Lectures 23 24 Distributed algorithms: Consensus and Broadcast - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lectures 23 24 Distributed algorithms: Consensus and Broadcast


In each step each processor can either (depending on the algorithm) ... behave on the way described above, mess up content of messages, pretend they ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lectures 23 24 Distributed algorithms: Consensus and Broadcast

Lectures 23 - 24 Distributed algorithmsConsensu
s and Broadcast
  • COMP 523 Advanced Algorithmic Techniques
  • Lecturer Dariusz Kowalski

  • Previous lectures
  • Parallel machine model
  • Problem of finding maximum
  • Prefix computation
  • This lectures
  • Distributed message-passing model
  • Consensus in synchronized setting
  • Broadcast in asynchronous setting

Distributed message-passing model
  • Set of n processors with different IDs
  • In each step each processor can either (depending
    on the algorithm)
  • send a message to any subset of other processors
  • receive incoming messages
  • perform local computation
  • Computation can be either (depending on the
  • in synchronized rounds in a round every
    processor performs three steps local
    computation, sending and receiving, e.g., (p1,p2,
    p3), (p1,p2, p3), (p1,p2, p3),...
  • in asynchronous pattern steps are done according
    to some arbitrary order unknown to the
    processors, e.g., p1,p2,p2,p3,p2,p3,p2,p1,...

  • Failures in the system
  • Lack of synchrony unknown order of steps is
    generated by the adversary
  • Processors crashes adversary decides which
    processors crash and choose steps for these
  • Messages are lost (not properly sent or
    received) malicious processors/links are
    selected by the adversary
  • Byzantine failures processors may cheat, e.g.,
    can behave on the way described above, mess up
    content of messages, pretend they have different
    ID, etc.

Analysis of distributed algorithms
  • Designing the algorithm, our goal is to prove
  • Correctness because the lack of central
    information and because of failures
  • Termination because of the lack of central
  • Efficiency
  • Time
  • Work (total number of processors steps)
  • Number of messages sent
  • Total size of messages sent

Consensus in synchronous crash model
  • Consensus
  • Each processor has its initial value
  • Goal processors decide on the same value among
    initial ones
  • We require from the algorithm
  • Agreement no two processors decide on different
  • Termination each processor decides eventually
    unless fails
  • Validity if all initial values are the same then
    this value is a decision

Model for consensus problem
  • We consider model with crash failures (easier
  • others, e.g., Byzantine failures) processor
    stops every
  • activity and messages sent during crash are
    delivered or
  • lost arbitrarily (depending on adversary)
  • Asynchronous impossible to solve even if one
    processor can crash
  • Synchronous requires at least f 1 rounds if f
    processors crash
  • Consensus can be viewed as a kind of
  • problem lets agree on the largest initial value
  • could be easier, since we could agree on any
    initial value)

Flooding algorithm for consensus
  • f-resilient algorithm algorithm that solves
    consensus problem if at most f crashes occur
  • Flooding Algorithm
  • During each round 1 ? j ? f 1 each processor
    sends to all other processors all the initial
    values about which it has already learnt
  • Decision of a processor if the set of collected
    initial values is a singleton then decide on this
    value, otherwise decide on default value

Flooding algorithm - example
  • 4 processors, f 2 crashes, default maximum
  • Init R1 R2 R3 Decision
  • p1 1 --- --- --- ---
  • p2 0 0,1 --- --- ---
  • p3 0 0 0,1 0,1 1
  • p4 0 0 0 0,1 1

Analysis of Flooding algorithm
  • Agreement there is a round j (clean) when no
    crash occurs. During this round all non-faulty
    processors exchange messages, hence sets of
    collected values will be the same after this
    round. Obviously they will not change after this
    round, and consequently all non-faulty processors
    decide the same
  • Termination after round f 1
  • Validity if all initial values are the same, set
    of collected initial values is always a
    singleton, and decision is on this value
  • Message complexity - total number of messages
    sent O(f n2)

Decreasing message complexity
  • Modification of the algorithm
  • Processor sends messages to all processors during
    the first round and during round j gt 1 only if in
    the previous round it has learnt about a new
    initial value
  • Termination and Validity remain the same
  • Agreement similar argument the only difference
    that the message exchange may not happen in a
    clean round, but by the end of the clean round
    all previously learnt values were sent before
    this round, new ones are sent during this round
  • Communication there are at most n different
    values and each of them is sent as new at most
    n-1 times, hence O(n2)

Broadcast in asynchronous model
  • Communication problems
  • Broadcasting one processor, called the source,
    has to inform all other processors about its
    initial value
  • Gossip each processor has to inform all other
    processors about its initial value
  • Other
  • Asynchronous model
  • Execution sequence (C0,e1,C1,e2,C2,)
  • where ei is an event (local comp., sending a
    message, receiving a message) and Ci is a
    configuration of the whole system (collection of
    states of all processors) after configuration
    Ci-1 and event ei
  • Trace sequence of events (e1,e2,) extracted
    from the execution
  • Enable event it may eventually happen, e.g.,
    after event of sending a message M from p to q an
    event of receiving message M by q from p is
    enabled immediately after

Broadcast definitions
  • Broadcasting one processor, called the source,
    has to inform all other processors about its
    initial value
  • Basic Broadcast (BB) no order of messages is
  • Source-Ordered Broadcast (SOB) if a processor
    sends message M1 before message M2 then every
    processor receives them in the same order
  • Total-Ordered Broadcast (TOB) all orders of
    received messages are the same in other words if
    a processor receives message M1 before message M2
    then every processor receives them in the same

SO Broadcast on the top of BB
  • Assume we have an implementation of Basic
    Broadcast in the system. Using it we can
    implement Source-Ordered Broadcast as follows
  • Each processor initializes tag t 1
  • sendSOB(p,M) processor p
  • Enables event sendBB(p, M,t) in
  • Increases tag t by 1
  • receiveSOB(p,q,M)
  • If receiveBB(p,q,M,t) happens then processor q
    enables receiveSOB(p,q,M) if there is no pending
    message M from p with smaller tag t lt t,
    otherwise puts M,t into pending until there is
    no smaller tag t lt t pending message from p

Analysis of Source Broadcast
  • Each message sent is eventually received it is
    received using BB, and since all with previous
    tags also must be received eventually, they all
    will be enabled from pending
  • Messages are source-ordered message with bigger
    tag can not be enabled before the message with
    smaller one

TO Broadcast on the top of SOB
  • Assume we have an implementation of
  • Broadcast in the system. Using it we can
  • Total-Ordered Broadcast as follows
  • Each processor initializes tags Tq 1 for
    every q
  • sendTOB(p,M) processor p
  • Enables event sendSOB(p,M,Tp) in
  • Increases tag Tp by 1

TO Broadcast on the top of SOB cont.
  • If receiveSOB(p,q,M,t) happens in processor q
  • Processor q adds triple (p,M,t) to pending
  • Tp t
  • If t gt Tq then
  • Tq t
  • Enable sendSOB(q,update,Tq)
  • If receiveSOB(p,q,update,t) happens in
    processor q then
  • Tp t
  • If triple (p,M,t) is pending in processor q and
    (t,p) is smallest possible (lexicographically)
    and t ? Tp for every p then processor q
  • Enables event receiveTOB(p,q,M)
  • Removes triple (p,M,t) from pending

Total-Ordered Broadcast - Analysis
  • Each message sent is eventually received
  • induction by the length of execution
  • Messages are total-ordered
  • proof by considering cases
  • If two messages are in the same time pending then
    first is accepted one with smallest tag (or id if
    tags are equal)
  • If message with smaller pair (tag,id) is put to
    pending after the later one is accepted, then it
    is a contradiction

  • Distributed models
  • Message-passing
  • Synchronous/asynchronous
  • Fault-tolerance
  • Distributed problems and algorithms
  • Consensus in synchronous crash setting
  • Ordered Broadcast in asynchronous setting

  • Prove in details that TOB algorithm is correct
    (each message is delivered and total-order
    condition is satisfied)
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