Title: Thermalization and elliptic flow at RHIC and LHC
1Thermalization and elliptic flow at RHIC and
- J-Y Ollitrault (SPhT, Saclay)
- CERN, Heavy Ion Forum
- Dec. 13, 2006
- Elliptic flow in ideal-fluid dynamics
- The perfect liquid scenario, and what it means in
terms of final-state interactions. - Modeling deviations from the perfect liquid
- Has RHIC created a perfect liquid? What do we
expect at LHC?
3Elliptic flow v2
Interactions among the produced particles
Pressure gradients generate positive elliptic
flow v2
Early observation at RHIC v2 as large as
predicted by perfect fluid dynamics!
4v2 in ideal hydro
- Universal features
- Linear increase with pT for pions
- Lower for heavier particles at same pT (mass
ordering) - System-dependent features
- The time at which v2 appears scales with the
transverse size of the system R - v2 scales with the initial eccentricity e
- It increases with the stiffness of the equation
of state, i.e., with the velocity of sound cs
51. When is v2 created?
At a time R/cs, where R(1/ltx2gt1/lty2gt)-1/2
61. When is v2 created (continued)?
The smaller the system, the earlier v2 appears!
(for dimensional reasons)
72. v2 scales like the initial eccentricity e
- We used to think that we know how to calculate e,
but - The analysis of Cu-Cu data by PHOBOS has shown
that fluctuations in the positions of
participant nucleons, first pointed out by Miller
and Snellings, are large, may even dominate! - The Color Glass Condensate predicts
significantly larger e than the standard Glauber
model. - Drescher Dumitru Hayashigaki Nara nucl-th/0605012
e lty2-x2gt/lty2x2gt
83. v2 depends on the eq. of state
The relevant density here is not the initial
density but the density at time R/cs when v2 is
created, and the good news is, this density does
not vary much at a given energy Cu-Cu and Au-Au
collisions at RHIC are probing essentially the
same density! (flow and soft pT spectra)
Note density of ideal 2-flavor QGP n34 ?(3)p -2
T 32.8 fm-3 at T174 MeV elliptic flow at RHIC
is created at the transition to QGP
9What is a perfect liquid ?
- Liquid, as opposed to gas, means that the
distance between particles is not much larger
than the size of a particle (as defined, say,
from its interaction cross section). - But the RHIC liquid is expanding into the
vacuum, i.e., it is compressible, unlike water. - Perfect means low viscosity ?
- At the microscopic (particle) scale, low
viscosity means large cross sections perfect
liquid is the opposite of ideal gas (this is
counter-intuitive to many people)
10Black-hole physics and RHIC
- The viscosity/entropy ratio can be computed for
strongly coupled, N4 supersymmetric gauge
theories using the Maldacena conjecture (AdS/CFT
correspondence) - ?/sh/4pkB, Son et al hep-th/0104066
- It has been postulated that this value is a
universal lower bound (ex H2O, 25x higher) Son
et al hep-th/0405231 - In the real world (QCD) the value is still
unknown. Many RHIC scientists think the
string-theory value is not incompatible with
observed data. - For a given substance, the minimum of ?/s occurs
at the liquid-gas critical point Csernai et al
nucl-th/0604032 are we seing the QCD critical
11From viscosity ? to mean free path ? and
partonic cross-sections s
- Viscosity describes momentum transport, which is
achieved by collisions among the produced
particles. For a relativistic fluid, transport
theory shows that - ?/s?T/c
- (remember, more collisions means lower
viscosity) - QCD plasma kBT200 MeVhc/fm thus
- ?/s(h/kB)
?fm - The string theory prediction translates into ?
0.1 fm - Since ?1/sn and n2.5 fm-3 this in turn gives
- s40 mb .
12The Knudsen number Kn
- The relevant dimensionless number for string
theory is ?/s - The relevant dimensionless number for heavy-ion
collisions is Kn?/R - Kn-1R/? is the typical number of collisions per
particle - Perfect fluid is the limit of a large number of
collisions, i.e., Kn0. - The string theory prediction translates into
Kn0.03, a very small value indeed!
13Reading Kn from the multiplicity
Kn is related to the total (chargedneutral)
multiplicity through
Kn-1R/?s/S (dN/dy) where S overlap area
14Modelling deviations from the perfect fluid
- Need a theory that goes to ideal hydro in some
limit. - First method viscous hydrodynamics (papers by
Teaney, Muronga, Baier Romatschke Wiedemann,
Heinz Chaudhuri, Pratt) this is a general
approach to small deviations from ideal hydro,
but quantitative results are not yet available - Second method Boltzmann equation. Limitation
applies only to a dilute system (not to the
liquid produced at RHIC). Advantage directly
involves microscopic physics through collisional
15Previous transport (Boltzmann) calculations
Boltzmann ?hydro although Kn1??
Molnar, Huovinen, nucl-th/0404065, Phys. Rev.
16A new transport calculation
(C. Gombeaud JYO, in preparation)
- Two-dimensions
- Massless particles
- Billiard-ball calculation, but with Lorentz
contraction taken into account this ensures
Lorentz invariance of the number of collisions
(?Molnar) - N particles of size r in a box of size R dilute
system if rR/vN
17pT dependence of v2
The transport calculation coincides with the
hydro calculation in the limit of small Kn, as it
18Time dependence of v2
Boltzmann again coincides with hydro for small Kn
19Variation of v2 with Kn-1Nb collisions/particle
Best fit v2v2hydro/(11.76 Kn) goes to hydro
for Kn?0 Takes 2-3 collisions per particle to
reach 50 of hydro With Kn0.03 from string
theory, v20.95 v2hydro.
20Which data for model comparisons?
- Caveats v2 from hydro depends (rather strongly)
not only on the initial eccentricity, but also on
the equation of state, which is not an ideal gas
(?Boltzmann) - We must identify robust observables, which are
insensitive to such model dependences. - Bhalerao Blaizot Borghini JYO nucl-th/0508009
21v2/e Data from SPS and RHIC
Continuous increase with Kn-1, no saturation seen
in data
22Hexadecupole flow v4
Ideal hydro universal prediction v4/ (v2)20.5
at large pt Borghini JYO nucl-th/0506045 Confirme
d by numerical calculations
Data 1.2 suggest Kn1No thermalisation at RHIC!
23Qualitative predictions for LHC
Multiplicity higher by a factor 2. This has
several consequences
- Kn smaller by a factor 2 closer to hydro.
- Density larger by a factor 2 all v2 develops
in the QGP phase. - THEREFORE
- There is room for significant increase of v2
- v4/(v2)2 somewhat smaller than at RHIC
- 18 months after the claim for the discovery of
the perfect liquid at RHIC, a lot of effort is
devoted to better understanding viscous effects
in heavy-ion collisions. - It is likely to result in a much improved
quantitative understanding of the fully
non-perturbative (i.e. soft) observables at LHC.