Title: Various Quantum Transforms
1Various Quantum Transforms
- Zhaosheng Bao Liang Jiang Chenyang Wang Lisa
Wang Zhipeng Zhang
- 1. Quantum Fourier Transform
- 2. Wavelet Transform
- 3. Quantum Wavelet Transform
- 4. Ridgelet Transform
- 5. Quantum Ridgelet Transform(not done)
3Quantum Fourier Transform
4Continuous Fourier Transform
5Discrete Fourier Transform
6Inverse Descrete Fourier Transform
7Quantum Fourier Transform
8(No Transcript)
9Hadamard Gate
10Rk gate
11Control-Rk gate
12Quantum Circuit for Quantum Fourier Transform
13Wavelet Transform
14General Transform
- Project a function f to a set of basis vi
- Different transforms use to different sets of
basis. - A special set of basis the Haar Basis to
represent all the functions f(x), x is in 0,1
15Haar Basis
16Haar Transform
17Haar Transform Matrix
- We only work within a finite area 0,1
- The set of basis is discrete
- The sample values of the function
- Haar transform matrix
18Haar Transform Matrix
Example of n3, H8
19Haar Transform Matrix
- It is proved that Haar Transform Matrix can be
decomposed in to the following form
Where I is just identity matrix, W is just 22
Hadmard matrix, and ? is the shuffle matrix we
will mentioned later.
20Efficient Quantum Gates
21Some Efficient Quantum Gates
- Control NOT gate
- 2 bits shuffle gate ?4
- Perfect shuffle gate
- Controlled-(n,i) shuffle gate
- Controlled-k Hadamard gate
22Shuffle gate for two bits ?4
23Implementation of ?4
Three controlled not gates build a ?4 gate
24Perfect shuffle gate
Example of n4.
25Controlled-(n,i) shuffle gate
Note Zero-Control!
Example of n4, i3.
26Controlled-k Hadamard Gate
Note Zero-Control!
Example of kn-1
27Implement Haar Wavelet Transform by Quantum Gates
28Haar Transform Matrix
- Haar Transform Matrix can be decomposed in to the
following form
29Haar Transform Circuit
30Haar Circuit Complexity
- There are n controlled Hadmard gates O(n)
- Each controlled shuffle gate has
complexity O(i) - The n shuffle gates have complexity O(n2)
- The circuit complexity is O(n2), much more
efficient than the classical complexity O(n2n)
31Ridgelet Transform
32The Ridge Function
Wavelet ? Scale, Point Position Ridgelet ? Scale,
Line Position
33Ridgelet Transform and Radon Space
34Transform from Radon Domain
35Discrete Radon Transform
36Intuitive Understanding
- Summation of image pixels over a set of lines.
- p(p1) lines and each line contains p points.
- Two distinct points belong to one line.
- For all k, p parallel lines cover the plane.
37Quantum Ridgelet
- CBSSS Program
- Discussions with Sam