Title: A new wa parametrization
1 A new w(a) parametrization
- Zhiqi Huang
- Co-Supervisors Lev Kofman Dick Bond
2Dark Energy Equation of State (EOS)
Scale factor a1/(1z)
Observationally SNe, BAO , WL, LSS, CMB
(Albrecht et al White Paper) Assuming constant
w, we roughly know w-1.0 0.2
- Theoretical Models --
- Cosmological Constant (w-1)
- Quintessence (-1w1)
- Phantom field (w-1)
- Tychyon fields (-1 w 0)
- K-essence ( no prior on w)
3Standard parametrization
Constraint equation
4Quintessence Model
5Field Equation
Friedmann Equations
W -cos 2?
6Slow roll conditions
? const
7Solution two-parameter parametrization.
the field exits scaling regime at aaex ? -V/V
averaged at low redshift
8Early-Exit Scenario
- Definition slow-roll conditions hold at 0ltzlt10.
Information from scaling regime is erased by
Hubble friction?aex term vanishes at low redshift
9One-parameter parametrization
10Include the phantom field
11Effective Constraint Equation
12Measuring ?2 (SNeCMBWLLSS)
Modified cosmomc with WL and time-varying w models
- For general slow-rolling scenario one needs two
parameters (aex,?)to describe w. - In early-exit scenario, the information stored in
aex is erased by Hubble friction, w can be
described by a single parameter ?2. - With the simplest one-parameter parametrization,
phantom (?2 lt0), cosmological constant (?20),
and quintessence (?2 gt0) models are all
consistent with current observations.