Title: Libraries and Learning: Opportunities for Partnership
1Libraries and Learning Opportunities for
DfES, 7 July 2004
- Margaret Haines
- CILIP President
2Libraries for Learning
- All libraries are central to learning
- Our core values support literacy and learning in
all sectors
- Education libraries and other libraries
- Libraries and the Learning Sector
- Education libraries and DfES
- DfES and other departments
- UK and other countries
- What about CILIP?
4Partnership between libraries
- Education and public libraries
- Shared space and up-skilling public for
employment for public sector shortage areas
(UEL/Barking FE College and Barking and Dagenham
Adult Institute within refurbished public
library), - UK Online initiative provide PC and software
for ICT skills for public (education and learning
and skills councils via adult institutes - Empowering the Learning Community
5Partnerships between libraries (2)
- Education and NHS libraries
- Shared user training, licences
- Education and education libraries
- information literacy approaches, access
- DfES and other government libraries
- Shared expertise in adult pedagogy
- CofHE/UCR collaboration within CILIP
- SCONUL/CILIP partnership
- M25 Libraries Group
- New senior HE post in British Library
6Partnership between learning organisations/sectors
- Lifelong Learning UK (sector skills council)
- FE, HE, Under 16, Community Learning, Libraries
- Guild of Educators
- CILIP/Learn Direct Achieve Awards
- Gifted Children (promising achievers go for short
courses at local university)
7Partnership between DfES and library sector
- Named champion for library policy and use of DFES
internal library experts to advise on education
library policy issues - A framework strategy for education libraries as a
companion to other library strategies? - Recognition of the wider relevance of libraries
to information literacy and learning not just
e-learning and ICT skills and that all libraries
support learning e.g. corporate sector - More dialogue with CILIP and education library
8Partnership between DfES and other government
- Joined up government
- overarching UK Library Learning Strategy?
- Support for cross-sectoral initiatives like with
archives, museums, records management - Promoting education libraries to RDAs and other
regional agencies e.g. ALM London - Support for Government libraries like DfES
involvement in wider LIS issues like
evidence-based practice, FOI, KM
9Global Partnerships
- World Summit on the Information Society
- Education libraries are key to this plan
- Support for widening access to HE libraries
- Reviewing national library strategies
- Fostering world-wide library co-operation
- Promoting digital libraries, e-publishing, peer
to peer technology, digital preservation of
scientific data, open archives initiatives - Training of information specialists
10CILIPs role
- Increased dialogue with DfES important
- E.g. e-learning, teaching qualifications
requirements for librarians, content licensing - Supporting teaching role of CILIP members and
supporting CPD in this area - Leadership in promoting information literacy and
the role of libraries - Facilitating partnership between sectors
11Libraries are for learning
- Even the most misfitting child
- Who's chanced upon the library's worth
- Sits with the genius of the Earth
- And turns the key to the whole worldTed
Hughes, July 1997
12Margaret Haines, CILIP PresidentEmail
Chartered Institute of Library and Information
Professionals 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E
7AE Telephone 020 7255 0500 Fax 020 7255
0501 Textphone 020 7255 0505 Email info_at_cilip
.org.uk Website www.cilip.org.uk