Title: Relationships between Carcass Quality and Temperament in Beef Cattle
1Relationships between Carcass Quality and
Temperament in Beef Cattle
- Rhonda C. Vann
- MAFES-Brown Loam Experiment Station-Raymond, MS
- Economic implications associated with livestock
temperament have not been fully determined
(Grandin, 1994). - Some producers do, in fact, consider temperament
to be an important trait when selecting cattle
for purchase (Elder et al., 1980). - However, in many instances, genetic trait
selection is often one-sided in the quest for a
specific trait.
- Within the cattle industry we have daily
interactions with cattle which are influenced by
the temperament of the animal. - Many concerns can arise, which include animal
handler safety, damage to equipment and
facilities, injury of animal, etc. - Several studies have reported reduced animal
productivity related to temperaments - (Voisinet et al., 1997).
- The objectives of this study were to evaluate
effects of exit velocity (EV, m/s), chute
temperament score (CS) and pen temperament score
(PS) and measure relationships between EV, CS and
PS at two times near weaning with carcass traits
and Warner-Bratzler Shear force (WBS) values in
feedlot steers.
5Chute Temperament Score
- 1 calm no movement
- 2 restless, shifting
- 3 squirming, occasional shaking of the squeeze
chute or scale - 4 continuous vigorous movement and shaking of
the device - 5 4 plus rearing, twisting or violently
Voisinet et al., 1997
6Pen Temperament Score
- 1 nonagressive, docile, walks slowly, can
approach slowly, not excited by humans or
facilities. - 2 slightly aggressive, runs along fences, will
stand in corner if humans stay away, may pace
fence. - 3 moderately aggressive, runs along fences,
head up and will run if humans come closer, stops
before hitting gates and fences, avoids humans. - 4 aggressive, runs away, stays in back of
group, head high and very aware of humans, may
run into fences and gates even with some
distance, will likely run into fences if alone in
pen. - 5 very aggressive, excited runs into fences,
runs over humans and anything else in path,
7Experimental Procedures
- Angus crossbred calves (n58) were assigned a pen
score, then calves were weighed on a platform
scale and assigned a chute score. - Calves were then released into a hydraulic
squeeze chute and restrained. - While in the squeeze chute a blood sample was
collected from tail vessel and then serum
harvested for analysis of circulating cortisol
8Experimental Procedures
- Exit velocity from the squeeze chute was measured
by a laser timing device (FarmTek) over
approximately 1.83 m from the chute (m/s). - Measurement one (T1) occurred 21 d after weaning
and the second measurement (T2) 90 d later. - Least square means were obtained from PROC MIXED
procedure with a model which included breed of
sire and age of dam for all variables. The model
for carcass and feedlot traits also included
harvest date.
9Mean Exit Velocity for Pen Scores
Pen Score T1 LS Mean Std. Error
1 (n3) 2.20xy 0.48
2 (n30) 1.71y 0.26
3 (n16) 2.27x 0.29
4 (n5) 2.00xy 0.39
5 (n4) 2.75x 0.42
xyColumn means with different superscripts differ
P lt 0.05.
10Mean Exit Velocity for Pen Scores
Pen Score T2 LS Mean Std. Error
1 (n6) 1.17 0.37
2 (n28) 2.08 0.20
3 (n17) 2.43 0.22
4 (n6) 3.85 0.37
5 (n0)
P lt 0.001
11Mean Exit Velocity for Chute Scores
Chute Score T1 LS Mean Std. Error
1 (n10) 2.63x 0.33
2 (n27) 1.94y 0.23
3 (n19) 1.92y 0.25
4 (n2) 2.26xy 0.58
5 (n0)
xyColumn means with different superscripts differ
P lt 0.001.
12Mean Exit Velocity for Chute Scores
Chute Score T2 LS Mean Std. Error
1 (n24) 2.72 0.36
2 (n26) 2.77 0.37
3 (n7) 3.29 0.39
4 (n0)
5 (n0)
13Influence of sire breed on measurements
Item Angus-Sired Brangus -Sired
Weight T1 (kg) 225.60 7.91 201.16 16.85
Weight T2 (kg) 258.42 16.97 243.18 16.97
Feedlot End Weight (kg) 558.27 14.03 573.15 29.89
Feedlot Gain (kg) 263.03 11.03 297.62 23.49
WBS (kg) 2.69 0.13 2.87 0.28
14Influence of sire breed on measurements
Item Angus-Sired Brangus -Sired P-value
EV T1 (m/s) 1.29 0.17 1.75 0.36
EV T2 (m/s) 1.80 0.22 2.25 0.47
Intrasmuscular fat () 2.87 0.06 3.03 0.12 lt 0.06
Carcass Rib fat (cm) 1.71 0.12 2.17 0.25 lt 0.05
USDA Yield Grade 3.12 0.15 3.72 0.32 lt 0.06
15Warner-Bratzler Shear Force Values
16Cortisol concentrations for chute and pen
temperament scores
- Breed of sire (AN or BN) was not a significant
source of variation for EV, CS or PS, or carcass
traits of longissimus muscle area (LMA) however,
Brangus-sired steers had greater intramuscular
fat (IMF P lt 0.06) at weaning and greater
carcass LMA per hundred weight (P 0.03) a
higher USDA yield grade (P lt 0.05).
- The correlation coefficient (r) between EV and PS
at T1 were 0.56 (P lt 0.001) and at T2 were 0.61
(P lt 0.001). - The r between EV at T1 and WBS were 0.28 (P lt
0.03) and EV at T2 and WBS were 0.34 (P lt
0.0095). - The r between EV and CS at T2 were 0.43 (P lt
- The r between PS at T1 and WBS was 0.24 (P lt
0.07) and at T2 was 0.35 (P lt 0.08). - The r between PS and cortisol at T1 was 0.28 (P lt
0.04) and at T2 was 0.29 (P lt 0.03).
- The regression coefficients between EV and WBS at
T1 was 0.37 kg (P lt 0.04) and at T2 was 0.57 kg
(P lt 0.0095). - The regression coefficients between PS and WBS at
T1 was 0.39 kg (P lt 0.07) and at T2 was 0.47 kg
(P lt 0.008).
- Breed of sire did not influence chute exit
velocity, chute or pen temperament scores. - Although the correlation coefficients between
exit velocity and temperament scores were
significantly different from zero the magnitudes
were only moderate, however they were consistent
across the various measures of temperament.
- As exit velocity and pen temperament scores
increased WBS values also increased.
23Three Year Data Compilation
- Angus crossbred steers (n220) were assigned a
PS, CS, and EV as described previously.
Assessments of temperament were performed at
weaning (PS, CS, EV 1) and again prior to
departure to the feedlot (PS, CS, EV 2). Steers
were harvested at the completion of the feedlot
feeding period and carcass data collected as well
as steaks collected for shear force after a 14 d
aging period.
24Three Year Data Compilation
- An overall temperament score, which comprised all
measures of temperament, both subjective and
objective were created (EVPSCS)/3 and
utilized in the statistical analysis. This
compiled temperament score was divided into three
categories 1 calm 2 intermediate and 3
temperamental (excitable).
25Three Year Data Compilation
- Sire breeds consisted of Brangus, Angus and
Hereford. Least square means were obtained from
the Proc MIXED procedure of SAS with main effects
of sire breed, individual sire, calf breed, and
previous grazing regimen. Partial correlation
coefficients were obtained using the Manova
option of the Proc GLM procedure of SAS
accounting for sire breed, individual sire, calf
breed and previous grazing regimen.
26Three Year Data Compilation
- Individual sire influenced (P lt 0.04) pen (PS)
and chute score (CS), exit velocity and cortisol
concentrations at weaning, and PS (P lt 0.02) and
EV (P 0.076) prior to departure to the feedlot,
yield grade (P lt 0.03), carcass marbling score
and quality grade (P lt 0.001).
27Three Year Data Compilation
- Breed of sire influenced carcass weight, KPH (P lt
0.08) and carcass rib fat and YG (P lt 0.03). - Breed of sire also influence PS at weaning and
prior to departure to the feedlot (P lt 0.03).
28Three Year Data Compilation
- The correlation between weaning temperament and
shear force values were 0.23 (P 0.065) PS and
CS prior to shipment to the feedlot and shear
force values 0.22 (P 0.069) and 0.23 (P
0.062), respectively. - As the compiled temperament score at weaning
increased shear force values increased (P
29Shear Force values for PS and CS at weaning and
prior to departure to the feedlot
30Shear Force values for compiled weaning
temperament score
31Three Year Data Compilation
- Pen scores at weaning were highly correlated with
pen scores prior to shipment to the feedlot 0.45
(P 0.002) exit velocity at weaning was
correlated with exit velocity prior to shipment
to the feedlot 0.388 (P 0.0015) CS at weaning
were correlated with CS prior to shipment to the
feedlot 0.311 (P 0.012).
32Three Year Data Compilation
- Individual sires have direct effects on carcass
quality as assessed by marbling score and quality
grade and carcass yield grade. Measures of
temperament whether subjective (pen and chute
scores) or objective (exit velocity) are
repeatable and moderately correlated at different
management time points.
- Individual sire did influence all measurements of
temperament and carcass quality and yield grade.
These studies as well as other data (not reported
here) indicate that disposition needs to be a
consideration along with the other selection
traits when making bull or mature cow or
replacement heifer purchases which brings new
animals into your cattle operation.
- This research is ongoing and in the near future
we will be including investigations on the
effects of temperament on immunity and health
status of the animal as well as effects on
reproductive efficiency in beef cattle. Our hope
is that producers and the cattle industry utilize
disposition in selection of animals which will be
more productive in their respective environments
(i.e. choose steers that will perform better in a
feedlot situation and etc.).
- Dr. Ron Randel, TAMU-Overton
- Dr. Scott Willard, Mississippi State University
- Dr. Tom Welsh, TAMU-College Station
- Dr. Joe Paschal, TAMU-Corpus Christi
- Dr. Mike Brown, WTAMU
- Dr. Ty Lawrence, WTAMU
- Entire Crew at Brown Loam Experiment Station
37Think Im getting wet!!! No way