Title: Mouse
Mouse/ Mus
Cassi Aleman Period 1 10/30
2Housing Requirements
Many breeders use stacking trays with automatic
watering and feeding devices. These are great
time savers if you can afford this type setup.
Most smooth bottom enclosures work fine if they
are tall enough to keep the mice from jumping out
or can be covered with a well ventilated lid.
Your mouse needs to stay dry, draft free, and out
of direct sunlight with as little temperature
variation as possible. Using cages with smooth
bottoms keeps the mice from chewing through the
enclosure. Use pine chips they are a good
bedding. Discounts stores usually carry pine
shavings and wood chips for small animal bedding.
Although cedar shavings cover the scent of a
mouse colony, they contain oil that rub off on
the mice. Changing bedding at least once a week.
3Food Requirements
Mice are omnivorous seemingly able to eat almost
anything. You can purchase lab blocks, biscuits,
and other pelleted foods made especially for
rodents at pet shops, feed store, and discount
outlets. These can be suspended off the floor of
the cage keeping it form being soiled. Mice
become most active during the night, so evening
feedings are suggested. They soon learn a
schedule, and will wait near the standard feeding
location. Never feed more than your mice can eat
in one day. Fresh water is a must.
4 5Review Questions
1) What is a good bedding for a pet mouse? 2)
What is good about having a smooth bottom
enclosure? 3) True or False, the food and water
should be off the ground? 4) True or False, the
mouse cage should be cleaned once a month? 5)
True or False, a mouse is omnivorous?
ve.html http//exoticpets.about.com/od/careofmic
.htm http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse
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