prevent Computer Crashes
- Microsoft is constantly revising and updating
their operating system (OS) - Keep your Windows up to date by visiting
- http//windowsupdate.microsoft.com
- Open Internet Explorer (IE) and click on the
tools menu and choose windows update
5Prevent Computer Crashes (Contd)
- Windows provides tools to help keep your system
running at its best - Disk Scan / Disk Defragmentation (All Windows)
- Disk Cleanup (Win2K / XP)
- System Restore (ME / Win2k / XP )
- Add / Remove Programs (All Windows)
6Preventing Computer Crashes (Contd)
- Set up Scheduled Tasks program to handle these
weekly chores
7Prevent A Computer Virus
- What is a computer virus?
- A computer virus is a program a piece of
executable code that has the unique ability to
replicate. Like biological viruses, computer
viruses can spread quickly and are often
difficult to eradicate. They can attach
themselves to just about any type of file and are
spread as files that are copied and sent from
individual to individual. -
8Preventing A Computer Virus (Contd)
- How Do I Protect Myself?
- Purchase an anti-virus program
- Norton Anti-Virus
- Mcafee Virus Scan
- Trendmicro PC-Cillin
- Keep your anti-virus program up-to-date
- Use the interactive updater
- Run the weekly scan
- Maintain your subscription annually
9Preventing A Computer Virus (Contd)
- Know Where The Online Resources Are
- Norton -- http//securityresponse.symantec.com/
- Mcafee -- http//us.mcafee.com/virusInfo/
- Trend Micro -- http//www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/
- Be Aware Of Your System Security
- Scan ALL Files you receive from friends,
students, and loved ones - TRUST NO FILE
10Recovering From Crashes
- My Computer Crashed! What Do I Do?
- Reasons For Crashes
- Some Solutions For Crashes
- Where To Go For Help
11Recovering From Crashes (Contd)
- Reasons For Crashes
- Windows Error
- Sometimes Windows just crashes / hangs
- Save Early, Save Often!
- Copy down any errors for future reporting
- (You can search Microsoft.com for more
information) - Hardware Error
- Nothing lasts forever
- If it doesnt work on reboot, check with the
hardware - vendor or any help files for more information
12Recovering From Crashes (Contd)
- Solutions For Crashes
- Restart (Program or Computer)
- Clears buffers (Memory, Page, Interrupts)
- Resets setting
- Save Save Save!
- Use the Task Manager (All Windows)
13Recovering From Crashes (Contd)
- Where to go for help
- Visit the website for your hardware or software
vendor for specific help - www.google.com
- Search for the name of the vendor using quotes
- (i.e.. 3com Network Interface Card)
14Working With Information
- Data pl.n. Computer Science. Numerical or other
information represented in a form suitable for
processing by computer - Understandable Data is Information
15Working With Information (Contd)
- Information Storage Media
- Setting Up And Using Storage Devices
- Trouble Shooting Device Issues
16Information Storage Media
- Computer Network
- A computer network is a system for communication
among two or more computers. - When computers are placed on a network, they are
potentially able to share their resources. An
important resource is hard drive space. - Backing up the data on all the hard drives of all
the nodes on a network is not cost effective, and
administration of the many hard drives can be
17Information Storage Media (Contd)
- Floppy Disk
- A floppy disk is a type of data storage device
that comprises a circular piece of thin, flexible
(hence the name) magnetic media encased in a
square or rectangular plastic wallet. The fact
that the exterior aspect is not circular confuses
some novice users. Floppy disks are read and
written by a floppy disk drive or FDD, not to be
confused with "fixed disk drive", which is an old
IBM term for a hard disk drive. - Todays Floppy Disk holds 1.44MB of data
18Information Storage Media (Contd)
- Zip Drives
- Launched in 1995, the Iomega Zip drive is one of
the most successful personal computer products
ever. Home and business users have adopted the
Zip platform by the millions, cementing its
reputation as the reliable, high-capacity
removable storage standard that is rugged,
convenient and secure. With firmware-based
password protection, drag-and-drop file
management, and high read-write speeds (the Zip
750MB drive outpaces most CD-RW drives in
rewritable performance), the Zip platform
continues to be a favorite portable storage
solution for users today. - Zip Disks hold 100MB 200MB or 750MB
19Information Storage Media (Contd)
- The CD-ROM was invented in 1980 by Philips in
conjunction with SONY and in 1997 the CD-R
technology was invented by Memorell, Maxell, and
TDK - CD-R/RW Discs hold up to 700MB of information
- Tips for remembering
- CD-ROM CD-Read Only Memory
- CD-R CD-Rite Once
- CD-RW CD-Re-Write
20Information Storage Media (Contd)
- USB Drives (Key Drives / Thumb Drives )
- Keydrives take their power from the USB
connection of the PC they are connected to and do
not need batteries. They are impervious to the
scratches and dust that have plagued previous
forms of portable storage media like Compact
Discs and floppy disks. Most are lightweight and
small - about the size of a key or a thumb. They
are popular with people who carry data between
home and school or work and are quickly replacing
the floppy disk as a portable data device.
21Information Storage Media (Contd)
- By centralizing the hard drive space allocated to
each user, you get the benefit of a central place
where all files can be backed up on a tape drive.
- Because it is available on a network the space
follows you to any computer you log in with
your user name - Use your G drive to back up all important
documents from your teachers station
22Setup / Use Storage Devices
- Network
- Floppy
- Zip Drive
- USB Drives
- Driver Installation
- Hardware Connection
23Setup / Use Storage Devices (Contd)
- Drivers
- A device driver, often called a driver for
short, is a computer program that is intended to
allow another program (typically, an operating
system) to interact with a hardware device. - All hardware should come with drivers
- Be sure to install drivers BEFORE using hardware
24Setup / Use Storage Devices (Contd)
- When Things Go Wrong
- Improperly Installed Drivers
- Connected device before install
- Incorrectly identified device
- Incorrectly removed device
25Setup / Use Storage Devices (Contd)
- Transferring Data
- Keep files in one location on home computer and
one location on school computer - Use your transfer media of choice
- Remember E-mail is also an option with a
acceptably fast enough Internet connection
26Setup / Use Storage Devices (Contd)
- Recovering Lost Data
- Windows Programs
- Windows Restore will not recover lost data ?
- Control Z works in most programs to undo one or
more levels of mistakes. This can bring back cut
or deleted information (except Recycle Bin
empties) - Backed up Data can be restored most easily
- 3rd Party Software
- http//www.ntfs.com/products.htm
- http//www.executive.com/undelete/undelete.asp
27Overall PC Strategies
- Backing Up Data
- Data that is kept in one location can be easily
backed up - When possible, use CD-R media because the write
once keeps data from being altered by accident
or on purpose - Keep data that changes often on two different
backup media
28Overall PC Strategies (Contd)
- Keep Data Organized
- Use the My Documents Folder
- Move the My Documents Folder to the D drive if
possible - Point any programs to My Documents when setting
up save directories
29Overall PC Strategies (Contd)
- Keep Your Hard Drive Tidy
- Install programs to the D drive
- Use the Advanced button (Keep and eye out for
Cancel or Back) - Consider each program you install
- At least SKIM the EULA (End User License
Agreement)You could be opening your computer up
to unwanted spyware or adware
30Overall PC Strategies (Contd)
- Use Add/Remove Programs
- DONT delete files from Program Files(unless you
have removed the program properly) - Check for suspicious programs(buy-it!
Shoppers-helper etc.) - Do NOT remove programs unless you know what they
31Overall PC Strategies (Contd)
- Use Spyware and Adware Checking Programs
- Ad-aware can help remove unwanted advertisement
pop-up programs - http//www.lavasoftusa.com
- Spybot can prevent personal information from
being reported back to program creators - http//www.safer-networking.org
32Overall PC Strategies (Contd)
- Error Examples Understand Geek Speak
- Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)
- Non System Disk Error
- Stop Error
- STOP 0x0000001E (0xc0000006, 0xA011C102,
0x00000000, 0x00000000) - ltprogramgt caused an lterrorgt in ltlocationgt at
015f7106a742ltprogramgt Exception access
violation (0xc0000005), Address 0x00000000
33Overall PC Strategies (Contd)
- In school
- E-mail helpdesk_at_whps.org
- Name
- School
- Room
- Problem / Error
- At home
- Hardware / Software vendors (help docs)
- Google / Microsoft.com
- Techie friends and relatives
- Keeping Your PC Healthy
- Working With Information
- Overall PC Strategies
- Where Do You Go From Here?
- http//windowsupdate.microsoft.com
- http//www.trendmicro.com/en/security/general/viru
s/overview.htm - http//www.symantec.com/
- http//securityresponse.symantec.com/
- http//www.mcafee.com/
- http//us.mcafee.com/virusInfo/
- http//www.trendmicro.com/vinfo
- http//www.trendmicro.com/vinfo
- http//dictionary.reference.com/search?qdata
- http//www.worldhistory.com/wiki/c/computer-networ
k.htm - http//www.worldhistory.com/wiki/f/floppy-disk.htm
- http//www.iomega.com/na/products/product_family.j
- http//www.cdrfaq.org/
- http//www.worldhistory.com/wiki/k/keydrive.htm
- http//www.worldhistory.com/wiki/d/device-driver.h
tm - http//www.ntfs.com/products.htm
- http//www.executive.com/undelete/undelete.asp