Title: Forest Certification: Selected Market Issues
1Forest Certification Selected Market Issues
- Robin Clark, RPF
- Sustainable Forestry Certification Watch
- tel 1-514-273 5777 - fax 1-514-277 4448
e-mail sfcw_at_sfcw.org web site
http//sfcw.orgPO Box 48122, Montreal H2V 4S8,
Qc, Canada
2Presentation Outline
- Green consumerism and certification
- Willingness to pay for certified timber
- Buyers groups and market access
- Direct threats to corporations
- Brand marketing strategies
- Concluding remarks
3Green consumerism and certification
- 1990 first survey in UK by MORI for WWF
tropical timber is then the issue - WWF and other ENGOs argue that the private sector
has an increased role to play and criticize how
TFAP is managed by governments - Results of first MORI/WWF survey 1/3 of surveyed
population willing to pay 15 for green labelled
tropical timber - To be noted this poll was surprisingly seen by
WWF and others as a reason to start certification
4Willingness to pay (or WTP)for certified forest
- WTP is a contentious concept, as actual behavior
can considerably differ. WTP plays a somewhat
marginal role, according to existing studies - Vlosky Ozanne 1996"None of the groups
(architects, building contractors and home
improvement retailers in the US) felt that
customers would pay a premium for certified
products, and home center retailers felt most
strongly that their customers would not pay such
premium" - European Forest Institute 1998"the future of
certified forest products markets will not so
much depend on demand or supply reactions in a
classical sense, but largely on the activities of
a few, but prominent actors within the forestry
wood chain, industrial users and - outside this
chain - environmental NGOs (eg WWF buyers
5WTP Recent BC ExamplesAt the Silva Forest
Foundation Press Conference March 29, 2000
- FSC Certified Woodlot Owner, Al Hopwood I
did not go into it for the profit, more for the
approach there is not an additional price. for
his wood. - Ornamentum Furniture Our products are made to
order, the wood cost is virtually the same as
wood that is not certified. There is no price
margin due to the source of wood being certified.
6Buyers groups and market access
- Buyers groups
- in Europe established by WWF in UK, Belgium,
Germany, France, Spain, etc. - in North America Certified Forest Products
Council - up to now quasi exclusive committment to FSC
- Issue at stake market access, particularly in
the home improvement / DIY sector - Important development BQ, of the UK 1995Group,
now recognizes Finnish scheme
7Direct threats to corporations
- "Big easy targets" home centre chains such as
Home Depot, Homebase, etc - Campaigns by groups such as Greenpeace,
Rainforest Action Network (RAN), etc. - Example of recent threat by RAN
- "We respectfully encourage your company to do the
following 1) Completely phase out all
purchases from old growth forests. 2)
Increase sales of solid wood products from second
growth forests that are certified by the Forest
Stewardship Council." - "if your company refuses to make this commitment,
our alliance of environmental organisations will
launch a public campaign in early October, the
purpose of which will be to inform your customers
and shareholders of your continued inaction."
8Brand marketing strategies
- Certified Forest Products Council "Certified
Well-Managed Forests" trademark - 10 Goals
- 7 To develop up-to-date, objective
assessments of forest certification and other
management and labeling programs so as to assist
members in determining those programs that are
the most credible, comprehensive, and effective
9Brand marketing strategies (..2)
- Forest Stewardship Council - US ads featuring
Olivia Newton John, Pierce Brosnan, in high
circulation magazines such as - Playboy (3.5 million)
- People (3.3 million)
- TIME (1.4 million)
- Etc.
10Brand marketing strategies (..3)
- Richard Donovan, Director of Smartwood
- By and large, US consumers arent yet aware
of certification. When you explain it to them,
they respond pretty positively, but we want to
take it to another level
11Brand marketing strategies (..4)
- Kimberly Woodbury, Manager of Environmental
Programs, The Home Depot - Our customers today are not asking for
certification. They dont have any idea what it
is - They are asking use to sell the best products at
the best value. As you see us bringing more and
more certified products into our stores, youll
see us marketing point-of-purchase displays. But
right now the brand awareness of that label
doesnt exist. We think we can create that.
12Should There Be Price Premiums For Certified
Forest Products?
- Why should consumers have to pay more for more
environmentally sound products? - Could there be a tax shift to give certified
forest products producers an advantage in the
market place? (i.e.. Awarding those who do the
right thing)
13Minister of Finance on Tax Shifts
- Minister of Finance Paul Ramsey
- Its not about higher or lower taxes, but
rather, what we tax. Our goal is to explore
whether the existing tax base could be modified
to better reflect the environmental values of
British Columbians and, in the process move us
towards a more environmentally sustainable
14Concluding remarks
- Green marketing was key to establish forest
certification. - WTP is not the key reason why certification
progresses. - More important factors buyers groups, direct
threats to corporations, and maintaining market
15Concluding remarks
- The focus of certification has become more of a
trade issue with political lobbying on all sides
and is increasingly more remote from sustainable