Snmka 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Snmka 1


Austerity measures specific to heating and warm water preparation: - solar energy, ... 17,00 18,00 Austerity measures for hearing and warm water preparation: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Snmka 1


Trainig of Local Authorities Experts on the
Identification and Implementation of Energy
Efficiency Projects in Municipalities
(ENEFMUN) SEAs Activities

  • SEAs activities in the frame of ENEFMUN project
    towards municipalities.
  • Translation of below-named guides into Slovak
  • Guidebook for Energy Efficiency in
  • Demand Side Management Guide
  • Least Cost Planning Guide
  • Preparation (Print out) of above-named guides in
    printed form as well as electronic form (CD)

  • Putting about-named guides and other materials
    translated into Slovak (e. g. newsletters) on
    SEAs website.
  • Organisation of courses for municipalities based
    on experiences from two pilot courses organised
    by CRES and AEA, CRESs template as well as
    another material related to energy efficiency in
    municipalities. Some themes were adapted or
    supplemented according local requirements.


  • SEAs activities in the frame of ENEFMUN project
    towards municipalities.
  • Co-operation with municipalities (e. g. Vrakuna)
    concerning action plan,
  • Preparing of co-operation with Technical
    University in Koice concerning courses for
    municipality in east Slovakia.
  • Two good practice case studies (Vrakuna, ala)


Pozvánka na kurz organizovaný pre úrady
miestnej samosprávy " Energetická efektívnost v
mestách a obciach ", ktorý sa koná v dnoch 9.11.
10.11.2005 v hoteli LUX, Banská Bystrica
  • Nápln kurzu
  • energetická efektívnost v obciach a mestách
  • úvod do energetického manamentu a energetického
  • energetická efektívnost a ochrana klímy
    v mestách a obciach,
  • energetický audit základný nástroj hodnotenie
    energetickej efektívnosti,
  • vyuívanie energie a potenciál úspor v mestách a
  • budovy opatrenia na zníenie energetických
    strát v budovách,
  • moderné úsporné technológie osvetlenia,
  • poulicné osvetlenie a osvetlenie v budovách
    opatrenia vedúce k úsporám energie a tvorby
    skleníkových plynov,
  • úsporné opatrenia pri vykurovaní a ohreve teplej
  • - solárna energia,
  • - biomasa,
  • - meranie a regulácia,
  • výroba elektriny pomocou biomasy,


Ivitation Course for municipalities Energy
effiviency in municipalities ", 9.11.
10.11.2005 Hotel LUX, Banská Bystrica
Teaching themes Energy efficiency in
municipalities Introduction to Energy management
and energy audits energy efficiency and climate
protection in municipalities Energy audits a
basic tool for energy efficiency evaluation
Energy use and savings potential in
municipalities, Building measures for reduction
of energy losses in buildings, Modern and energy
saving lighting technologies, Street lighting and
lighting in building Austerity measures specific
to heating and warm water preparation - solar
energy, - biomass, - measurement and
regulation, Power generation from biomass, End
use energy consumption monitoring, Evaluation of
Energy Audit and drawing up of Action
plan Integrated resource Planning
principles Introduction to Integrated resource
Planning principles Example of business plan
Business plan preparation Integrated resource
Planning principles , using models Economic
analyses methods for energy projects Methods of
economic analyse for energy projects Feasibility
study preparation

Program kurzu 9.11.2005 9,00 10,00
Príchod a registrácia 10,00 11,00 Privítanie
Predstavenie projektu ENEFMUN 11,00
12,00 Úvod do energetického manamentu a
energetického auditu - energetická
efektívnost 12,00 13,00 Obed 13,00
13,45 Energetický audit základný nástroj
hodnotenie energetickej efektívnosti 13,45
14,30 Vyuívanie energie a potenciál úspor
v mestách a obciach 14,30 15,15 Opatrenia na
zníenie energetických strát v budovách 15,15
16,00 Moderné úsporné technológie
osvetlenia 16,00 16,15 Malé obcerstvenie 16,15
17,00 Poulicné osvetlenie a osvetlenie
v budovách 17,00 18,00 Úsporné opatrenia pri
vykurovaní a ohreve teplej vody solárna
energia, biomasa, meranie a regulácia


Program kurzu pokracovanie 10.11.2005 09,00
09,45 výroba elektriny pomocou biomasy 09,45
10,30 monitoring spotreby energie u konecného
spotrebitela 10,30 11,15 vyhodnotenie
energetického auditu a spracovanie akcného
plánu 11,15 11,30 malé obcerstvenie 11,30
12,15 úvod do integrovaného plánovania
zdrojov 11,15 13,00 príklad busines plánu 13,00
14,00 obed 14,00 14,45 príprava busines
plánu 14,45 15,30 integrované plánovanie
zdrojov, pouité modely 15,30 16,15 metódy
ekonomickej analýzy pre energetické
projekty 16,15 17,00 príprava túdie
realizovatelnosti 17,00 záver kurzu


Schedule and Content of the Course 9.11.2005
9,00 10,00 Arrival and registration 10,00
11,00 Welcome Introduction to ENEFMUN
project 11,00 12,00 Introduction to energy
management and energy audit energy
efficiency 12,00 13,00 Lunch break 13,00
13,45 Energy audit basic tool for energy
efficiency evaluation 13,45 14,30 Energy use
and savings potential in municipalities 14,30
15,15 Building measures for reduction of energy
losses in buildings, 15,15 16,00 Modern and
energy saving lighting technologies 16,00
16,15 Coffee break 16,15 17,00 Street lighting
and lighting in buildings 17,00 18,00 Austerity
measures for hearing and warm water
preparation solar energy, biomass, measu
rement and regulation


Schedule and Content of the Course
continuation 10.11.2005 09,00 09,45 Power
generation from biomass 09,45 10,30 End use
energy consumption monitoring 10,30
11,15 Evaluation of energy and drawing up action
plan 10,15 11,30 Coffee break 11,30
12,15 Introduction to integral sources planning
principles 12,15 13,00 Sample of business
plan 13,00 14,00 Lunch break 14,00
14,45 Business plan preparation 14,45
15,30 Integrated resources Planning
principles-using models 15,30 16,15 Economic
analyses methods for energy projects 16,15 -
17,00 Feasibility study preparation 17,00 End of


Pozvánka na kurz organizovaný pre úrady
ivotného prostredia a miestnu samosprávu " Vplyv
energetickej efektívnosti na ivotné prostredie
", ktorý sa koná v dnoch 9.11. 10.11.2005 v
penzióne HUBERT - Zuberec
  • Nápln kurzu
  • energetická efektívnost v obciach a mestách
  • úvod do energetického manamentu a energetického
  • energetická efektívnost a ochrana klímy
    v mestách a obciach,
  • energetický audit základný nástroj hodnotenie
    energetickej efektívnosti,
  • vyuívanie energie a potenciál úspor v mestách a
  • budovy opatrenia na zníenie energetických
    strát v budovách,
  • moderné úsporné technológie osvetlenia,
  • poulicné osvetlenie a osvetlenie v budovách
    opatrenia vedúce k úsporám energie a k
    zníeniu tvorby skleníkových plynov,
  • úsporné opatrenia pri vykurovaní a ohreve teplej
  • - solárna energia,
  • - biomasa,
  • - meranie a regulácia,
  • výroba elektriny pomocou biomasy,
  • monitoring spotreby energie u konecného
  • vyhodnotenie energetického auditu a spracovanie
    akcného plánu


Invitation Course for municipalities and
environment protection officies Energy
effiviency in municipalities ", 9.11.
10.11.2005 Pension HUBERT, Zuberec
  • Teaching themes
  • Energy efficiency in municipalities
  • Introduction to Energy Management and Energy
    Audits energy efficiency and climate protection
    in municipalities
  • Energy Audits a basic tool for energy
    efficiency evaluation
  • Energy use and savings potential in
  • building measures for reduction of energy
    losses in buildings,
  • Modern and energy saving lighting technologies,
  • Street lighting and lighting in buildings
    measures leading to energy saving thereby
    greenhose gases mitigation,
  • Austerity measure specific to heating and warm
    water preparation
  • - solar energy,
  • - biomass,
  • - measurement and regulation,
  • Power generation from biomass,
  • End use energy consumption monitoring,
  • Evaluation of Energy Audit and drawing up of
    Action plan


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