Title: Final Demo
1Final Demo
- Sales pitch (20 min)
- Project idea and customer needs
- SW demo
- Technologies
- Project evaluation (15 min)
- Summary
3Product presentation
In collaboration with
Consultants C
We are not efficient!!!!
Happy Oy
5Project idea
- Tool for modeling business processes
- Diagrams modeled with UML notations
- Digrams can be converted to XPDL format and saved
on the server
6What is business processes modeling for?
- expressing business processes in terms of
business activities. - To make communication easier
- Allow different stakeholders to view system from
different angles and communicate their
perspectives with each other - Complex systems and processes need visual
modeling - Makes clear what value system brings.
7Why UML and XPDL?
- Widely adopted standard
- Same notation from business to business
- Understandable for both business analysts and
system analysts - XPDL
- Mechanism for the process for the process
definition interchange - Different users can share source of diagrams even
if they created them with different modeling
8Develop concept further (some suggestions for the
next year project course)
- Integrate tool with ERP systems
- connect the visually shown process parts to the
IPSS CRM database. As an example the user can in
the future use the diagram as a link to launch
other functions of the product - Use tool to activate activities needed to perform
task. - Implement more UML diagrams (use case diagrams,
class diagrams)
9SW demo
- http//r0x0r.no-ip.com8080/
10Software structure
11Backed by Strong Technologies
- Java 1.4.2
- Applet
- Swing GUI
- Apache XML-RPC
- Client
- Server
- XML-Parser
- UML Activity diagram
12Part 2Project evaluation
13Structure of work performed
14Working hours by person
15Software size
Package Classes Methods NCSS LOC Javadocs
client.engine 4 47 445 1027 27
client.gui 8 80 1164 2779 74
common 4 58 318 886 61
server 7 41 442 1150 38
Total 23 226 2369 5842 200
NCSS Non commented source statements (all
executable source code statements) LOC Lines of
code (with comments and blank lines)
16Quality assessment
Bug metrics
I1 I2 I3 DE Total
Reported 0 3 78 12 90
Closed 0 2 67 18 85
To be fixed 0 1 11 5 5
- During last iteration acceptance testing was done
- 10 bugs identified by customer
- 2 new bugs reported by team members
- 7 of them closed
- Improvements were suggested by customer and by
team members - Out of 9 customers suggestions for improvement 6
were implemented and delivered for testing before
the final release
17Suggestions for improvement
18Used practices
- Iteration planning
- Risk management
- Defect tracking
- Requirement management
- Version control
- Testing
19Personal practices
- Requirements elicitation and analysis
- Usability tests
- Architectural design
- Pair programming
- Configuration management
- Project progress tracking and control
- Risk management
- risks evaluation forms
- Risks analysis (Red , Yellow, Green)
- New risks reported
- Risks are not reported
- Risk actions are wrong
- Person responsible for risks quits.
- SoberIT is down
- Birdflue will affect people and will come to
I1 I2 I3
Risk ID Risk 3.11.2003 25.11.2003 13.12.2003 30.1.2004 4.3.2004
1.2 Test plan fails
1.4 Wrong architectural design
2.1 Lack of experience
2.2 Underestimated resources for project task
2.7 Project is late
3.1 Requirements changed
21Summary of the project
22Thank you! Have fun on your vocations!