Title: Global Warming
1 Global Warming
- By Brooke Whitmarsh
- A tribute to learning.
- Global Warming is effecting the world. In the
close future, the world might have a heat age,
sort of like an ice age. This will effect each
and every one of human, animal and plant kind. It
is a serious problem, not just an everyday,
fixable problem.
3What Is Global Warming?
Global Warming is caused by the greenhouse
effect. This is when heat can go in but, not out
of a certain atmosphere. This is happening very
rabidly on our world. It will have horrid
effects and we could all possibly DIE.
4The Many Reasons
- Global Warming has many reasons behind it.
Pollution, caused by manufacturing,
transportation, Air travel, and garbage, is a big
factor. but. There is some small factors such as
farming (methane is released by animal waste.)
5Common Greenhouse Gases
- Carbon Monoxide (CO) highly toxic
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) Biggest Concern
- Methane (CH4) most effective
6Green Power
Although some sources of our energy are
contributing to global warming, some recent
attempts have been made to change this. Read All
about some of them in the following pages.
7Hydro HeroesHydro Electric
- Hydro is a power made by the water flowing
through turbines. The water is dammed from a
river in a concrete basin. Here are some
following links to more info
8Sunny Side UpSolar Power
- Solar power is when specially designed panels
capture rays of the sun and turn then into
energy. Here are some more educating websites.
9Windy WondersWind Turbines
- If you take a windy place and some turbines, you
get power. This works by carefully constructed
turbines taking in the wind and turning it into
- Nuclear is enriched radioactive material is
combusted. This is very popular and doesn't need
another source to support it. Unfortunately,
there is toxic waste made in combusting the
materials. There is truly no safe place for it.
When it escapes it can wipe out provinces. There
was a place in Ukraine that escaped and it is
still risky to live there today.
11What You Can Do
- Walk or Bike
- TURN OFF your lights
- Dont smoke
- Buy an energy efficient car
- Look on your computer for more.
12The Future, My Conclusion
- This is very grave. I hope you take note in my
work and do something today. Just remember, our
world could always combust! -
- The End