objects, classes, and hierarchies 1: windows and menus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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objects, classes, and hierarchies 1: windows and menus


Everything in your computer is data. Including programs. Data is ... N.B.: the colons are mandatory. Rewriting using make [define [get-text starting-text] ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: ianhor2


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: objects, classes, and hierarchies 1: windows and menus

objects, classes, and hierarchies 1windows and
The story up until now
  • Everything in your computer is data
  • Including programs
  • Data is divided into objects
  • Objects can be inside of other objects
  • Boxes inside groups
  • Colors inside bitmaps
  • Objects have types (or classes)
  • Procedures
  • Numbers (1, -3.5)
  • Strings (this is a string, blue)
  • Bitmaps
  • Picture objects (lines, groups, boxes, etc.)

Looking inside data objects
Ellipse Width 15 Height 10
  • Data objects are like forms
  • They have fields (aka members)
  • Filled in by values
  • The fields
  • Have names (Width, Height)
  • The fields are filled in by other data objects
  • The objects type (Box, Color) determines what
    fields it has

Box Width 10 Height 10
Number Value 10
Procedure Name iterated-group Arguments proc
count Body apply group
up-to count proc
Color R 240 G 220 B 0
Member notation
Ellipse Width 15 Height 10
  • You can ask for a field of a data object using
    the . notation object.memberName
  • myColor.R
  • pixel myBitmap 0 0.R
  • iterated-group.Name
  • iterated-group.Arguments
  • mybox.Width
  • Note to simplify the presentation, Ive lied
    here about what the actual fields of boxes,
    procedures, etc. are.
  • You can find out what fields are really in an
    object using the inspector.

Box Width 10 Height 10
Number Value 10
Procedure Name iterated-group Arguments proc
count Body apply group
up-to count proc
Color R 240 G 220 B 0
Types and subtypes
  • Types often have subtypes
  • Integers are a subtype of numbers
  • Boxes are a subtype of Pictures
  • All types are subtypes of the magic type Object
  • Subtyping means objects can have many types
  • All Integers are also Numbers
  • All Boxes are also Pictures
  • And all objects are Objects

Example 1The Windows Forms class hierarchy
  • User-interface components (windows, buttons,
    etc.) are all objects
  • Individual windows are Form objects
  • Individual elements of windows are objects of
    type Button, TextBox, Label, etc.
  • Form, Button, etc. are all subtypes of the type
  • Controls can have other Controls inside of them
  • Which is how buttons can be inside forms
  • All these classes are in the System.Windows.Forms

Greatly simplified version of the winforms class
Wait a minute, whats a class?
  • For our purposes, we can think of it as a synonym
    for type
  • In C, Java, and .NET, classes are a kind of
  • Have fields
  • Have methods (essentially fields that hold
  • Fields and methods of an object are determined by
    its class
  • Objects of the same class have the same fields
    and methods (procedures that seem like fields)
  • But not necessarily the same values for the fields

Fields of the Control class
  • These can be used to change the appearance of any
  • There are many more, but these should be enough
    for you for now.
  • BackColor, ForeColor
  • Background/foreground color for the control
  • Font
  • Font that text appears in (see the slide at the
    end for how to specify a font)
  • Text
  • Text that appears in the control (if any)
  • Height, Width
  • The size of the control
  • Location
  • The X,Y coordinate of the top-left corner (as a
  • Left, Top
  • The individual X- and Y- coordinates of the
    control within its window

Member procedures (aka methods)
  • Some of an objects members are procedures
  • They act like theyre stored inside the object
  • You call them by saying object.name args
  • They are usually called methods
  • N.B. method is also used to refer to a
    slightly different kind of procedure well talk
    about in the next unit
  • Examples
  • x.ToStringReturns a string that represents x
  • g.DrawLine startx starty endx endyDraws a line
    in a window given its

Class-based inheritance
  • When a class is a subtype of another class it
    automatically has
  • All the fields of the parent class
  • All the methods of the parent class
  • We say that the subclass inherits the fields and
    methods of the parent class

The Form class
  • A form is a window that can hold controls
  • Its also a subclass of Control, so it has all
    the standard fields of controls
  • E.g. Width, Height, BackColor, etc.
  • using System.Windows.Forms
  • Tells system to use classes in the Windows Forms
  • new Form
  • Makes a form
  • form.Controls.Add control
  • Adds a control to a form
  • Application.Run form
  • Displays form and lets the user work with it
    until they close it.
  • form.Show
  • Used to show a new form after Application.Run has
    already been invoked

Creating new data objects
  • new type arguments
  • Creates a new object of the specified type
  • The arguments depend on the type
  • For windows forms classes, they generally dont
    take any arguments
  • Great, but how do we get at the data in the
  • ? define my-form new Form

The TextBox control
  • new TextBox
  • Makes a space where the user can type
  • Whatever they type appears in the Text field of
    the object (remember the Text field?)
  • Again, has all the standard fields of a Control

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox
    f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form make the form tbox
    new TextBox f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox make the
    text box f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox
    f.Controls.Add tbox add the text box
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox
    f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text set its
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox
    f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150 and width
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox
    f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10 and
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox
    f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
    give it to the user
  • tbox.Text

Example entering text
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox new TextBox
    f.Controls.Add tbox
  • tbox.Text ? starting-text
  • tbox.Width ? 150
  • tbox.Location ? point 10 10
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text
    return the text

The make command
  • You will find that you spend a lot of time
    calling new and then setting fields of the
    resulting object
  • This can be tedious
  • And hard to read
  • The make command simplifies this by letting you
  • Make the object, and
  • Set its fields
  • make Type args field value
  • Runs new Type args
  • Then sets each field of the new object to its
    corresponding value
  • N.B. the colons are mandatory

Rewriting using make
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox make TextBox
    Text starting-text
    Width 150
    Location point 10 10
  • f.Controls.Add tbox
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Aside macros and syntactic sugar
  • Make is an example of a macro
  • Macros are convenient shorthands for more
    complicated expressions
  • Meta translates make into a call to new and a
    bunch of assignment statements (well, almost)
  • Why are we telling you this?
  • Because it means that if you use make incorrectly
  • You probably wont see make anywhere in the
  • Youll see a call to new instead
  • So we just dont want you to be confused
  • If you want to learn to write your own macros,
    talk to Ian
  • Some macros you may have been using
  • when test expressions unless test
  • Gets translated toif test begin expressions
    , or if not test begin expressions ,
  • cond test1 expressions test2
    expressions etc
  • Gets translated toif test1 begin
    expressions if test2 begin
    expressions etc
  • define name args expressions
  • Gets translated todefine name args ?

Three problems
  • This is okay, but it has some definite problems
  • You click the close box to finish (rather than an
    OK box)
  • It doesnt actually work because Application.Run
    turns out to clear the Text of tbox
  • Well ignore this for the moment and pretend it
  • The window is outrageously tall
  • Well leave fixing this as an exercise for the
  • The window has no name
  • You can fix this by setting its Text or Name field

Adding a button
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox make TextBox
    Text starting-text
    Width 150
    Location point 10 10 b
    make Button Text
    OK Location point
    170 10
  • f.Controls.Add tbox
  • f.Controls.Add b
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Trying it out
  • Hey! We have a button!
  • Hey! It doesnt do anything!
  • Hey! The window is still too tall and has no
  • Oh, shut up

Event handling
  • You need some way of specifying what to do when
    the button is pressed
  • This is done by specifying a procedure called an
    event handler or a callback
  • When the even happens, the system calls the

Event handling in Meta
  • Events look like lists of procedures to call when
    the event happens
  • To add a handler for an event, add it to the
  • object.event ? handler-procedure
  • Or specify it as part of the make arguments
  • Note Windows Forms always passes two parameters
    to the handler procedure
  • The control that generated the event
  • An extra data object that well ignore for the

Adding a Click handler
  • define get-text starting-textwith f new
    Form tbox make TextBox
    Text starting-text
    Width 150
    Location point 10 10 b
    make Button Text
    OK Location point
    170 10 Click ignore
    ignore ? f.Close
  • f.Controls.Add tbox
  • f.Controls.Add b
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text

Shortening the form
  • define get-text starting-textwith f make
    Form Height 75
    tbox make TextBox
    Text starting-text
    Width 150
    Location point 10 10 b make
    Button Text OK
    Location point 170 10
    Click ignore ignore ?
  • f.Controls.Add tbox
  • f.Controls.Add b
  • Application.Run f

Naming the form
  • define get-text starting-textwith f make
    Form Height 75
  • Text Please enter
    some text tbox make TextBox
    Text starting-text
    Width 150
    Location point 10 10
    b make Button Text
    OK Location point
    170 10 Click ignore
    ignore ? f.Close
  • f.Controls.Add tbox
  • f.Controls.Add b
  • Application.Run f

It works!
  • In particular, clicking the OK box
  • Closes the form as if the user had clicked the
    close box
  • Which causes Application.Run to finish
  • Which causes get-text to finish and return the

The TrackBar control
  • new TrackBar
  • Makes a slider control
  • Useful fields (plus Controls fields)
  • Value
  • The current numeric value the user has chosen
  • Minimum, Maximum
  • The numeric values for the ends of the range of
    the slider
  • TickFrequency
  • How often to draw tick marks
  • Orientation
  • Whether it should be a horizontal or vertical
    control.Set it to either Orientation.Horizontal
    or Orientation.Vertical.
  • Useful events
  • ValueChanged (called when the user moves the

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form
    make a form r make TrackBar Top 10 g
    make TrackBar Top 60 b make TrackBar
    Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar
    Top10 make three sliders to go
    with it g make TrackBar Top 60 b
    make TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
    run this procedure
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
    on r, g, and b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
    add the slider to the
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
    make it 255 pixels wide
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
    set its limits to 0 and 255
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    add the following handler for

  • when the slider changes
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore arguments
    and change the background color
    of the form ignore ignore
    ? f.BackColor ? color
    r.Value g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f
    start the form up

Running it
Fixing a bug
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

This what it looks like when you start it up.
Whats wrong with this?
Fixing a bug
  • with f new Form r make TrackBar Top
    10 g make TrackBar Top 60 b make
    TrackBar Top 110
  • f.BackColor ? color 0 0 0
  • for-each slider ?
  • f.Controls.Add slider
  • slider.Width ? 255
  • slider.Minimum ? 0
  • slider.Maximum ? 255
  • slider.ValueChanged ?
    ignore ignore ?
    f.BackColor ? color r.Value
    g.Value b.Value
  • list r g b
  • Application.Run f

What does this do?
  • define slider-text
  • with f new Form
  • s make TrackBar
    Top 10
    ValueChanged i i ? t.Text ? to-string
  • t make TextBox
    Top60 TextChanged
    i i ? s.Value ? System.Int32.Parse t.Text
  • f.Controls.Add s
  • f.Controls.Add t
  • Application.Run f
  • Hints
  • System.Int32.Parse string returns the number
    represented by string.Example
    System.Int32.Parse 10 returns 10 (the
    integer, not a string)

Fixing a bug
  • define slider-text
  • with f new Form
  • s make TrackBar
    Top 10
    ValueChanged i i ? t.Text ? to-string
  • t make TextBox
    Top60 TextChanged
    i i ? ignore-errors
    ? s.Value ?
    System.Int32.Parse t.Text
  • f.Controls.Add s
  • f.Controls.Add t
  • Application.Run f
  • Ignore-errors runs its argument procedure and
    ignores any errors that occur
  • Since ? expressions looks funny, you can also
    say expressions

It works!
Some other useful Controls
  • new Label
  • Like a textbox but the user cant change it
  • new CheckBox
  • Makes a box
  • Useful fields
  • Checked (whether the box has been checked (true
    or false))

Some other useful Controls
  • new PictureBox
  • Lets you show pictures
  • Useful fields
  • Width, Height, LocationSame as any other form
  • ImageThe image to show. You make an image by
    saying new Bitmap file where file is a
    pathname for a .jpg or other image file.
  • SizeModeControls how to scale the size of the
    picture. Set to
  • PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSizeTo make it scale
    images to fit the window (this doesnt actually
    seem to work for me)
  • PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImageTo make it
    stretch/squish image to exactly fit the window
    (this may change the aspect ratio of the image).

Another useful component
  • make Timer Interval
    time-in-milliseconds Enabled true
    Tick ignore ignore ? code
  • Creates a timer object that runs code every
  • Not actually a type of Control, so dont try to
    add it to a form

  • picky little details I ignored

Object-oriented programming terminology
  • Object
  • Any piece of data
  • Has type, members (e.g. fields)
  • Type
  • Determines what kinds of members an object has
  • Class
  • Essentially means type
  • Subclass
  • A class that inherits all the members of its
    parent class
  • Member
  • Data (including procedures) associated with
  • Fields, Methods, Events, Properties
  • Field
  • Little variable inside an object
  • Holds a data value
  • Method
  • Essentially a field that holds a procedure
  • Event
  • Essentially a field that holds a list of

How do I specify a font?
  • Just type
  • new Font fontfamily
    System.Convert.ToSingle size style
  • where
  • Fontfamily is a string, like Times New Roman
  • Size is a number (the size of the font in
    points), e.g. 10 or 12
  • Style is one of
  • FontStyle.Regular, FontStyle.Bold,
    FontStyle.Italic, FontStyle.Strikeout,

How do we fix get-text to return the stupid text?
  • Change
  • with f new Form
  • b new Button
  • tbox new TextBox
  • bla bla bla
  • Application.Run f
  • tbox.Text
  • To
  • with f new Form
  • b new Button
  • tbox new TextBox
  • remember starting-text
  • bla bla bla
  • tbox.TextChanged ? ignore ignore ?
    remember ? tbox.Text
  • Application.Run f
  • remember

We add a new event handler that runs whenever the
user changes the text
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