Title: Introducing eMPDS
1Introducing e-MPDS
- The IMechEs Monitored Professional Development
2Introducing e-MPDS
- Promotes better and more consistent application
of UK-SPEC - Ease of monitoring, regardless of engineering
discipline - Removes administrative burden of paperwork for
companies - Assists company performance review, shows
progression - No company investment in IT infrastructure or
software - Easier monitoring more frequent less reason
to fall behind - Delivers better value for money for company
training costs
3Creating e-MPDS Records
- Use the system in its simplest form
- - Go straight to Reports tab Cut paste 500
- words, press save
- - This simple format is recommended if you are
- falling behind
- OR use the optional tools
- - Submit a Plan then Submit Evidence
- These auto-map to Quarterly report Annual
Report - checksheet
- OR
- Use a combination of both methods from
- time to time
4Go to IMechE homepageLog in for access to e-MPDS
5e-MPDS link Create your password allow 2 working
days for e-MPDS link to activate After logging
on e-MPDS link is on the left side of your page
6Submit Plans-Evidence-Reports each quarter
Developing Engineer
Submit a Plan (Optional) This sets the date for
the quarterly report period
Submit Evidence (optional)
Submit Quarterly Report (compulsory)
Review and Accept Report
Review and Accept Evidence
Review and Accept Plan
Each Year (normally) Assessment to score UK-SPEC
competences (within 2 months of due date)
7Go to EC UK-SPEC 1.Click on competences for
examples 2.This will help to guide you 3.Creates
further understanding of competence in your
8Mentors Record 1.Check the list of those you
are mentoring 2.Use the help pages for the
MPDS Toolkit, Guidance notes etc 3.Download the
user guide from Getting Started
9Mentors record 1.View ALL records of those you
are mentoring 2.Set the MPDS Year 3.OPTION set
expected levels of competence achievement each
- Competences are developed through 4 levels
during - Initial Professional Development (IPD)
- Level 1 Aware
- Level 2 Familiar
- Level 3 Skilled
- Level 4 Expert
- Progress against each competence is evaluated by
the mentor - during IPD and by the Panel at Professional
Review interview. - CEng and IEng require a minimum score of 3
competences at - Level 3 and 2 competences at Level 2, with all
competences - weighted equally
11Developing Engineers Record 1.Check My Status
for IEng/CEng 2.Go to help for tips 3.Your
Notice Board tells you when plans and evidence
are returned 4.Go to EC UK-SPEC for examples of
competences 5.Ask your mentor to insert your MPDS
12Plans 1.Create an Action Plan add Yr/Qtr 2.Set
quarterly date 3.Set objectives
13PLAN - Add UK SPEC Use drop down menu These are
competences you plan to achieve
this quarter Click ok to finish This plan is now
auto sent to your mentor
14Plans 1.Create an Action Plan add Yr/Qtr 2.Set
quarterly date 3.Set objectives
Mentor approves Plan Auto email advises mentor
the plan has been submitted Read plan, ensure
SMART Accept or return for revision Auto-returned
by the system
15Submit Evidence against Plan 1.Use a title you
will recognise easily 2.Give a brief outline only
3.Add UKSPEC from the menu selector 4.Dont
upload sensitive items 5.Include several
activities to reduce the sign off time by the
16Evidence auto-maps to checksheet This gives
at-a-glance gap analysis. Useful if a
new mentor is appointed. Useful for
other managers to view progress If not
scoring evidence, an x appears x competence is
relevant but not scored 0 competence not
relevant to this activity
17Create Quarterly Report Objectives from your Plan
will auto-generate Summary of evidence will
18Quarterly Report 1. Start Quarterly report 2.
Objectives from the Plan and UK-SPEC competences
from evidence are auto mapped to the ¼ report 3.
Auto sent to mentor for approval
19(No Transcript)
20Quarterly Reports These are compulsory and must
be signed off by the mentor within 8 weeks of
the due date
21Assessment Report 1.Compulsory and must be signed
off by mentor with 8 weeks of due date 2.Evidence
auto generates from all Quarterly reports 3.Auto
sent to the mentor to complete the assessment
22Practical tips for e-MPDS
- BEng or non-accredited degree?
- - decide if you are going IEng route to
registration - - or, decide if you are completing Further
Learning whilst on MPDS for the CEng route to
registration - - lodge your Further Learning Plan immediately!
- Download a copy of UK-SPEC
- - if applying IEng route, email MPDS_at_imeche.org
to change your competence chart in e-MPDS
23Practical Tips for e-MPDS
- Update your contact details with IMechE
- Advise IMechE of changes to mentors or transfers
from your workplace - Use a common sense approach
- read the user guide and FAQs before commencing
- develop an understanding of UK-SPEC
- create items in order (eg a plan before creating
evidence) - dont upload commercially sensitive evidence
- dont overload the mentor with lots of items of
evidence - scoring evidence is optional
- use the help pages within the online system
24The CEng competences
- A. Use a combination of general specialist
- mechanical engineering knowledge and
- understanding to optimise the application of
- existing and emerging technology
- B. Apply appropriate theoretical and practical
- methods to the analysis and solution of
- engineering problems
- C. Provide technical and commercial leadership
25The CEng competences
- D. Demonstrate effective communication and
- interpersonal skills
- E. Demonstrate a personal commitment to live
- by the appropriate codes of professional
- conduct, recognising obligations to society,
- the profession and the environment
26The IEng competences
- Use a combination of general specialist
mechanical - engineering knowledge and understanding to
apply - existing and emerging technology
- B. Apply appropriate theoretical and practical
methods to - design, develop, manufacture, construct,
commission, - operate and maintain products, equipment,
processes, - systems and services
- C. Provide technical and commercial management
27The IEng competences
- D. Demonstrate effective communication and
- interpersonal skills
- E. Demonstrate a personal commitment to live
- by the appropriate codes of professional
- conduct, recognising obligations to society,
- the profession and the environment
28Benchmark Routes
Professional Development
B(Hons) Further Learning
Professional Development
29Benchmark Routes
Professional Development
HNC/HND/FD Further Learning
Professional Development
30e-MPDS Questions ?
31Contacting IMechE
- MPDS Helpdesk mpds_at_imeche.org
- MPDS Website www.imeche.org/mpds
- MPDS Helpline 0845 226 0211
- Membership Helpline 0845 226 9191
32(No Transcript)