Title: Coding Theory
1Coding Theory
2Communication System
Channel encoder
Source encoder
CRC encoder
Voice Image Data
Impairments Noise Fading
Error control
Channel encoder
CRC encoder
Source decoder
3Error control coding
- Limits in communication systems
- Bandwidth limit
- Power limit
- Channel impairments
- Attenuation, distortion, interference, noise and
fading - Error control techniques are used in the digital
communication systems for reliable transmission
under these limits.
4Power limit vs. Bandwidth limit
5Error control coding
- Advantage of error control coding
- In principle
- Every channel has a capacity C.
- If you transmit information at a rate R lt C, then
the error-free transmission is possible. - In practice
- Reduce the error rates
- Reduce the transmitted power requirements
- Increase the operational range of a communication
system - Classification of error control techniques
- Forward error correction (FEC)
- Error detection cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
- Automatic repeat request (ARQ)
- Shannon (1948)
- R Transmission rate for data
- C Channel capacity
- If R lt C, it is possible to transfer information
at error rates that can be reduced to any desired
- Hamming codes (1950)
- Single error correcting
- Convolutional codes (Elias, 1956)
- BCH codes (1960), RS codes (1960)
- multiple error correcting
- Goppa codes (1970)
- Generalization of BCH codes
- Algebraic geometric codes (1982)
- Generalization of RS codes
- Constructed over algebraic curves
- Turbo codes (1993)
- LDPC codes
- Memoryless channel
- The probability of error is independent from one
symbol to the next. - Symmetric channel
- P( i j )P( j i ) for all symbol values i and
j - Ex) binary symmetric channel (BSC)
- Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel
- Burst error channel
- Compound (or diffuse) channel
- The errors consist of a mixture of bursts and
random errors. - Many codes work best if errors are random.
- Interleaver and deinterleaver are added.
- Random error channels
- Deep-space channels
- Satellite channels
- ? Use random error correcting codes
- Burst error channels channels with memory
- Radio channels
- Signal fading due to multipath transmission
- Wire and cable transmission
- Impulse switching noise, crosstalk
- Magnetic recording
- Tape dropouts due to surface defects and dust
particles - ? Use burst error correcting codes
- Block codes
- Encoding of an n , k block code
k bits
k bits
k bits
n bits
n bits
n bits
message or information
Redundancy n k
Code rate k / n
Message m (m1, m2, , mk)
codeword c (m1, m2, , mk, p1, p2, , pn - k )
Add n k redundant parity check symbols (p1,
p2, , pn - k)
- Decoding n , k block code
- Decide what the transmitted information was
- The minimum distance decoding is optimum in a
memoryless channel.
Decoded message
Received data r (r1, r2, , rn)
Correct errors and remove n k redundant symbols
Error vector e (e1, e2, , en) (r1, r2, ,
rn) (c1, c2, , cn)
- Ex) Encoding and decoding procedure of 6, 3
code - Generate the information (100) in the source.
- Transmit the codeword (100101) corresponding to
(100). - The vector (101101) is received.
- Choose the nearest codeword (100101) to (101101).
- Extract the information (100) from the codeword
Information 000 100 010 110 001 101 011 111
codeword 000000 100101 010011 110110 001111 101010
011100 111001
Distance from (101101) 4 1 5 4 2 3 3 2
14Parameters of block codes
- Hamming distance dH(u, v)
- positions at which symbols are different in two
vectors - Ex) u(1 0 1 0 0 0)
- v(1 1 1 0 1 0) ? dH(u, v) 2
- Hamming weight wH(u)
- nonzero elements in a vector
- Ex) wH(u) 2, wH(v) 4
- Relation between hamming distance and hamming
weight - Binary code dH(u, v) wH(u v),
- where means exclusive OR (bit by bit)
- Nonbinary code dH(u, v) wH(u v)
15Parameters of block codes
- Minimum distance d
- d min dH(ci, cj) for all ci ? cj ? C
- Any two codewords differ in at least d places.
- n, k code with d ? n, k, d code
- Error detection and correction capability
- Let s errors to be detected
- t errors to be corrected (s ? t)
- Then, we have d ? s t 1
- Error correction capability
- Any block code correcting t or less errors
satisfies - d ? 2t 1
- Thus, we have t ?(d 1) / 2?
16Parameters of block codes
- Ex) d 3, 4 ? t 1 single error correcting
(SEC) codes - d 5, 6 ? t 2 double error correcting
(DEC) codes - d 7, 8 ? t 3 triple error correcting
(TEC) codes - Coding sphere
17Code performance and coding gain
- Criteria for performance in the coded system
- BER bit error rate in the information after
decoding, Pb - SNR signal to noise ratio, Eb / N0
- Eb signal energy per bit
- N0 one-sided noise power spectral density in
the channel - Coding gain (for a given BER)
- G (Eb / N0)without FEC (Eb / N0)with FEC dB
- At a given BER, Pb, we can save the transmission
power by - G dB over the uncoded system.
18Minimum distance decoding
- Maximum-likelihood decoding (MLD)
- estimated message after decoding
- estimated codeword in the decoder
- Assume that c was transmitted.
- A decoding error occurs if .
- Conditional error probability of the decoder,
given r - Error probability of the decoder
, where P(r) is independent of
decoding rule
19Minimum distance decoding
- Optimum decoding rule minimize error
probability, P(E) - This can be obtained by minr P(E r), which is
equivalent to - Optimum decoding rule is
- argmaxc P(c r) Maximum a posteriori
probability (MAP) - argmaxc P(r c) Maximum likelihood (ML)
- Bayes rule
- If equiprobable c, MAP ML
- Basic problems in coding
- Find good codes
- Find their decoding algorithm
- Implement the decoding algorithms
- Cost for forward error correction schemes
- If we use n, k code, the transmission rate
increase from k to n. - Increase of channel bandwidth by n / k or
decrease of message transmission rate by k / n. - Cost for FEC
- Classification of FEC
- Block codes
- Hamming, BCH, RS, Golay, Goppa, Algebraic
geometric codes (AGC) - Tree codes
- Convolutional codes
- Linear codes
- Hamming, BCH, RS, Golay, Goppa, AGC, etc.
- Nonlinear codes
- Nordstrom-Robinson, Kerdock, Preparata, etc.
- Systematic codes vs. Nonsystematic codes