Title: Leadership to Stimulate School Improvement
1Leadership to Stimulate School Improvement
- Cindy Koss, Assistant State Superintendent
- Mary Pearson, Executive Director, Title I School
Support - Office of Standards and Curriculum
- State Department of Education
- Cindy_Koss_at_sde.state.ok.us
2Goals of Presentation
- Provide information about using ARRA funds to
drive school reform and improvement - Identify ways to use one-time resources
3Consider if as a Decision Maker you can Say Yes
to These Questions
- Drive results for students?
- Increase capacity?
- Accelerate reform?
- Avoid the cliff and improve productivity?
- Foster continuous improvement?
4Focus on Small Number of Related and Reinforcing
5Adopt Rigorous Standards and High-quality
- Increase student participation in rigorous
advanced courses such as Advanced Placement - For two years of ARRA funding, intensively train
all teachers in effectively using the curriculum
with their students
6Adopt Rigorous Standards
7Adopt Rigorous Standards and High-Quality
8High School Standards
9Rigorous Content Standards
10Building Academic Vocabulary
11Establish data systems and use data for
- Develop or enhance existing data systems
- Train principals, teachers and counselors to use
data to identify specific help students need to
12The Full Year Cycle of Improvement
Reflection Retreat
Improvement Planning Cycle CESA 7, Wisconsin,
Data Retreat
13Establish data systems and use data for
- Track the number and percentage of students by
school who graduate high school and go on to
complete at least one years worth of college
14Increase teacher effectiveness and equitable
distribution of effective teachers
- Establish and implement a fair and reliable
teacher evaluation system that provides ongoing
15Increase teacher effectiveness and equitable
distribution of effective teachers
- Ensure teacher learning opportunities are
sustained, job-embedded, collaborative,
data-driven, and focused on student instructional
16Increase teacher effectiveness and equitable
distribution of effective teachers
17Increase teacher effectiveness and equitable
distribution of effective teachers
- Support new teachers in their first two years
with structured mentoring, teacher networks, and
extensive professional development
18Turn around the lowest-performing schools
- Restructure lowest performing schools
- Add time to the school day and year
- Create 9th grade academies
19Turn around the lowest-performing schools
- Launch a comprehensive literacy program
- Create intensive summer institutes
20Turn around the lowest-performing schools
21Turn around the lowest-performing schools
22Improve results for all students
- Extend learning time for students
- Strengthen preparation for college and careers
- Use technology to improve teaching and learning
23Improve results for all students
24Improve results for all students
- Conduct reviews, demonstrations, and evaluations
that enhance effectiveness.
25Oklahoma Nine Essential Elements
- Academic Performance
- Learning Environment
- Efficiency
26Suggested Uses of Funds
- Increase Administrator and
- Teacher Capacity
- Extend Learning Time
- Provide Professional Development
- Provide Technology Integration
- Support Parental Involvement
- Provide Research-based Programs
273 Big Ideas To Remember
- Learning is the fundamental purpose-
- Academic Performance
- A collaborative culture creates high-
- performing teams Learning Environment
- Results grounded in evidence -
- places a focus on results rather
- than intentions - Efficiency
- Developing the structure and culture that engages
people in learning is the primary task of
leadership and perhaps the only way a leader can
genuinely influence or inspire others. - -Peter Senge
29Contact Information
- Cindy Koss. Ed.D.
- Assistant State Superintendent
- (405) 521-4514
- Cindy_Koss_at_sde.state.ok.us
- Mary Pearson
- Executive Director, Title I, School Support
- (405) 522-3253
- Mary _Pearson_at_sde.state.ok.us