Title: Behaviour and attendance
1 Key Stage 3 National Strategy Behaviour and
Attendance Training Materials Core Day 1
2 Session 1 Aims of the session
- For school senior leadership teams to
- Be introduced to the DfES advice on whole school
behaviour and attendance policy - Discuss the values, principles and beliefs that
inform an inclusive whole school policy - Review the current policy for behaviour and
attendance - Examine strategies for gaining whole school and
community ownership of policies
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3 A positive approach
- Encourages positive behaviour rather than
punishes bad behaviour - Includes policies that distinguish between
appropriate and inappropriate behaviour - Promotes consistency to which all staff should
feel committed
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4 The policy should
- Build on clear values, principles and beliefs
- Promote high standards of behaviour, attendance
and achievement - Be understood and owned by the whole school
community - Include all school staff, pupils and
parents/carers in its development and evaluation - Inform and be informed by practice both inside
and outside of the classroom - Include advice on monitoring and evaluation
- Be concise and avoid any unnecessary bureaucracy
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5 The policy should refer to
- Principles the whole school community
- Principles schools aims and the curriculum
- Promoting teaching and learning
- Roles and responsibilities
- Standards
- Rewards
- Sanctions
- Pupil support
- Staff support
- Support for parents
- Consultation
- Resources
- Monitoring and review
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6 An effective behaviour and attendance policy
- Shows how the school values and includes all
members of its community - Is essential for a creative environment in which
all members of the school community can thrive,
feel respected, safe and secure - Improves pupils, parents/carers and staff
confidence in the school
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7 High expectations
Parent, staff and pupil support systems
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8 The policy will explain
- How pupils learn positive behaviour and regular
attendance - How adults teach positive behaviour and
attendance - How parents/carers can contribute
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9 When reviewing your school policy, consider
whether it is
- Appropriate
- Efficient
- Effective
- Fair
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10 Summary
- The most effective policy
- Is underpinned by shared values, principles and
beliefs - Has clearly defined aims which fit the ethos of
the school - Reflects the needs of the whole school population
- Is reviewed by making judgements across all
aspects of school life
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11 Session 2 Aims of the session
- For school senior leadership teams to receive
support in - Implementing a policy which promotes a consistent
approach to behaviour and attendance - Considering how to implement change following a
policy review - Identifying school systems that support
implementation - Encouraging the communication of success
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12 OFSTED report on behaviour and attendance
- The key characteristic is the consistency with
- which staff, having agreed a policy, apply it
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13 All staff should
- Own the development of the policy
- Know their role in defining the policy principles
- Inform policy development and implementation
through sharing their own good practice
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14 According to OFSTED
- Pupils had learnt how to circumvent rules and to
exploit differences in teachers approaches
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15 There are too many pupils being sent out of
lessons and referred to SLT.
- How does this situation affect me?
- What is the biggest problem that this situation
causes me? - What support do I need to change this situation?
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16 School systems to facilitate support
- Pastoral organisation
- Subject department groupings (e.g. humanities)
- Timetabling
- Parent/carer consultation arrangements
- Organisation of premises
- Lunchtime and break organisation
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17 Summary
- Successful implementation of the behaviour and
attendance policy is through - Ownership of the change and consistent
approaches by all staff - Shared identification of solutions that are
relevant and workable - School systems that support implementation
- Celebrating and sharing success regularly and
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18(No Transcript)
19 Session 3 Aims of the session
- To promote the use of a behaviour and attendance
audit - To familiarise schools with the behaviour and
attendance audit - To help prepare schools to undertake an audit
- To establish what consultant support may be
needed to undertake an effective audit
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20 The behaviour and attendance audit is
- For all schools
- For the whole school
- For everyone involved e.g. staff, pupils, parents
- About outside as well as inside the classroom
- Tailored and adaptable to local issues
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21 The audit process
Decision making
Action planning
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22 The role of the behaviour and attendance
consultant 1
- Supporting SLT during initial review
- Being a critical friend to the process
- Brief discussion with SLT on process and action
points following the initial review - Assistance with collation of data
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23 The role of the behaviour and attendance
consultant 2
- Assistance with in-depth audits
- Input into action plan meetings
- Ongoing support and training following the audit
- Liaison with other strategy consultants to ensure
coherent whole school picture - Participation in follow-up monitoring and review
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24 Summary
- The audit
- Is flexible and selective
- Requires careful planning of staff time
- Involves all staff, some of whom may require
reassurance - Is supported by consultant advice
- Leads to a focused action plan
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25 Session 4 Aims of the session
- To build on sessions 1-3 with practical advice
about staff training to improve classroom
teaching and learning - To examine how effective classroom teaching can
promote positive behaviour and regular attendance
- To consider approaches to planning which include
all pupils and raise standards of behaviour and
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26 Support and guidance from the senior leadership
team may involve
- Identifying training needs
- Coaching in behaviour and attendance management
- In-class support and modelling of strategies
- Observation, feedback and evaluation of good
practice to promote behaviour and attendance - Support for staff in addressing individual pupil
needs - Improving peer support systems
- Support for behaviour and attendance improvement
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27 Situations for which planning is needed
- Pupils who arrive late
- Pupils who do not participate in the whole class
lesson - Pupils who do not participate in group work
- Pupils who have returned to school after an
absence - Pupils who have recently arrived at the school
following exclusion from another school - Pupils who have particular social, emotional or
behavioural needs
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28 Aspects of physical environment which may impact
on pupil behaviour and learning
- The furniture may be fixed
- External distractions and noise at certain times
of the day - Light and ventilation in rooms may not be
adjustable - Sight lines may be poor
- Classrooms may be cluttered and untidy
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29 Summary
- Effective teaching for positive behaviour and
regular attendance includes - Structuring lessons to include the teaching of
positive behaviour and attendance - All the techniques for effective teaching in
general - Good classroom organisation, including the
physical environment - Understanding pupils' responses and needs related
to their behaviour and attendance
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