Care more about achievement than status. Show they are committed not detached ... Peters and Waterman's 8 attributes of organisational excellence. A bias for action ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Are politically sensitive not politically ignorant
Take responsibility rather than pass it
Are adaptable not inflexible
Are developing and learning not declining
Source Mike Bichard
2 A key quote from Nancy Dixon
The viability of an organisation as a whole, may rest on the ability of employees to continue to learn.
Source Nancy Dixon
3 As an organisation, what are our...
S trengths
W eaknesses
O pportunities
T hreats
4 Benchmarking six categories of organisational effectiveness
World class
Potential winners
\ Room for improvement
Could do better
Source Hanson
5 Crosbys four absolutes of quality management
Conformance to requirements
Prevention not appraisal
Zero defects
Measuring the cost of non-conformance
Source Phillip Crosby
6 Organisation development is concerned with the planning and implementation of programmes designed to improve the effectiveness with which an organisation functions and responds to change. Derek Sheane
7 People will support what they helped to create Donald Kirkpatrick
8 Excellence is a journey nota destination
9 Four external factors to consider when planning strategic change
P olitical
E nvironmental
S ocio-demographic
T echnological
10 Four reasons for organisational failure
Failure at the top
Customer and marketing failure
Financial management failure
System and structure failure
Source Longenecker et al
Source Butz Goodstein
11 Four types of organisational orientation
Role orientation
Task orientation
People orientation
Power orientation
Source Roger Harrison
Source Butz Goodstein
do we want to be
different to, and
better than,
the rest?
13 Key issues for managing change
Vision and clarity
A free flow of two way communication
Clear roles and responsibilities
More leaders than managers
Handling resistance
Learning for all
Courageous patience
14 Creating change isnt easy
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.
Nicolo Machiavelli
15 Peters and Watermans 8 attributes of organisational excellence
A bias for action
Simple form/lean staff
Close to the customer
Autonomy and entrepreneurship
Hands on, value driven
Stick to the knitting
Productivity through people
Simultaneous loose/tight qualities
16 Senges five disciplines
Shared vision
Mental models
Team learning
Personal mastery
Systems thinking
17 The four stages of change
18 The nine elements of the Business Excellence model
Five enablers
Policy and strategy
Partnership and resources
Four results
Key performance indicators
19 The ultimate test of an organisation is not its past or current performance, but its fitness for future action. Derek Sheane
20 Three key issues on improving corporate performance...
Being different (and better) gets you noticed.
It takes very little to be better than the rest.
Most organisations wont do what little it takes to be different to, and better than the rest.
21 Three types of organisation
Those that make things happen
Those that watch things happen
Those that wonder what happened
22 What are the signs of an unhealthy organisation? is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
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