Title: Lifelong Learning policies and the Open Method of Cooperation
1Lifelong Learning policies and the Open Method of
- Lisbon Conference 2008
- 12 June, Prague
- José Pessanha, European Commission, DG EAC A.1
2Education Training 2010main elements of OMC
- Common objectives
- Peer learning
- Monitoring of progress (indicators and
benchmarks, biennial joint reports) - EU reference tools supporting national reforms
3Common reference tools principles
- Common objectives and LLL criteria
- Lifelong guidance
- Validation of non-formal learning
- Europass (transparency/self-assessment)
- Key competences
- European Qualifications Framework for LLL
4Education Training 20102008 Joint Report
- Dual function progress report and setting
priorities for immediate future - Based on national reports, indicators and
benchmarks, peer learning results - LLL perspective - covers all ET - formal and
5Education Training 20102008 Joint Report
- Delivering lifelong learning for knowledge,
creativity and innovation - Raising skill levels
- Lifelong learning strategies
- Strengthen the knowledge triangle
6LLL- definitions and objectives
- Lifelong pre-primary to post-retirement
- Life wide formal non formal
- Personal, civic, social employment
- Access, quality and openness of systems
- Developing skills for knowledge society (learning
outcomes) - Change in focus from systems to learners /
inputs to outcomes
7LLL- definitions and objectives
- Flexible pathways transition points
- Person-centred / guidance / role of teachers
- Valuing learning / making learning attractive
- Combining efficiency equity
- Partnership with stakeholders
- Joined-up education training policy (strategic
82008-Joint Report LLL strategies
- Progress in establishing strategies
- Most MS develop national qualifications
frameworks - Progress on validation of non-formal learning
- But
- implementation, partnership with all relevant
stakeholders at national and regional levels and
funding remain main challenges
9Progress achieved since 2000
- Benchmark already achieved
- Mathematics, science and technology graduates
- Constant, but not sufficient progress
- Early school leavers
- Upper secondary attainment
- Lifelong learning participation
- Deteriorating results
- Low achievers in reading literacy
10Low achievers in Reading - PISA
112008-Joint Report way forward LLL to achieve
efficiency and equity
- improving the knowledge base
- sustainable funding
- raising skills levels
- addressing socio-economic disadvantage
- using the potential of migrants
- high quality teaching
122008-Joint Report Improved Governance
- Joined-up ET policy within LLL perspective
- Ensuring that PLA results reach policy-makers
- Stronger participation of Civil Society
- National and regional LLL
- Use of European common reference points and
recommendations for national reforms
13Other relevant initiatives
- EQF adopted (22/04/08)
- ECVET and Quality Assurance package (04/08)
- Adult learning action plan and Council
Conclusions (5/08) - Next stage of Copenhagen process Bordeaux
14Forthcoming initiatives
- Green paper on Education Migration (6/08)
- Communication on schools (6/08)
- Peer learning on early childhood education
- Fr. presidency guidance, Copenhagen process
- New skills for new jobs communication (12/08)
- Future strategic framework for Education and
Training co-operation post 2010 (12/08)
15Post 2010
- Proposal for updated strategic framework in 12/08
- Consultation with MS in April and June
- Survey by questionnaire
- Consultation of Stakeholders at Brussels Forum on
20/05 - Agreement by Education Council in May 2009