Title: A New Vision: An Era of Rising Expectations
1A New Vision An Era of Rising Expectations
- February 2006
- Don W. Kassing
- President
- San José State University
2A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- Liberal Education Journey to an Educated Person
- A New Vision at San José State University
- Strategic Planning
- Shared Values
- Vision Goals 2010
- Action Planning
- A Culture of Evidence to Drive Continuous
3A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- Liberal Education the Journey to an Educated
Person - College attendance has grown rapidly in the
US. (75 of high school graduates attend
college) - Not all students who enter college graduate.
- Todays students come from a diverse background.
- Students are not fully prepared for college-level
work. - Different expectations exist about the importance
of college. - Todays changing world is a global,
knowledge-based economy with a team work
environment. - Transformation of Higher Education
4A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- AACU Observation
- It is no secret that American higher education
is in a period of transformative change. - Changing focus from what we teach to what
students learn. - Bringing effective use of technology into
teaching learning. - The need to prepare students to live work in a
global community.
Association of American Colleges Universities,
Greater Expectations, 2002
5A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- NASPA ACPA Observations
- Higher education needs to shift from information
transfer to identity development
(transformation). Consider learning in the
context of the students life.
National Association of Student Personnel
Administrators and American College Personnel
Association Learning Reconsidered, 2004
6A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- 21st Century Learning to Focus on
- What students learn, and how it is learned
- Integrative learning
- Helping students understand the importance of
liberal education and integrative learning - Attention to diversity and inclusive excellence
- The whole student experience, including student
transitional and developmental needs - Assessment of learning outcomes to ensure
continuous improvement - Faculty ownership of the undergraduate
curriculum, to be sure it is meeting the needs of
todays college students - Faculty development focus beyond keeping up with
ones discipline - Administrative structures to foster student
7A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- AACUs Greater Expectations report (2002) calls
for universities to - Help students become intentional learners
who can adapt to new environments,
integrate knowledge from different sources, and
continue learning throughout their lives. - Reinvigorate liberal education to make it
practical so that students are well prepared to
live and work in a diverse global community.
8A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- Liberal Education Outcomes
- Knowledge of Human Cultures the Natural and
Physical World - Intellectual Practical Skills
- Individual Social Responsibilities
- Integrative Learning
9A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- Expectations for todays higher ed experience -
- Helping students to become
- intentional learners able to
- succeed in the 21st century global community
10A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- Vision 2010
- San José State University (SJSU) will be a
prominent student-centered campus. By creating a
vibrant educational institution focused on
academic rigor, social responsibility and mutual
respect, SJSU will be a university of choice a
desirable place for study and work. The
University will be known for the value it places
on the integration of liberal and professional
education and theoretical and applied knowledge.
The University will also be known for providing a
welcoming, inclusive environment and exemplary
student support services from application to
graduation. Through the high quality of its
graduates and the scholarship, research and
service of its faculty and staff, SJSU will be
viewed as a crucial resource for Silicon Valley
and an important contributor to the region, the
state and the world.
11A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU - Framework
12A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU - Organization
13A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Shared Values
- Learning
- Student Success
- Excellence
- Integrity
- Diversity
- Community
Student Success in College George D. Kuh, et al.,
14A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Goals
- Enhancing Academic Quality
- Curriculum Reinvigoration Learning Assessment
- Enrollment Management
- Investment in Faculty
- Enriching the Student Experience
- Community Connections
- Improving Campus Work Environment
Infrastructure - Our People Work Environment
- Infrastructure
- Strengthening Community Alliances
- Community Relations External Support
15A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Action Planning
16A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
- SJSU Learning Belonging Model
- Outcomes
- Learning
- Belonging
- Integrated
- Curricular
- Co-Curricular
- Assessment
- Improvement
- Evidence Driving Decisions
17A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Action Planning
- Achieving Greater Expectations Institute
Asilomar, CA - Binder literature review
- Retreat 60 participants, 6 teams of faculty,
staff students - Key Actions to feed UPC Action Plans
18A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Scorecards Driving
Continuous Improvement
- Evidence-based performance assessment in areas
of - Our Students
- Our Academic Programs
- Our Resources
- Our Strategic Goals
19 A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Scorecards OUR
- Applications
- Admits
- Show Rate
- Full-time Equivalent Students (FTES)
- Average Unit Load (AUL)
- Retention Rate
- Progress to Degree
- Graduation Rate
20 A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Scorecards
- Enrollment
- Program Planning
- Finances
- Faculty
- Capacity Utilization
- People
- Finances
- Facilities
21 A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Scorecards OUR
- Student Learning
- Faculty Engagement
- Faculty Development
- Student Engagement
22 A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Scorecards OUR
- Donations
- Research Grant Funding
- External Ranking
- Engagement
- Staff Engagement
- Staff Development
- Capacity Utilization
23A New Vision - An Era of Rising Expectations
Strategic Planning at SJSU Driving Continuous
Evidence-based performance assessment requires
systems to produce scorecards (reports)
dashboards (graphical displays).
24San José State - A University of Choice