Title: BCICS Technology
1BCICS Technology
2BCICS Technology
- Websites
- Communication
- Open Source Software
- Co-operative Learning Centre
- Social Economy Learning Network
3BCICS Technology
- Started January 1, 2000
- Commitment to online electronic information
because - - Opportunity
- - Impact
- - Knowledge accumulates
- - Co-operative Studies
- Development of web site
- Open Source
- Collaboration Online
- Robin Puga
4BCICS Websites
5Creating Online Resources
- Online Library
- Case Studies
- Information
6Creating Online Communication Networks
- Researchers
- Practitioners
- Youth
7Creating Community Websites
8Youth Knowledge Transfer
- Case Studies
- Stories
- Quiz Games
9Using Open Source Technology
- Easy
- Stable
- Secure
- Free (0.00)
10Open Source
Source code (Human readable) Compiled code
(Computer readable)
Computer programmers write source code. Source
code is compiled into executable code (1s and
0s) which the computer runs. Cannot get the
source code from the compiled program.
- Open Source development
- Source code available to public
- Short development cycles
- Unlimited number of developers
- Bugs addressed more quickly
- Users are able to extended as required
- Closed Source development
- Source code is kept secret
- Long development cycles
- Limited number of developers
- Bugs addressed during development cycles
- No user extendibility
11Creating Online Learning Communities
- Co-operative Learning Centre
- Social Economy Learning Network (2007)
12Co-operative Learning Centre / Centro de
Aprendizaje Co-operativa
The CLC is a co-operative venture presented by
The International Co-operative Alliance, The
International Labour Organisation, and the
British Columbia Institute for Co-operative
Studies. The prototype can be viewed at
14CLC Collections Database
- CLC Collections Database will contain the online
multimedia resources. - All resources are classified according to
- Type
- Theme(s)
- Geographical region(s)
- Easy to navigate and search for information.
15Purpose of CLC
- Serve the needs and interests of co-operative
members, leaders and managers, and the public. - A valuable tool for co-op education and training.
- Provide valuable information for researchers.
- Enable users to find resources and information
about co-operatives. - Make it easy to contact experts.
- Answer real needs of today's co-operatives,
enhancing their economic and social effectiveness
and their ability to respond to the needs of the
members and communities they serve.
16Who will use the CLC?
- Anyone interested in learning more about
co-operatives - Youth and students
17Who will use the CLC?
- People who work in or actively participate in
co-ops - Access HRD training materials
- Network with others
18Access to Resources
- A rich inventory of practical and theoretical
information on co-op development. - Information that will answer questions about the
co-operative model.
19CLC Website Structure 6 Main Sections
- The CLC prototype contains six major sections
- Co-ops Today An introduction to the
co-operative model. - Training Resources for Co-op Human Resource
Developers (HRD). - Co-op Management Resources for co-op
development. - Research Resources for Co-op Studies
researchers. - Youth Resources for youth co-operators.
- Collections General access to the sites
resources plus links to co-op libraries and
bookstores. (This dove is to become Poverty
Reduction in the future.)
20For Youth it provides resources specific to
their interests
- A special section for Youth
- Information on youth co-ops
- Advancing youth participation
- Co-op careers
- Youth Co-operators Registry
- Youth discussion forums
21Special Features
- We have reached understandings with Russian,
Portuguese, German, Spanish, and Hindi partners
and we are working on developing relations with
French, Chinese, Korean, Swahili, Persian,
Italian, Japanese, and Arabic partners.
22Special Features
- Database and web pages will be maintained by
non-technical users.
23Social Economy Learning Network (coming soon)
24Learning Communities
- Meet the practical need for useful co-operative
information for both the co-op and
academic communities around the world - Will enhance access to resources
- Will facilitate the communication of information
for and about co-operatives - Will help make connections between individuals
and groups that until now were difficult to
make - Will help revitalize the movement where that is
25Thank You For more information email
- The only thing that will redeem mankind is
co-operation. - Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970 (Philosopher,
Mathematician, Essayist)