Title: Internal auditing within Banverket, the Swedish Rail Administration SRA
1Internal auditing within Banverket,the Swedish
Rail Administration (SRA)
2The Central Government sector
3SRA an Agency in the Decentralised Swedish
- The Swedish Rail Administration
- - No transportation
- - Infrastructure (REST - Rail, Electricity,
Signals, Tele communications) - - Trafficplanning (timetables), supervision and
traffic management
4Some facts
- Banverkets operating volume. SEK million
- 2006 2005
- Operating volume 17 145 16 094
- Of which new investments 7 464 7
200 - Staff at the respective year-end 6 551 6 503
5BanverketSwedish Rail Administration
Board of Directors
Internal Audit
Director General
Director Generals Office
Operations Division
Banverket Production
Investments Division
Banverket Consulting
Expert Support Unit
Banverket ICT
Business Support Unit
Banverket Training Centre
Banverket Material Services
6BanverketSwedish Rail Administration
Board of Directors
Internal Audit
Director General
Profit centres
Director Generals Office
Operations Division
Banverket Production
Core business
Investments Division
Banverket Consulting
Expert Support Unit
Banverket ICT
Banverket Training Centre
Business Support Unit
Banverket Material Services
- Provide opportunities for the traffic of today
- Invest in and develop the railway for the
traffic of tomorrow
GE 2007-10-10
7The Internal Audit
- The Swedish Rail Administration became an Agency
in 1988 - No Internal Audit
- 1996 -- The Internal Audit ordinance
- 1996 Internal Audit outsorced
- 1997 -- Staff with 5 persons Head of Internal
Audit, three internal auditors, one auditor
8Production statistics last years
- Number of audits 15-25
- Number of reports 15-25
- Recommendations per report 5-15
- Recommendations to the board lt5 per report
9Internal Audit and its environment
External demands
Follow up
Internal demands
Value added to SRA
Reports Answers Dialogues Advices Etc.
Internal Audit processes
10What governs the IA within SRA?
- External demands
- - Internal Auditing Ordinance
- - Ordinance about the Swedish Rail Administration
- - Best practice according to the Institute of
Internal Auditors (IIA) - Internal demands
- - guidance decided by the Board of SRA
- - annual audit plan decided by the Board of SRA
- - annual agreement with the Director-General of
SRA about the budget
11What does IA do?
- The Internal Audit shall
- Evaluate the existence, compliance and efficiency
of the internal control and give recommendations
to improvements. The reviews include all of
Banverkets activities and all activities that
Banverket are responsible for - Internal control is a process, effected by
Banverkets board of directors, management and
other personnel, designed to provide a reasonable
assurance regarding the achievement of the
objectives in the following categories - effectiveness and efficiency of operations
- reliability of financial and other reporting
- compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
12The Audit Process (simplified)
The Management System
Implementation/ functioning
and fullfils its intended function?
If not, whats the reason, what should be
changed so that the goals can be reached?
13An audit exampleInvestments in
infrastructure-new rail, electricity equipment,
signals, telecommunications etc- components or
new lines, tunnels, bridges etc
14AuditInvestments in infrastructure
- Which guidelines concerning management and follow
up of investmentsprojects exists within Banverket
and how are they implemented within the regions ? - (Audit plan 2004)
15AuditInvestments in infrastructure
- Focus on calculations, cost estimates, control
and reporting of costs, retrieval of experiences - Specific interviews with 10 persons in two
regions - Also informations from other former and parallel
16Production statistics
- Number of Audits 1 information from
- Number of reportings 1 written ..
presentations - Recommendations to responsible unit 11 detailed
- Recommendations to the board 3 overall
17Banverkets organisation
Board of Directors
Internal Audit
Rail Traffic Administration
Railway Inspectorate
Head Office
Banverket Production
Northern Track Region
Banverket Consulting
Central Track Region
Industrial Division
Banverket Telecom
Eastern Track Region
Western Track Region
Railway Training Centre
Materials Service
Southern Track Region
Banverket Traffic
Banverket IT
18The Audit Process
Audit year
Audit year - 1
Risk analysis
Audit plan
Annual report
Risk identif analysis
Audit planning
Analysis adjustment
Ad hoc audits
Reports questio- naire
Reports questio- naire
Discussion w. Management
Risk adjustment
Consultation w. the Supreme Audit Institution
19Audit of investments in infrastructure
- 1. 2003-11 -- 12 Risk analysis
- 2. 2004-04-01 Audit plan
- 3. 2004-10-20 Planning document
20Audit of investments in infrastructure
- Are there good conditions for and routines for
- - for implementation of the four-step-model?
- - to discover and report rased expenses in time,
especially if more then 10 extra? - - to retrieve experiences with after-calculation?
21The Audit Project
Closing meeting
Follow-up activities
Opening meeting
Draft report
Client information
Post audit
Field audit
Audit preparation
4. 2004-10 -- 2005-02 Audit, Draft report written
22Audit of investments in infrastructure
- 4. 2004-10 -- 2005-02 Audit, Draft report
written - 5. 2005-03-31 Final Report decided
- 6. 2005-03-31 Annual report to board
- 7. 2005-04 Board meeting with presentation
- 8. 2005-05-13 Report, presentation to regions
23Investments in infrastructure
- 11 detailed recommendations, summarised in
- There are acceptable conditions and routines
which make it possible to discover and report of
increases in expenses for investment projects - Retrieval of experiences and follow-up
calculations can be improved - The work with the four-step modell can be
24The Audit Process
Audit year
Audit year - 1
Risk analysis
Audit plan
Annual report
Risk identif analysis
Audit planning
Analysis adjustment
Ad hoc audits
Reports questio- naire
Reports questio- naire
Discussion w. Management
Risk adjustment
Consultation w. the Supreme Audit Institution
25Audit of investments in infrastructure
- 9. 2005- Questionairy to responsible unit
- 10. 2005-11 Follow-up
- 11. 2004-04 new risk analysis
- 12. 2006-12 -- 2007-03 Special follow-up in new
audit - 13. 2007-02 New organisation Investments
26BanverketSwedish Rail Administration
Board of Directors
Internal Audit
Director General
Director Generals Office
Operations Division
Banverket Production
Investments Division
Banverket Consulting
Expert Support Unit
Banverket ICT
Business Support Unit
Banverket Training Centre
Banverket Material Services
27And some more if we have extra time
28How do we do it? (1)
- Generell principles
- Process oriented working procedure
- Everybody participates
- Continuous improvements
- Regulating documents
- Audit manual
- Plan of activities in annual process
- Decision about areas to collect information
29How do we do it? (2)
- Planning of operations
- Risk analysis Audit plan Production plan
- Balanced scorecard
- Budget
- Competence provision plans (group and
individual) - Decision of distribution of areas to collect
information about - Carry out operations
- Audit projects
- Competence development
- Information collecting activities
30How do we do it? (3)
- Follow up the operations
- Recommendations
- Quality (effectiveness)
- Productivity (key indicators)
- Continous improvement
- Dialogue during audit planing
- Dialogue during auditing
- Self evaluation (annual)
- External evaluation (once every five years)
31The Audit Process
Audit year
Audit year - 1
Risk analysis
Audit plan
Annual report
Risk identif analysis
Audit planning
Analysis adjustment
Ad hoc audits
Reports questio- naire
Reports questio- naire
Discussion w. Management
Risk adjustment
Consultation w. the Supreme Audit Institution
32The Audit Project
Draft report and client dialogue
Client information and dialogue
Closing meeting
Follow-up activities
Opening meeting
Post audit
Field audit
Audit preparation
33How we report
- All audit reports etc. are public.
- Basic principles for reporting
- Significant observations are reported to the
board. - The audit reports are distributed to the units
subject for audit, the CFO and the
director-general. - The audit reports are distributed to the Supreme
Audit Institution. - The significance of the observations are decided
after consultation between the auditor and the
head of internal audit. - A concluding annual report shall be approved by
the board. - A follow-up of previous observations, without
finished actions, are reported to the board as a
balance list once a year.
34Continuous improvements
- Network of IA from infrastructure
agencies/companys (from former ministry of
communications). Once a year meeting with head of
IA to share experiences. - Networks within the Swedish branch of IIA
36Cooperation between internal audit of Road and
Rail Administrations - 1
- Belongs to the same ministry
- Infrastructure agencies with sectorial
responsibility and of about the same size - Obliged to coordinate strategic infrastructure
planning - Both have head office och internal audit in the
same city, Borlänge
37Cooperation between internal audit of Road and
Rail Administrations - 2
- Discussions during Risk analysis and Audit
planning - Competence development - lectures and exercises
together at least once a year - The IA departments have audited each others HQ
-independency - Joint audit of an Investment Project performed by
the Road and Rail Aministrations together
(simultaneous building of road and railway in a
narrow valley). - Reporting during meeting with the Boards of both
38Relation to central harmonisation unit (CHU)
- The Swedish IIA-branch is an established forum
for discussions, education and exchange of
experinces - The Swedish CHU is new. Therfore limited
experinces of contacts with CHU.