Title: Parallel MM5 Simulation
1Parallel MM5 Simulation ResultsforCentral
- Parallel Programming ConceptsÂ
- Set up MM5 for long simulations using parallel
architecture - Initialize MM5 using GCM output
- Overcoming challenges in running long simulations
- Discussion of results
- Use Web based tool to order data (sub divide data
into regions)
3What is Parallel Computing?
- parallel computing is the simultaneous use of
multiple compute resources to solve a
computational problem - The compute resources can include
- - A single computer with multiple processors
- - An arbitrary number of computers connected by
a network - - A combination of both.
4Why use Parallel Computing ?
- Save time - wall clock time
- Solve larger problems
- Taking advantage of non-local resources
- Cost savings
- Overcoming memory constraints
5General Parallel Terminology
- What is a task ?
- -A logically discrete section of computational
work - What is a Parallel task ?
- -A task that can be executed by multiple
processors safely (yields correct results)
6General Parallel Terminology Continued
- Communications
- -Parallel tasks need to exchange data through
shared memory bus or network - Synchronization
- -Coordination of Parallel tasks associated with
communications in real time
7Parallel Overhead
- Task start-up time
- Synchronizations
- Data communications
- Software overhead imposed by parallel compilers,
libraries, tools, operating system, etc. - Task termination time
8Parallel Computer Memory Architecture
9Shared Memory
Fast and Easy
Scalability and Cost
10Parallel Computer Memory Architecture
11Parallel Computer Memory Architecture
- Advantages
- -Memory is Scalable with number of processors
- -Cost Effectiveness
- Disadvantages
- -Responsibility for data communication between
processors - -Difficult to convert programs based on global
memory to this memory organization
12 Parallel Computer Memory Architecture
- Hybrid Distributed-Shared Memory
13Parallel Programming Models
- In the threads model of parallel programming, a
single process can have multiple, concurrent
execution paths
14Parallel Programming Model
- Message Passing Model Implementation
- -Subroutines imbedded in the source code
- -MPI Message Passing Interface
15Parallel Programming Models
- Thread Model Implementation
- -- Subroutines called from within Parallel source
code - -- Compiler directives in either serial or
parallel code - --OpenMP or POSIX Threads
16Parallel Programming Models
17Cluster Components
- Parallel Applications
- Linux or Windows
- Fast/GigE Infiniband Myrinet
- Intel/AMD Processors
18Cluster Software
- Message Passing Interface
- Easy to use interface for installation and
Management - Batch/queue Software (PBS)
19Beowulf Cluster
- Massively Parallel Computer
- Runs a free operating system
- Connected by high speed interconnect
- Compute nodes are dedicated
- Everything in a Beowulf is open-source and open
standard- easier to manage/upgrade
20Linux Distributions
- CentOS - RHEL compatible
- Fedora - Red Hats free version
- Owl - Openwall GNU/Linux (security
enhancements) - Redhat - Supported(RHEL)
- SuSe - Novell
- Lindows - Runs Linux and MS/Windows software
21Beowulf Interconnect
- The most important component
- Factors to consider
- Bandwidth
- Latency
- - Price
- Software Support
- Ethernet (Inexpensive,reasonably fast)
- Myrinet (low latency and high bandwidth-popular)
22Cheetah at ORNL
23Cheetahs Configuration
- IBM SP4 Supercomputer
- Each of 24 nodes has 32 processors
- Provides 4 Teraflops of computing power
- More than a terabyte of Memory
- 40 Terabytes of disk space
- Connected to the Mass Storage System by HPSS
24Parallel MM5
- Runtime System Library (RSL)
- -Provides inter-domain communication
- -Irregular domain decomposition
- -Distributed I/O
- -Dynamic load balancing
25Parallelism in MM5
- Runs on shared-memory architecture
- Runs on distributed memory architecture
26Building MM5 on Parallel Architecture
- Download
- ftp//ftp.ucar.edu/mesouser/MM5V3/MM5.TAR.gz
- ftp//ftp.ucar.edu/mesouser/MM5V3/MPP.TAR.gz
- Unzip and untar
- gzip d c MM5.TAR.gz tar xf
- cd MM5
- gzip d c MPP.TAR.gz tar xf -
27Building MM5 on Parallel Architecture
- Edit configure.user file for computer and
configuration - Find the subsection in section 7 to define your
computer architecture - Adjust PROCMIN_NS and PROCMIN_EW settings at top
of section 7 for memory scaling - Build the model make mpp
- Executable Run/mm5.mpp
28Building MM5 on Parallel Architecture
- To remake the code in different configuration
- make mpclean
- To reinstall the code in different location
- make uninstall
29MM5 Input/Output
- Overcoming file size limits of 2GB on LINUX
- -If you anticipate that your MM5 model output
will be larger than 2GB (the file size limit on
LINUX machines), add the following to the
compiler loading flags - LDFLAGS -L/usr/pgi/linux86/liblf
- IPCC runs made at T85 resolution (about 140 km in
latitude and longitude) - Output saved 4X daily
- Fortran program to convert to pregrid output
31CCSM3 Soil Levels
- Variable name levsoi in (m)
- levsoi10
- Soil levels at
- (0.007100635, 0.027925, 0.06225858, 0.1188651,
0.2121934, 0.3660658, 0.6197585, 1.038027,
1.727635, 2.864607) - Soil Temperature and Soil water written at
4,6,8,9 to match mm5 soil moisture levels
32CCSM3 Output
- Atmospheric hybrid sigma pressure coordinate
lev26 - -lev
- 3.54463800000001, 7.38881350000001, 13.967214,
23.944625, 37.2302900000001, 53.1146050000002,
70.0591500000003, 85.4391150000003, 100.514695,
118.250335, 139.115395, 163.66207, 192.539935,
226.513265, 266.481155, 313.501265000001,
368.817980000002, 433.895225000001,
510.455255000002, 600.524200000003,
696.796290000003, 787.702060000003,
867.160760000001, 929.648875000002,
970.554830000001, 992.5561
33CCSM3 Output
- atm/ cpl/ ice/ lnd/ ocn/
- 411582540 6 2.4 Gb (approx.) (atm)
- b30.042e.cam2.h3.2005-06-05-21600.nc
- b30.042e.cam2.h3.2005-06-10-21600.nc
- b30.042e.cam2.h3.2005-06-15-21600.nc
- b30.042e.cam2.h3.2005-06-20-21600.nc
- b30.042e.cam2.h3.2005-06-25-21600.nc
- b30.042e.cam2.h3.2005-06-30-21600.nc
- 25169936 (lnd)
- b30.042e.clm2.h0.2005-06.nc
34CCSM3 Output
- 'Skin Temperature (TS) in K'
- 'Source model terrain height m'
- '2-m Temperature (TREFHT) in K'
- 'Sea Level Pressure (PSL)'
- 'Surface zonal wind (usfc)'
- 'Surface meridional wind (vsfc)'
- 'Surface relative humidity ()'
- 'Total Precip (mm/day)'
35CCSM3 Output
- 'Water equivalent snow depth (mm)'
- 'Upper Air Temperature (T)
- 'Upper Air Zonal Wind (U)'
- 'Upper Air Meridional Wind (V)'
- 'Upper Air Temperature (T) '
- 'Geopotential Height'
- 'volumetric soil water (mm3/mm3)
- 'Soil temperature (K)'
36MM5 Input Files
- Four years of CCSM3 input chosen
(2005,2010,2015,2025) - REGRID and INTERPF Programs run to create initial
and lower boundary files
37MM5 Runtime Options
- FDDAOB0 no obs 4DDA
- MAXNES2 no. of domains
- MIX180 no. of grid points in I dir
- MJX255 no. of grid points in J dir.
- MKX 23 no. of grid points in K dir
38MM5 Runtime Options
- Atmospheric Radiation scheme option
- IFRAD2 Cloud radiation scheme
- ISOIL2 Noah land-surface scheme
- ISHALLO0 no shallow convective scheme
39MM5 Runtime Options
- Physics Option
- IMPHYS 4 Simple Dudhia
- MPHYSTBL 0 not using look-up table
- ICUPA 3 Grell cumulus parameterization
40Mmlif Options
- forecast length in minutesTISTEP 60.,
- coarse domain DT in model, use 3DX
41Mmlif Options
- Default soil layers expected as input for ISOIL
2 3 These values reflect the BOTTOM of the
soil layer availableISTLYR 10,40,100,200,ISMLY
R 10,40,100,200,
42Mmlif options
- LEVIDN  0,   1,   2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1, Â
1, Â level of nest for each domainNUMNC
 1,   1,   2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  ID
of mother domain for each nestNESTIX 165, 178,
136, 181, 211, 221 domain size iNESTJX ,
250, 253, 181, 196, 211, 221Â domain size
jNESTI Â Â 1, 56, 28, 35, 45, 50Â
start location iNESTJ Â Â 1, 86, 25, 65,
55, 50start location iXSTNES 0.,  0., 900.,
 0., 0.,  0., 0., 0., 0., 0., domain
initiationXENNES 99999,99999,99999.,720.,720.,72
0.,720.,720.,720.,720. domain terminationIOVERW
   2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, overwrite
nest input                 0interpolate from
coarse mesh (for nest domains)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
1read in domain initial conditions            Â
    2read in nest terrain fileIACTIV 1, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, in case of restart
is this domain active?
43MM5 Input/Output
44MM5 Input/Output
- Can I get CCSM3.0 output to initialize MM5 ?
- Only By Permission
- Where can I get a copy of the most recent version
of MM5 source code - -- NCAR anonymous ftp (ftp.ucar.edu)
- /mesouser/MM5V3/TERRAIN.TAR.gz
- /mesouser/MM5V3/REGRID.TAR.gz
- /mesouser/MM5V3/INTERPF.TAR.gz
- /mesouser/MM5V3/MM5.TAR.gz
- /mesouser/MM5V3/MPP.TAR.gz
- Is it possible to run all MM5 modeling system
programs on a Linux Machine ? - Yes, it is possible. Compiler options provided
by Portland Group Inc. is provided.
- How long does it take to run a simulation with
nested domain at 12 km and 36 km ? - It takes about 36 hours of wall clock time on
one node with 32 processors on an IBM sp2.
- What are the fields available in the MM5 output
file on the Web ? - Output for the runs are stored on the archival
system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Few
fields are extracted and gif images of those
fields are available on the SERVIR web page.
- What is the URL of the Web site for viewing a few
extracted variables from the simulation ? - http//servir.nsstc.nasa.gov/climate_change/scenar
- How do I visualize the output of MM5?
- -There is a utility program called mm5tograds
(MM5toGrADS.tar.gz) - -There is also a program which will convert
the output to vis5d (tovis5d.tar.gz) available
from MM5 home
52MM5 Output fields 2d
- ps pstar (Pa)
- tg ground temp (K)
- rc accum conv pcn (cm)
- rn accum non-c pcn (cm)
- ter ter elevation (m)
- xmf cross map factor
- dmf dot map factor
- cor coriolis (s-1)
- tr reservoir temp (K)
- xlat cross lat (degree)
- xlon cross lon (degree)
- lu land use
- sc snow cover
- pblh pbl height (m)
- pblr pbl regime
- shf sen heat flux (W/m2)
53MM5 Output fields 2d
- lhf lat heat flux (W/m2)
- ust friction vel (m/s)
- swd down sw rad (W/m2)
- lwd down lw rad (W/m2)
- swo out sw rad (W/m2)
- lwo out lw rad (W/m2)
- sst sea sfc temp
- st1 soil temp 1 (K)
- st2 soil temp 2 (K)
- st3 soil temp 3 (K)
- st4 soil temp 4 (K)
- sm1 soil moisture 1 (m3/
- sm2 soil moisture 2 (m3/
- sm3 soil moisture 3 (m3/
- sm4 soil moisture 4 (m3/
- can canopy moisture (m)
- ssi seaice
54MM5 Output Fields 2d
- sro surface runoff (mm)
- uro underground runoff (
- t2m 2 m temperature (K)
- q2m 2 m mixing ratio (kg
- u10 10 m u wind (m/sec)
- v10 10 m v wind (m/sec)
- pslv sea level prs (mb)
- cref composite refl (dbz)
- iclw integrat clw (cm)
- irnw integrat rnw (cm)
- pwat precipit water (cm)
- clfrlo low cloud fraction
- clfrmi mid cloud fraction
- clfrhi high cloud fraction
55MM5 Output fields 3d
- u u wind (m/s)
- v v wind (m/s)
- w vertical vel (m/s)
- pp prs pert (Pa)
- t temperature (C)
- q mixing ratio (kg/kg)
- clw cloud water (kg/kg)
- rnw rain water (kg/kg)
- rtnd rad tend (K/day)
- z height AGL (m)
- h geopot height (m)
- td dewpoint temp (C)
56MM5 Output fields 3d
- rh rel humidity ()
- th potential temp (K)
- the theta-e (K)
- prs pressure (Pa)
- vor vorticity (s-1)
- pv potential vort (pvu)
- dbz reflectivity (dbz)
- div divergence (s-1)
- dir dir (degrees)
- tadv temp advection (K/s)
- Look at some extracted variables from the runs
- Vis5D demo
- Vis5D version 5.2 is available at