Title: Email Lists Mailman
1Email Lists (Mailman)
- For Chancellors Office Personnel
- February 2006
2Exchange Distribution Lists vs. Email Lists
- Distribution Lists
- Automatically appear in the Exchange Global
Address List - Easy to add Chancellors Office staff
- Can be shared
- Outlook based
- Email Lists
- Work well for non-OUS addresses
- Allow users to (un)subscribe themselves
- Retain archives
- Can have multiple owners/moderators
- Web based
3List Migration
Hello Mailman!
4Benefits of Mailman
- Web-based subscription and management options for
users - Web-based administrative functions for list
managers - Automated list archiving
- Privacy options that can be customized by list
- Integrated email bounce detection and handling
- Support for multiple list owners and moderators
- Improvements in terms of security
- Improved SPAM prevention
5Transition Plan
- Approximately 300 lists
- Everyone off Majordomo by March 31
- Transitions by location
- All lists for each owner transferred at once.
6New OUS List page
http//lists.ous.edu Create a list Directories of
lists - Mailman - Majordomo Administer a
list Documentation
7Creating a new list
Click on Create New List
8Creating a new list
Log in using your email address and password
9Creating a new list
Read the Acceptable Use Policy Scroll down the
page and enter your name email address
10Creating a new list
Give your list a name, description, and
administrative password. Choose your membership,
archive and public visibility settings Click the
button to create your list Success!.
11List Maintenance
If you just created your list you can click on
the link to the administrative page. If youre
doing maintenance on an existing list go to
http//lists.ous.edu Enter the list name Click on
Manage List
12List Maintenance
Enter the list administrator password Click on
the Let me in. . . button
13Whos Subscribed?
Click on Membership Management Click on
Membership List
14Whos Subscribed?
Check the unsub box, then Submit Your Changes to
delete a member. Check the mod box to moderate
the members posts Click the On button, then Set,
to turn on moderation for all members.
15Adding Members
Click on Membership Management Click on Mass
16Adding Members
Scroll down the page and enter your list of
member email addresses, one per line. You can cut
paste from another document! Scroll to the
bottom and click Submit Your Changes Make sure
youre a member if you want to receive a copy of
the messages you send!
17Removing Multiple Members
Click on Membership Management Click on Mass
18Removing Multiple Members
Scroll down the page and enter the list of member
email addresses to be removed, one per
line. Scroll to the bottom and click Submit Your
19Setting up List Moderation
Click on General Options Scroll down the page
20Setting up List Moderation
Add moderators email addresses Scroll to the
bottom and click Submit Your Changes
21Setting up List Moderation
Click on Privacy Options Click on Sender filters
22Setting up List Moderation
New Members posts need to be moderated? Click
Yes Someone need to send without being a
member? Add their email address here.
23Setting up List Moderation
Non-member posts a problem? Hold, reject or
discard by adding their email address to the
proper list OR Block all non-member posts!
24Moderation Requests
The moderator(s) receive an email from the
system. Double-click on the link to deal with
the request.
25Moderation Requests
Enter the list password and click Let me in . .
26Moderation Requests
This is a moderated request from a list
member Select the appropriate action Click
Submit All Data
27Moderation Requests
This is a moderated request from a
non-member Select the appropriate action
Permanently block the user from mailing the list
or subscribing to the list! Click Submit All
28Need Help?
- Contact OSU Computer Helpdesk Mon-Fri 7 AM to 7
PM osuhelpdesk_at_oregonstate.edu (541) 737-3474 - OSUs Mailman List Member Guide
- http//lists.oregonstate.edu/docs/members.php
- OSUs Mailman List Owner Guide
- http//lists.oregonstate.edu/docs/owners.php