Title: Luca de Alfaro
1 Compositional Methods forProbabilistic Systems
- Luca de Alfaro
- Thomas A. Henzinger
- Ranjit Jhala
- UC Berkeley
- Compositional Model
- Construct large systems from models of components
- Shallow Compositionality Syntactic
- Given P, Q can construct PkQ
- Deep Compositionality Semantic
- P k Q a function of P , Q
3Deep Compositionality Example
- Transition systems with Trace Semantics
- Variable-based version
- System made of variables X
- X-State A valuation of the variables in X
- X-Trace A sequence of X-States, corresponding
to a run - P Set of X-Traces corresponding to all
possible runs - Private variables projected away
- Given components P, Q
- Read variables written by each other
- P k Q P Ã… Q
4Deep Compositionality
- Composition of properties
- Allows decomposition of large verification tasks
- Simple Refinement Decomposition
- To check P1 k P2 ¹ Q1 k Q2
- Suffices that P1 ¹ Q1 and P2 ¹ Q2
- Assume-Guarantee Decomposition
- To check P1 k P2 ¹ Q1 k Q2
- Suffices that P1 k Q2 ¹ Q1 and Q1 k
P2 ¹ Q2 - Crucial for non-deterministic systems
- Even more beneficial in the probabilistic setting
5Our Contribution
- First Deeply compositional model for systems with
both Probabilistic and Non-deterministic choice - Generalise semantic properties of trace-based
models to the probabilistic setting - First Assume-Guarantee rule for decomposing
refinement checks for such systems
6Previous Work
- A large body of work on the modelling and
verification of probabilistic systems - Vardi 85, Courcoubetis Yannakakis 89
- Basic Model Markov Decision Processes
- Defining the behaviour using schedulers
- Branching-time models based on Process
Algebras - Jonson Larsen 91
- Probabilistic Process Algebras
- Performance properties
- Models based on I/O Automata by Segala 95
- Semantics described as Trace Distributions
- Refinement as trace distribution inclusion
- Systems with Probabilistic and
Non-determinisitic choice - Why is deep compositionality tricky ?
- Atoms, the solution to the scheduler problem
- Concrete Model Probabilistic Modules
- Bundle Algebra
- Theorems
- Conclusions etc.
8Probabilistic Systems
- We wish to model transition systems that can make
both Probabilistic and Non-deterministic choice
- At a state, the system does the following
- Picks one of several available distributions (or
moves) over next state non-deterministically - Picks a next state randomly out of the chosen
9Prob. Systems Example
- There are 2 possible behaviors arising from
the non-deterministic choice at - ¼ , ¾
- ½ , ½
10Semantics dealing with choices
- Non-deterministic, Probabilistic choice are
orthogonal - Factor out non-determinism using schedulers
- Derman70, Vardi 1985, Courcoubetis Yannakakis
1989 - Given a scheduler, the execution is fully
probabilistic - Outcome A sequence of bundles of length i, 8 i gt
0 - Semantics Sum of the outcomes for all the
different schedulers
11Schedulers Example
4 Possible Schedulers, one outcome (bundle) for
Outcomes (Bundles)
½ , ½ ½ , ½ ½ , ½ ½ , ½
12 Non-Det. Choice Vs Prob. Choice
- Non-deterministic choice is more flexible than
probabilistic choice - We want A ¹ B, but
Bundle of A
Bundles of B
½ , ½
13 Non-Det. Choice Vs Prob. Choice
- Solution Let the scheduler be randomized
- The scheduler of B can flip a coin to select
nondeterministic choice - The move of B is then the convex combination of
its simple moves
e , 1-e
Bundles of B For every e 2 0,1 In particular
e ½ matches As bundle
14Semantics of Probabilistic Systems
Given a set of variables X
15Semantics of Probabilistic Systems
Given a Probabilistic system P with variables X,
semantics P is an X-Probabilistic language
- Refinement corresponds to bundle inclusion
- P ¹ Q if P µ Q
- Systems with Probabilistic and
Non-determinisitic choice - Why is deep compositionality tricky ?
- Atoms, the solution to the scheduler problem
- Concrete Model Probabilistic Modules
- Bundle Algebra
- Theorems
- Conclusions etc.
17Why is it tricky ? (1)
P Priv P Ctr X Extl Y
Q Priv Q Ctr Y Extl X
PkQ Priv P, Q Ctr X , Y
This is the ONLY bundle of P k Q ) P
Å Q ¾ P k Q !!
A bundle in P and Q
18Why is it tricky ? (1)
- External variable was scheduled looking at
private variable - this breaks compositionality
- ) must have two schedulers
- CONTROLLED-VAR scheduler can look at private
variables - EXTERNAL-VAR scheduler cannot look at private
P Å Q ¾ P k Q !!
19Why is it tricky ? (2)
P Ctr X, non-det Extl Y
Q Ctr Y, non-det Extl X
- No matching bundle in P or Q
- P Å Q ½ P k Q !!
- ) A composed system must be made up of
schedulers for individual components
PkQ Ctr X , Y X,Y are non-det. set
With a single scheduler we get
20Schedulers and Compositionality
Q Why are previous models not deeply
compositional ? A Monolithic Schedulers are bad
21Atoms The Solution to the Scheduler Problem
Atoms Units of Scheduling Variables written by
the atom Variables read on whose history
non-det. is resolved
A single scheduler associated with each atom -
Module Scheduler is the composition of atomic
schedulers Atomic (scheduling) structure
preserved after parallel composition
22The Importance of Atoms
- A ¹ B because
- A has a bundle where x,y have correlated values
½ 0,0 ½ 1,1 - In Bs bundle it is not possible to get
correlation, despite complete non-det in
each atom, as the schedulers are independent
- Systems with Probabilistic and
Non-determinisitic choice - Why is deep compositionality tricky ?
- Atoms, the solution to the scheduler problem
- Concrete Model Probabilistic Modules
- Bundle Algebra
- Theorems
- Conclusions etc.
24Probabilistic Modules
Update To each state, associate a set of
distributions (moves), for next state
The atom scheduler Chooses between moves
25Operations Parallel Composition
26Operations Parallel Composition
27Module Semantics
28Module Semantics
29 Composing Atomic Schedulers
30Semantics Atomic Schedulers
- Composing Atom Schedulers
- For schedulers s1 from X1 to Y1, s2 from X2 to
Y2, s.t. Y1 Ã… Y2 ?, - (s1 s2) from X1 X2 to Y1 Y2 s.t.
(s1 s2)(t) s1(tX1) s2(tX2) - For sets of schedulers S1 from X1 to Y1, S2 from
X2 to Y2, - S1 S2 s1 s2 s1 2 S1, s2 2 S2
31Module Semantics
- Schedulers of P
- extlå(P) set of all schedulers from extlX(P)
intfX(P) to extlX(P) - modå(P) extlå(P) PA 2 Atoms(P) atomå(A)
- Language of P
- L(P) s 2 modå(P) Outcome(s)
- Trace Semantics of P
- P L(P)obsX(P)
- the language projected to the observables
- Systems with Probabilistic and
Non-determinisitic choice - Why is deep compositionality tricky ?
- Atoms, the solution to the scheduler problem
- Concrete Model Probabilistic Modules
- Bundle Algebra
- Theorems
- Conclusions etc.
33Semantics of Probabilistic Systems
Given a set of variables X
34Bundle Algebra
- For reasoning about parallel composition
- Decomposing Projection
- Given sets of variables X, X s.t. X µ X
- X-Bundle a X-Bundle
- Composing Product
- Given sets of variables X, Y
- X-Bundle Y-Bundle a (X Y) Bundle
35 Projection States
36 Projection Moves
X Move
X Move
37 Projection Bundles
X Bundle
X Bundle
38 Product States
X Y State
X Z State
X Y Z State
39 Product Moves, Bundles
X Y Move
X Y Z Move
X Z Move
40Operations Product
- Product
- Given 2 sets of variables X1, X2
- Given an X1-State s1, a X2-State s2
- s1, s2 can be multiplied if s1 X1 Ã… X2
s2X1 Ã… X2 - Same condition for for Traces and Bundles
- Given an X1-Bundle b1, X2-Bundle b2
- (b1 b2) X1 X2 Bundle s.t.
- (b1 b2)(t) b1 (tX1) b2 (tX2) / b1
(tX1 Ã… X2) - Given an X1-Language L1, X2-Language L2
- L1 L2 b1 b2 b1 2 L1 and b2 2 L2 can be
- Systems with Probabilistic and
Non-determinisitic choice - Why is deep compositionality tricky ?
- Atoms, the solution to the scheduler problem
- Concrete Model Probabilistic Modules
- Bundle Algebra
- Theorems
- Conclusions etc.
42Compositional Semantics
- Theorem P1 k P2 P1 Ã… P2
- This is because L(P1 k P2) L(P1) L(P2)
- For every b1 2 L(P1), b2 2 L(P2),
- s.t. b1X(P1) Ã… X(P2) b2X(P1) Ã… X(P2)
are multipliable - b1 b2 2 L(P1 k P2)
- For every b 2 L(P1 k P2)
- bX(P1) 2 L(P1) and bX(P2) 2 L(P2)
43Recall Probabilistic Refinement
Given a Probabilistic system P with variables X,
semantics P is an X-Probabilistic language
- Refinement corresponds to bundle inclusion
- P ¹ Q if P µ Q
44Refinement Is Compositional
- Module Refinement P ¹ Q iff P µ
Q - Theorem Refinement is Compositional
- P k Q ¹ P
- If P ¹ Q , then P k R ¹ Q k R
- Follows from deep compositionality
- Theorem Assume-Guarantee
- If P1 k Q2 ¹ Q1 and Q1 k P2 ¹ Q2,
- then P1 k P2 ¹ Q1 k Q2
- Deep compositionality
- Induction
- Deeply compositional semantics for systems
with Non-deterministic and Probabilistic choice - Assume-Guarantee rule
- Only possible by restricting the visibility and
influence of schedulers - Checking Bundle Inclusion
- Simulation based approach
- Adding combinational (0-delay) dependencies
- Logics for Specification
- Correctness and performance properties
- Compositional reasoning