Title: Introduction to JavaScript
1Introduction to JavaScript
- Week 1 - Presentation 1
- Veronica Noone
- What is JavaScript?
- Why JavaScript?
- What can it do?
- HTML Review
- ltscriptgt tag
- Our First Script
- Lab 01 - bgcolor changer
3What is JavaScript?
- Interpreted Computer Language
- Not compiled
- Code gets interpreted every time it is executed
(run) - Its NOT Java - originally LiveScript
- Just needs a browser to run
- Can run locally no need to serve
4Why JavaScript?
- Supported by the most common browsers
- Versatile
- Can be used with within PDF files
- Easy to learn
- Its FUN!
5What can it do?
- Interact with users
- Validate user data
- Automate tasks
- Calculators
- Tricks
- Rollovers
- Scrolling text
With some Inventiveness and Creativity you can
do a lot!
- http//www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/
- http//student.ccbcmd.edu/vnoone
- Warning!! Some of these are EXTREME!
- http//domscripting.com/domsters/index.html
- http//script.aculo.us/
- http//www.themaninblue.com/writing/perspective/20
05/10/05/slideshow/index.htm - http//www.scottschiller.com/
7Ok, lets take a look but first
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtSample Test
Pagelt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lth1gtBasic HTML
structurelt/h1gt ltpgtThis is just a sample HTML page
with a head, a body and a few tagslt/pgt lt/bodygt lt/
8ltscriptgt tag
- Informs the browsers built in JavaScript
interpreter to run the code - The text of the code is not shown to the user
- Can go in the head or the body
ltscript language"javascript" type"text/javascrip
t"gt lt!--// //code goes here // --gt lt/scriptgt
9Our First Script
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtOur First Scriptlt/titlegt ltscr
ipt language"javascript" type"text/javascript"gt
lt!--// alert("First Script Block in Head") //
--gt lt/scriptgt lt/headgt ltbody bgcolor"white"gt lth1gt
Our First Script - Heading 1lt/h1gt ltscript
language"javascript" type"text/javascript"gt lt!--
// // Script block 1 alert("First Script Block
after Head") // --gt lt/scriptgt ltpgtParagragh
1lt/pgt ltscript language"javascript"
type"text/javascript"gt lt!--// // Script block 2
document.bgColor "red" alert("Second
Script Block after paragragh") //
--gt lt/scriptgt ltpgtParagragh 2lt/pgt ltscript
language"javascript" type"text/javascript"gt lt!--
// // Script block 2 document.bgColor
"blue" alert("Third Script Block") //
--gt lt/scriptgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
No Seriously, Lets take A look
- Go to the class web page
- Right click on w01p01ex01.html and save the file
to your desktop
10Things to notice
- //
- document.bgcolor
- Alert() function
- Message is the parameter
- Modal
- Semicolons end a statement
11Week 01 Lab 01 Background Color Changer
- Code a document to alert the user of a background
color change 3 times. - For example
- Page loads
- user is alerted that the BG color will change to
red. The BG changes to red - user is the then alerted the BG will change to
green, the BG changes, - you get the idea.
- CHALLENGE Use only one script tag
- Lab worth 10 points