Title: In conclusion, _____________
1Compare and contrast the parent who raised you to
one or more of the fathers in these stories.
In conclusion, _____________s father reminds me
the most of my own mother / father
___________ ______________________________________
_______________________. For example,
___________.In contrast, _______________s
father is least like my own mother / father
because __________________________________________
______ ___________________________________________
__________________. For instance,
____________. Last, I feel _______________________
__________ about my mother / father as a parent.
As a case in point, _____________________________
2If you had to be raised by one of these fathers,
which one of be your first choice? Which would be
your second choice and third choice?
In conclusion, if I had to be raised by one of
these fathers, ____________s father would be my
first choice because_____________
___________. For example, _________________
________________________________ _________________
second choice would be ______________s father
because________ __________________________________
___________________________. For
_________ ________________________________________
_____________________. My third choice would be
__________________s father because______
___________. As a case in point,__________________
___________________________ ______________________
_______________________________________ __________