Title: Do active Regions Emerge in a Similar Regime?
1Do active Regions Emerge in a Similar Regime?
- Valentyna Abramenko
- Big Bear Solar Observatory
- California, USA
- avi_at_bbso.njit.edu
- How the majority of active regions emerges
- Peculiar emergence of an active region
- Compare rates of an ordinary and peculiar ARs
- Conclusion suggestion on the dynamo action
3How the majority of active regions emerge?
- Dynamo generates the magnetic field near the
bottom of the convective zone - The field emerges due to buoyancy (and???) during
2-4 months - Forming oriented active regions on the photosphere
PICTURE of Omega loop emergence
4Example ordinary emergence AR NOAA 9574
Mag-my fd
5Example peculiar emergence AR NOAA 0798
Magma fd
6Next rotation
Magma FD 808 so strelochkoi
7One more rotation
Magma /FD remains so strelochkoi
8 Flux emergence rate Ordinary
AR vs Peculiar AR
1 - Picture of flux 9574 3 deriv of flux 9574
2- picture of of flux of 0798 4 - deriv of
flux 0798
9 Electric currents rate Ordinary
AR vs Peculiar AR
1 - Picture of deriv flux 9574 2 deriv of
ediss 9574
3- picture of the deriv of flux of 0798 4 -
deriv of ediss 0798 (kr tochki)
Horizontal Electric Currents Abramenko, V.,
2008, arXiv0806.1547
10 Magnetic power spectrum rateOrdinary
AR vs Peculiar
1 - Picture of flux 9574 - tonenko 2 mu(PS)
3- picture of flux of 0798 tonko 4 - mu(PS)
Magnetic Power Spectrum Abramenko 2005 ApJ 629
11Conclusions suggestion of the dynamo in the
subphotospheric layers
Y. Fun 2001
12Conclusions-2 suggestion of the dynamo in the
subphotospheric layers
Cattaneo Emonet 2004 convection (left) in an
electrically conducting fluid is capable of
dynamo action and generates a highly intermittent
magnetic field (right).