Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis


Recent (2004) BBN-oriented Compilations: Cyburt. Descouvemont et al. ... Other compilations are based on biased methods (as in Cyburt 04; see D' Agostini ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis

Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
  • Pasquale Dario Serpico
  • MPI für Physik
  • München

V Meeting Italiano di Astrofisica Nucleare 20-22
Aprile 2005 -Teramo
based on work in collab. with S. Esposito, F.
Iocco, G. Miele, G. Mangano and O. Pisanti -
Federico II University and INFN Naples
Overview of the Talk
(2H) (4He) (7Li)
  • BBN in the Precision Cosmology Epoch
  • n-decoupling n?p rates The Weak reaction
  • The Road to the Nuclides The Nuclear reaction

As BBN is ruled by Non-linear Differential
  • present status theory versus observations
  • Outlook perspectives

P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
BBN Flowchart
Primordial Elements Observations
Nuclear Astrophysics
Data Regression!
wb , dwb/wb ltlt1!!!
  • PDG
  • stuff
  • ?n , GN, a,
  • Physics...

New Physics?
Weak rates
Freeze out of weak rates fixes n/p ratio (crucial
for 4He)
  • Big improvements in the last decade
  • QED radiative corrections
  • Finite nucleon mass corrections
  • Plasma effects
  • Neutrino spectral distortion

Rates are accurate at the O(0.1 ), i.e. as (d?n/
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
4He status
Once WMAP value for wb fixed, theoretical
predictions are quite robust, unless some
unknown systematics affect the STANDARD PHYSICS
data (e.g., ?nexp, G. Matthews et. al. 04)
Yp th0.2481 0.0005 For wb0.023 0.001
General agreement among several groups. Error
dominated by (d?n/ ?n)exp New evaluation of GN
negligible contribution to the uncertainty (PDG
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
The observational side is still confused BCG
(metal poor, extragal. obj., HII regions) give an
unreasonable spread of values, changing with the
sample, the regression method to Z0, the
analyzers group
Not shown, Ypb0.2421(44)0.0021 (Iz Th
04) Other Determinat. 0.244 (I) 0.2480.009
(II), 0.004 (II)
Yp0.239 0.002
Yp0.2345 0.0026
Yp0.244(5) 0.001
Olive Skillman 04
Yp0.249 0.009
0.232Yp 0.258
Conservative Range
The estimate is systematics dominated (e.g.,
degeneracies among astrophysical parameters).
Further (high quality) data, and possible
complementary techniques needed to improve the
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Bounds to Non-standard Physics the case of
neutrino sector
At this stage it is impossible to severely bound
Neff from BBN.
However always much better than CMB alone
according to the assumed value for Yp -but
quite conservatively- DNefflt1-1.5. Analogously,
the BBN bound on lepton degeneracy x is by far
the most stringent
Cuoco et al. 03 See also Barger et al. 03
Extended to all flavors! Dolgov, Hansen, Pastor,
Petcov, Raffelt, Semikoz 2002
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Road 1
4He Observations
Only loose check of Standard Cosmological Model
New Physics?
Till now, many bounds (DNeff,xe. ) Could be
Nuclear rates
Apart for Helium, all the other nuclides are
sensitive to the Nuclear reaction Network.
To refine the predictions, it is then mandatory
to properly evaluate the thermal averaged
nuclear rates and their uncertainties
Well, where is the problem?
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Nuclear rates- II
No First Principle Theory exists, as for the n?p
rates. Only partial information (Detailed
Balance linking direct and Reverse Rates, Nuclear
Model calculations suggesting fitting formulae,
etc.) ? Huge amount of experimental data needed!
  • Main Experimental problems extract the cross
    section from data in the low energy range of
    interest for BBN (0.01 ? 1 MeV)
  • Crucial role of Coulomb repulsion
  • Strong energy dependence
  • Low cross sections (pb)
  • Spurious effects (e.g. atomic/molecular
  • Extrapolation (e.g., S-factor) to low E
  • Difficulties with handling n and radioactive
    beams (e.g. 7Be, 3H)
  • No BBN-dedicated experiments, always stellar

P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Nuclear rates- III
  1. Data from different experiments with different
  2. For several crucial reactions present data show
    evidence for ununderstood systematics
  3. Experimental results typically overlap only
    partially in energy
  4. Cross section for some (at the moment)
    sub-leading process is still poorly known

Recent (2004) BBN-oriented Compilations Cyburt De
scouvemont et al. Serpico et al.
However, with respect to the historical data
analysis ( from Fowler and Hoyle
Smith, Kawano and Malaney 1993) Important recent
steps in the field NACRE Coll. Database Other data (e.g.
2H(p,?)3He by LUNA Collaboration 2002)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Fit method and error estimates
Sik S factor at Ei of k-th experiment ?ik
statistical uncertainty ?k normalization
uncertainty Sth fit (often polynomial) of the S
factor depending on coefficients an to be
determined by the fit
Regression approach minimization of
?k offset of the k-th experiment (free parameter
determined by the fit)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
NOTE The choice of the regression technique and
error estimate is a non-trivial task!!! Other
compilations are based on biased methods (as in
Cyburt 04 see D Agostini 94) or on some
arbitrary criterion (as in Descouvemont 04)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Rate estimate
best fit values
Boltzmann-Gamow kernel
Error estimate
for reduced ?n2 larger than 1 the error is
inflated by a factor
(PDG minimal prescripition)
The minimum measured scale error is added in
quadrature (conservative, but not
OVER-conservative as in Cyburt 04)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
From nuclear rates to nuclide abundances
BBN evolution equations numerically solved via a
new code
Theoretical uncertainties on Xi due to the rates
?k generalization of the linear propagation
(Fiorentini, Lisi, Sarkar and Villante 1998)
Allows T-dependent and/or asymmetric errors!
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
2H - 2H reactions leading source of uncertainty
for Deuterium
Small statistical errors but quite large
systematics due to scale normalization or
unknown poor ?2
Systematics-dominated, higly desiderable a new
single measurement covering most of the E-range,
and filling the gap of data at E0.2-1 MeV
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
A good example
LUNA 02 data a low energy discrepancy solved,
error on 2H reduced
A still debated case
dominant channel for 7Be production, crucial for
7Li error budget. New measurement ongoing
Important also for solar n fluxes (B Be)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
2H status
Deuterium is the most sensitive nuclide to wb
Best BBN baryometer
wb(D)0.021 0.002
105(2H /H) th 2.440.20 0.17
For wb0.023 0.001
Rate ??2/ ?2 ()
2H(p,?)3He 49
2H(d,n)3He 37
2H(d,p)3H 14
only 0.04!!! due to nuclear uncertainties
Essential agreement between two completely
independent determinations of wb !!! Wonderful
check of Standard Cosmological Model
Deuterium in QSOAS Kirkman et al. 2003
One More Observation! Crighton et al. 2004
105 lt2H /Hgt obs (2.780.44 0.38)
105 lt2H /Hgt obs 2.42 0.27(0.57)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Deuterium in QSOAS Ly-a abs
Road 2
Low Statistics (5-7 data) Systematics? (?n2 4)
Theoretical Central Value and Error sligthly
dependent on regression analysis
for 2H(d,p)3H-2H(d,n)3He-2H(p,g)3He
Perfect Agreement! 2H /H strongly depends on wb
Important Check of Standard Cosmological Model!
7Li status
  1. Given the WMAP result, the road to 7Li is

Propaganda we did not limit to reanalyze the
O(10) reactions believed to be dominant. We
revised and update the whole network (O(100)),
improved the analysis or looking for new
important reactions, and checked again the
relative weights of the different channels.
Almost two years of work... A (partial!!!)
list 2H(d,?)4He, 3He(t,d)4He, 3He(t,np)4He,
3H(t,nn)4He, 4He(d,?)6Li, 6Li(p,3He)4He, 3H(p,
?)4He, 7Li(p, ?)4He4He, 7Be(n,?)4He,
7Li(d,n)4He4He, 7Be(d,p)4He4He, 6Li(d, p/n)7Li/
7Be, 7X(3X,p/n)9Be ,three body, partition
First 7Li bump T70 keV, via 4He(t,g) 7Li
Equilibrium determined by wb, and the relative
weight of the two paths
Then plateau reached because of competion of
7Li(p,a) 4He
Indirect 7Li production via 4He(3He,g) 7Be and
late EC decays to 7Li
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
We get
rate ??Li2/ ?Li2()
7Be(n,4He)4He 40.9
4He(3He, ?)7Be 25.1
7Be(d,p)4He4He 16.2
3He(d,p)4He 8.6
2H(p,?)3He 4
others 5.2
1010(7Li /H) th 4.8 0.4 0.4
Due to nuclear uncertainties
Due to dwb0.001
Experimentally, in ancient metal poor stars (halo
or extragal.) one finds a plateau (Spite pl.) for
low Z ? Hint of Primordial Origin. Several
determinations, suggesting the (conservative)
1lt1010(7Li /H)explt2 d (7Li /H)exp lt0.5
Very difficult measurements, tiny fraction of
neutral Li, crucial importance of T
Low dispersion, compatible with 0, hard to
explain by depletion/diffusion models!
Still an open problem the most puzzling for
Standard BBN New clues on Astrophysics? A window
on non-standard Physics in the Early Universe?
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Nuclear Physics Solution disfavored, tough not
yet completely ruled out
Wrong normalization in 4He(3He,g) 7Be to
reconcile Spite Plateau BBN excluded at (at
least) 2 s from the measured solar Boron n-flux
in SNO Cyburt et al., PRD 69 (2004)
Possible underestimate of 7Be(d,p)2 4He by 2-3
orders of magnitude Coc et al. ApJ 600 (2004)
seems excluded by new measurements (C. Angulo _at_
We expect this issue to be soon (and finally)
clarified by forthcoming measurements.
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
K Jedamzik, PRD 70 (2004)
In Non-standard BBN, other interesting
possibilities. For example, decay or annihilation
of CDM relics (neutralinos?) ? Prediction of a
6Li plateau
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Exotica an intriguing hint
Recent hint for a 6Li plateau (see review in
Lambert, astro-ph/0410418)
A possible window on non-standard physics!
In this context, other interesting possibilities
for Nuclear Astrophysics Experimentalists in
improved measurements of (e.g.) 6Lip?3He4He,
6Lin?3H4He, other possibly neglected
reactions Indirectly (CR nucleosynthesis), the
spallation aa reactions at middle-high energies
also quite important!
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Road 3
Spite Plateau
Systematics in Astrophysical models?
New Measurements
4He(3He, ?)7Be
New Physics?
I focused on the difference between 4He
prediction (depending on weak rates and n
effects, theoretically well understood) and the
other nuclides, sensitive to the Nuclear Network
  • We performed a deep and wide review and analysis
    of the network
  • We compiled an updated BBN-oriented nuclear
  • We used a new, self-consistent and unbiased
    protocol for data
  • regression.

The error budget was put on a more statistical
ground, and typically a reduction of the errors
with respect to previous compilations was
found. I compared the predictions for the three
most relevant nuclides with observations
(2H) (4He) (7Li)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
A Summary Plot of present Standard BBN Situation
1 s nuclear error bars included, observational
conservative ranges or upper limits shown.
hb x1010
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
We expect from
Nuclear physicists new measurements in the
energy range of interest for BBN (0.01 ? 1 MeV)
4He(3He, ?)7Be, 2H-2H, 7Be(n,4He)4He, 4He(2H,
Astrophysicists better understanding of possible
systematics affecting 4He measurement and 7Li,
but also more data for 2H
Astroparticle physicists If both the previous
communities will confirm actual results...
Should try to find some smart idea to solve the
puzzle, as usual!!!
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
QED radiative effects Check the neutron lifetime
inner corrections
outer corrections
Perturbative QCD
Leading log resummation
Coulomb correction rescattering of electron in
the proton field, Weak magnetism
?nexp 885.7 0.8 s ?nth 886.5 s
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
  • Plasma effects
  • Interactions with photons/electrons of the plasma
  • Change in the e.m. equation of state due to
    photon/electron thermal masses
  • PP(?)
  • New Process (? only allowed at finite T. Checked

Very small corrections O(0.1 )
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
Neutrino decoupling
  • neutrinos are in chemical equilibrium with the
    e.m. plasma till weak reactions freeze out at T?
    few MeV
  • First approximation instantaneous decoupling.
    Neutrino decoupling has no overlap in time with
    e-e- annihilation
  • Asymptotic value reached for T? /T
  • All n species keep FD distribution
  • Standard Contribution to Hubble Expansion

P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
More accurate calculations by solving the kinetic
equations show a partial entropy transfer during
e-e- annihilation phase
Spectral Distortions, ffn(p,T?)1df(p)
different for ne (both CC NC) and nx(NC only)
  • How distortions in neutrino distributions can
    affect BBN ?
  • change in total n energy density 1
  • change in n-p weak rates fne enters the thermal
    averaged rate

Tiny effects, 10-4 on 4He mass fraction!!
For details and references Dolgov, Phys. Rep.
370 (2002)
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
?nexp Problem?
If confirmed, quite embarassing for most of the
previous determinations!!!
In G. Matthews et. al. 04, used
?nexp 878.5 0.7 s 0.3 s from Serebrov et al,
unpublished, 04 instead of ?nPDB 885.7 0.8 s
Yp th0.248?0.246
Gravitational trap, cold n Estrapolation to
?stor-1 ?0, Best storage time determination
P. D. Serpico, MPI für Physik - Munich
Nuclear Reactions in Primordial Nucleosynthesis
20-22/04 Teramo
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