X' Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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X' Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols


Must be able to authenticate the contents at the time of the signature ... Challenge/response. Parties use nonces. Unsuitable for a connectionless type of application ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: X' Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols

X. Digital Signatures and Authentication
  • We begin this chapter with an overview of digital
    signatures, authentication protocol and Digital
    Signature Standard(DSS)

  • 1.Digital Signatures
  • 2. Authentication Protocols
  • 3. Digital Signature Standard

1. Digital Signatures
  • Requirements
  • Analogous to the handwritten signature
  • Properties
  • Must be able to verify the author and the date
    and time of the signature
  • Must be able to authenticate the contents at the
    time of the signature
  • Must be verifiable by third parties, to resolve

1. Digital Signatures
  • Requirements
  • Must be a bit pattern that depends on the message
    being signed
  • Must use some information unique to the sender,
    to prevent both forgery and denial
  • Must be relatively easy to produce the digital
  • Must be relatively easy to recognize and verify
    the digital signature

1. Digital Signatures
  • Must be computationally infeasible to forge a
    digital signature, either by constructing a new
    message for an existing digital signature or by
    constructing a fraudulent digital signature for a
    given message
  • Must be practical to retain a copy of the digital
    signature in storage

1. Digital Signatures
  • Direct Digital Signature
  • Involve only the communicating parties (source,
  • Assume that the destination knows the public key
    of the source
  • May be formed by encrypting the entire message
    with the senders private key (Figure 8.1c) or by
    encrypting a hash code of the message with the
    senders private key(Figure 8.5c)

1. Digital Signatures
  • Confidentiality can be provided by further
    encrypting the entire message plus signature with
    either the receivers public key (public-key
    encryption) or a shared secret key (conventional
  • See Figure 8.1d and 8.5d
  • Note that it is important to perform the
    signature function first and then an outer
    confidentiality function

1. Digital Signatures
  • Common weakness
  • The validity of the scheme depends on the
    security of the senders private key
  • Sender can claim that the private key was lost or
    stolen and that someone else forged his or her
  • Another threat is that some private key might
    actually be stolen from X at time T
  • Opponent can send a message signed with Xs
    signature and stamped with a time before or equal
    to T

1. Digital Signatures
  • Arbitrated Digital Signature
  • Operation
  • Every signed message from a sender X to a
    receiver Y goes first to an arbiter A, who
    subjects the message and its signature to a
    number of tests to check its origin and content
  • The message is then dated and sent to Y with an
    indication that it has been verified to the
    satisfaction of the arbiter
  • ?the presence of A solves the problem faced by
    direct signature schemes that X might disown the

1. Digital Signatures
  • Arbiter
  • All parties must have a great deal of trust that
    the arbitration mechanism is working properly
  • Examples
  • Conventional encryption, Arbiter sees
    Message(Table 10.1a)
  • Assume that the sender X and the arbiter A share
    a secret key Kxa and that A and Y share secret
    key Kay
  • Operation
  • X transmits the message plus a signature to A.
    signature consists of an identifier of X plus
    hash value, all encrypted using Kxa

1. Digital Signatures
  • A decrypts the signature and checks the hash
    value to validate the message
  • A transmits a message to Y, encrypted with Kay
    message includes Idx, the original message from
    X, and a timestamp
  • Y can decrypt and store message and signature
  • In case of dispute
  • Y, who claims to have received M from X, sends
    the following message to A EKayIDx ?? M
    ?? EKxaIDx??H(M)
  • A can verify message, signature by using Kxa Kay

1. Digital Signatures
  • Conventional Encryption, Arbiter does not see
    Message(Table 10.1b)
  • Table 10.1a confidentiality
  • Assumed that X and Y share the secret key Kxy
  • Operation
  • X transmits an identifier, a copy of the message
    encrypted with Kxy, and a signature to A.
    signature consists of the identifier plus the
    hash value of the encrypted message, all
    encrypted using Kxa
  • A decrypts the signature and checks hash value
    with the encrypted version of the message

1. Digital Signatures
  • A transmits everything that it received from X,
    plus a timestamp, all encrypted with Kay to Y
  • A remaining problem is that the arbiter could
    form an alliance with the sender to deny a signed
    message, or with the receiver to forge the
    senders signature
  • Public key Encryption, Arbiter does not see
    Message(Table 10.1c)
  • All the problems just discussed can be resolved
  • Operation
  • X double encrypts a message M first with Xs
    private key, KRx and then with Ys public key, KUy

1. Digital Signatures
  • Signed message, together with Xs identifier, is
    encrypted again with KRx and, together with IDx
    ,is sent to A
  • A can decrypt the outer encryption to assure that
    the message must have come from X. then A
    transmits a message to Y, encrypted with KRa
  • Advantages
  • No information is shared among the parties before
    communication, preventing alliances to defraud
  • No incorrectly dated message can be sent, even if
    KRx is compromised, assuming that KRa is not
  • The content of the message from X to Y is secret
    from A and anyone else

1. Digital Signatures
  • Table 10.1

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Mutual Authentication
  • Communicating parties can satisfy mutually about
    each others identity and to exchange session
  • Problems with authenticated key exchange
  • Confidentiality requires the prior existence of
    secret or public keys that can be used for
    encrypted message
  • Timeliness replay attack

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Examples of replay attack
  • Simple replay copy a message and replay it
  • Repetition that can be logged replay a
    timestamped message within the valid time window
  • Repetition that cannot be detected arise
    because the original message could have been
    suppressed and thus did not arrive at its
    destination only replay message arrives
  • Backward replay without modification this is a
    replay back to the message sender and is possible
    if conventional encryption is used

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Approaches to coping with replay attacks
  • Sequence number high overhead
  • Timestamps
  • Require that clocks among the various
    participants be synchronized
  • Should not be used for connection oriented
  • A fault in the clock mechanism
  • Variable and unpredictable nature of network
  • Challenge/response
  • Parties use nonces
  • Unsuitable for a connectionless type of
  • Overhead of a handshake before any connectionless

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Conventional encryption approaches
  • Needham and schroederNEED78
  • Secret key distribution using a KDC that includes
    authentication features
  • step
  • 1. A ?KDC IDA ll IDB ll N1
  • 2. KDC ?A EkaKs ll IDB ll N1 ll EKbKs ll
  • 3. A ?B EkbKs ll IDA
  • 4. B ?A EksN2
  • 5. A ?B Eksf(N2)

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Secret keys Ka and kb are shared between A and
    the KDC and B and the KDC
  • A securely acquires a new session key in step 2
  • Step 4 reflects Bs knowledge of Ks
  • Step 4,5 is to prevent a replay attack. But the
    protocol is still vulnerable to a form of replay
    attack with old session key
  • DenningDENN81,DENN82
  • Modification to the Needham/schroeder protocol
  • Assumes that the master keys, Ka and Kb, are

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Step
  • 1. A ?KDC IDA ll IDB
  • 2. KDC? AEkaKs ll IDB ll T ll EKbKs ll IDA ll
  • 3. A ?B EkbKs ll IDA ll T
  • 4. B ?A EksN1
  • 5. A ?B Eksf(N1)
  • T is timestamp that assures A and B that the
    session key has only just been generated
  • Because the timestamp T is encrypted using the
    secure master keys, an opponent, even with
    knowledge of an old session key, cannot succeed
    because a replay of step 3 will be detected by B
    as untimely
  • Require reliance on clocks that are synchronized
    throughout the network

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Suppress replay attack
  • Occurs when a senders clock is ahead of the
    intended recipients clock
  • Opponent can intercept a message from the sender
    and replay it later when the timestamp in the
    message becomes current at the recipients clock
  • Counter
  • 1. Enforce the requirement that parties
    regularly check their clocks against the KDCs
  • 2. Rely on handshaking protocols using nonces
    without clock synchronization

2. Authentication Protocols
  • KEHN92
  • Respond to the concerns about suppress replay
    attacks and fix the problems in the
    Needham/schroeder protocol
  • Step
  • 1. A ?B IDA ll Na
  • 2. B ?KDC IDB ll Nb ll EkbIDA ll Na ll Tb
  • 3. KDC ?A EkaIDB ll Na ll Ks ll Tbll
  • EkbIDA ll Ks ll Tb ll Nb
  • 4. A ?B EkbIDA ll Ks ll Tb ll EksNb

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Nonce is used for timeliness
  • In step 3, KDC passes on to a a block encrypted
    with the secret key that B shares with the
    KDC(ticket, EkbIDA ll Ks ll Tb )
  • Ticket is used by A for subsequent authentication
  • Protocol leaves A in possession of a key that can
    be used for subsequent authentication to B,
    avoiding the need to contact the authentication
    server repeatedly

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Public-key encryption approaches
  • DENN81
  • Step
  • 1.A ?AS IDA ll IDB
  • 2.AS ?A EkRasIDA ll KUa ll T ll
  • EkRasIDB ll KUb ll T
  • 3.A ?B EkRasIDA ll KUa ll T ll
  • EkRasIDB ll KUb ll T ll
  • AS provides public key certificates
  • Session key is chosen and encrypted by A no
    exposure by the AS
  • Timestamps protect the replay attacks

2. Authentication Protocols
  • WOO92a
  • Step
  • 1.A ?KDC IDA ll IDB
  • 2.KDC ?A EkRauth IDB ll KUb
  • 3.A ?B EKUbNa ll IDA
  • 4.B ?KDC IDB ll IDA ll EKUauthNa
  • 5.KDC ?B EkRauth IDA ll KUa ll
  • EKUbEkRauth Na ll KS ll IDB
  • 6.B ?A EKUaEkRauth Na ll KS ll IDB ll Nb
  • 7.A ?B EksNb

2. Authentication Protocols
  • In step 4, B asks the KDC for As public key
    certificate and a session key
  • WOO92b
  • Step
  • 1.A ?KDC IDA ll IDB
  • 2.KDC ?A EkRauth IDB ll KUb
  • 3.A ?B EKUbNa ll IDA
  • 4.B ?KDC IDB ll IDA ll EKUauthNa
  • 5.KDC ?B EkRauth IDA ll KUa ll
  • EKUbEkRauth Na ll KS ll IDA ll
  • 6.B ?A EKUaEkRauth Na ll KS ll IDA ll IDB
    ll Nb
  • 7.A ?B EksNb
  • Identifier A, IDA, is added to the set of items
    encrypted with the KDCs private key in step 5, 6

2. Authentication Protocols
  • One-Way Authentication
  • Electronic mail
  • Chief benefit is not necessary for the sender and
    receiver to be on line at the same time
  • E-mail message should be encrypted and request
    the authentication

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Conventional encryption approach
  • Step
  • 1. A ?KDC IDA ll IDB ll N1
  • 2. KDC ?A EkaKS ll IDB ll N1 ll EkbKS ll
  • 3. A ?B EkbKS ll IDA ll EksM
  • provides As authentication and intended
    recipient of a message only can read it
  • Does not protect against replay

2. Authentication Protocols
  • Public-key encryption approaches
  • Confidentiality
  • A ?B EKUbKSll EksM
  • Message is encrypted with a on-time secret key
  • Authentication
  • A ?B M ll EKRaH(M)
  • This technique is open to another kind of fraud
  • A ?B EKUbM ll EKRaH(M)

3.Digital Signature Standard
  • NIST has published Federal Information Processing
    Standard FIPS PUB 186, known as the Digital
    Signature Standard(DSS)
  • DSS uses of the SHA(secure hash algorithm) and
    presents DSA(digital signature algorithm)
  • DSS was proposed in 1991 and revised in 1993

3.Digital Signature Standard
3.Digital Signature Standard
  • DSS approach
  • RSA approach
  • Hash code is encrypted using the senders private
    key to form the signature
  • If the calculated hash code matches by recipient
    matches the decrypted signature, the signature is
    accepted as valid
  • DSS approach
  • Hash code is provided as input to a signature
    function with a random number k

3.Digital Signature Standard
  • Signature function depends on the senders
    private key(KRa)and global public key(KUg)
  • Result is a signature consisting of two
    components, labeled s and r
  • At the receiving end, the hash code of the
    incoming message and signature is input to a
    verification function
  • Verification function also depends on the global
    public key and senders public key
  • If the signature is valid, the output of the
    verification function is equal to r

3.Digital Signature Standard
  • Digital signature algorithm
  • DSA is based on the difficulty of computing
    discrete logarithms
  • Algorithm
  • Global public-key components
  • p prime number where 2L-1lt p lt2L for 512 L
    1024 and L a multiple of 64
  • q prime divisor of (p-1), where 2159 lt q lt
    2160 bit length of 64 bits
  • g h(p-1)/q mod p, where h is any integer with
    1lthlt(p-1) such that h(p-1)/q mod p gt 1

3.Digital Signature Standard
  • Users private key
  • x random or pseudorandom integer with 0 lt x lt q
  • Users public key
  • y gx mod p
  • Users per-message secret number
  • k random or pseudorandom integer with 0 lt k lt q
  • Signing
  • r (gk mod p) mod q
  • s k-1(H(M) xr) mod q
  • Signature (r, s)

3.Digital Signature Standard
  • Verifying
  • W (s)-1 mod q
  • U1 H(M)w mod q
  • U2 (r)w mod q
  • V (gu1yu2) mod p mod q
  • TEST v r
  • ? M message to be signed
  • H(M) hash of M using SHA-1,
  • M,r,s received versions of M,r,s

3.Digital Signature Standard
  • DSS signing and verifying

3.Digital Signature Standard
  • Test at the end is on the value r, which does not
    depend on the message at all
  • r is a function of k and the three global public
    key components
  • Receiver can recover r using the incoming message
    and signature, the public key of the user, and
    the global public key
  • for the difficulty of discrete logarithms, it is
    infeasible for an opponent to recover k from r or
    to recover x from s
  • Demanding task in signature generation is the
    exponential calculation gk mod p and k-1
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