Title: Sorting things out Bowker
1Sorting things out - Bowker Star
Eric Monteiro, NTNU and Univ. of
Oslo November 2000
- idea relevance
- themes
- ICD9
- questions critique
3Why bother - its dull (I)
- not given (Foucault)
- human sense-making (Douglas)
belonging to the Emperor, stray dogs and
those drawn with a very fine camelhair brush
4Why bother - its dull (II)
- all around us
- modernization
- increased meshing/interconnection
- it matters
- prerequisite for control (Yates)
- globalization
- effective strategy of marginalization
- invisible
- politics
5An analogy
6The questions
7Themes analytic methodological
- ubiquity
- materiality and texture
- multiple times, multiple voices
- design, politics by other means
8ICD 9 (I)
- diseases that threahen public health
- Global
- Standardized death certificates
- 100 year history - many revisions
9Over time
- increased detail
- cross-referencing
- conservatism, dont discard cathegories
- other institutions, e.g. Insurance
10ICD 9 (II)
- still birth - when does life start?
- ethics
- Catholic vs. protestant
11ICD 9 (III)
- Old age
- not natural accidents
- a view from nowhere - developing countries?
- Few tropical diseases
12Pragmatics (I)
- Global vs. tailor-made
- for whom? (data accuracy)
- doctors
- statisticians
- epidemiologist
- industrial actors (insurance pharmaceuticals)
- ambiguity - productive!
- categories (too few/ loose info -- too
many/extra work)
13Pragmatics (II) - principles
- Body part (topographical)
- arm, inside, head,.
- origin (etiological)
- genetic, viral, bacterial,
- operational
- responses to certain tests (ex. HIV)
- etical - political
- still birth
- Artefact and context co-evolve
- mutually co-construct/ constitute
- Ex. TB work/treatments so far
- Ex. broken legs ski-resorts
- Ex. Kodak popular photographing
15Does it scale up?
- Classification --gt categorical work
- natualized objects
- boundary object --gt boundary infrastructure
- multiple memberships in communities of practise
- distribution/juggling of meaning (members,
16The challenge
The toughest problems in information
systems design are increasingly those concerned
with modeling cooperation across heterogenous
worlds, of modeling articulation work
and multiplicity (p. 308)
17Implications for design
- classification balancing
- retrivable voices
- sensitive to exclusion
18Critique/ questions
- As always, unclear wrt. Design
- no/ little process
- constructing cathegories
- implications/inscriptions of these
- BUT little USE of these
- talk about WORK but...