Title: EPEX : Emory Proposal Express
1EPEX Emory Proposal Express
eCOI for Proposals
Emory University Department of Pediatrics Septembe
r 17, 2009
2OSP site has information on the EPEX system on
how to get access to EPEX
3Key components of EPEX
4Required attachments for EPEX
SOM also requires full proposal, budget
justification, subcontract routing material,
SOM blue sheet
5- Navigate to EPEX through the Peoplesoft URL
- from Emory Finance home page
6- Select Emory Proposal Express
7- To start a new proposal, select Add
8- All fields with an asterisk must be completed
9- At least 1 key word is needed use drop-down
10- Projects enter effort, FA, and attachments
11- Always return to proposal page as homebase
12- After Projects, go to Budgets
13- Enter FA type base, then View/Enter Budgets
14- Enter high-level budget information
15- Navigate back to home base Proposal Express
16- To see routing approval path, Preview
17- PI, Division Chief, Chair, Dept, SOM, OSP
Add Division Chief and Chair Designee
18- Navigate back to home base, then Save Route
19eCOI for a new proposal
20- Log into eCOI, select Add a new proposal
21- Only high-level information is required
22- Be sure to add all personnel w/ biosketch or in
- budget, including non-Emory people
23- System sends email to all named Emory personnel
- You can check for completion under Manage my
- proposals
24- Tools for using EPEX will be included as a link
from the DOP website under Faculty Resources - Included will be
- Peoplesoft Job Aids for simple, complex,
- continuation, and supplemental proposals
- Instructions for accessing your proposal
- approval inbox and electronically signing and
- certifying your proposal
- 1-page What is EPEX? summary including list
of - required attachments for SOM and OSP
- Overview of setting up a proposal in eCOI
25How to access your Approval Inbox and
electronically sign your proposal
- Go to Emory Finance Web
- Log into Peoplesoft using your Emory NetId and
password - Click the Smart Solutions link
26- Click the Smart Workflow link
- Click the Transaction Approval link
27- Click the Approval Inbox link
NOTE You can set your Approval Inbox as a
Favorite to save some time next time you need
to access it. Click the Add to Favorites link.
Next time you log in to Peoplesoft, you can
click on the My Favorites link in the menu box
28- Click the arrow on the Search Type drop-down
list - Select Grants Proposal
Click on the yellow Search button
29Click on the proposal to be approved. Unless you
are actively routing more than one proposal, you
will only see one proposal in the list.
30Check the answers to the questions
31- To review the draft science, biosketches, etc.,
that have been uploaded into the EPEX proposal,
select the blue Go to Projects button at the
bottom of the list of questions
32If you go to the Projects page, the Attachments
section is where your grant manager has uploaded
all necessary routing documents, including the
science or sponsor-formatted proposal. They can
be viewed by clicking on the arrow to the left of
To get back to the Proposal summary page to
certify, use the blue Go to Proposal link.
To certify, click on the yellow Approve button
at the bottom of the page . You can then exit
Peoplesoft. The proposal will automatically route
as needed.