Title: ISECCA and Yewstock School'
1ISECCA and Yewstock School.
2Key features of the school
Community Special School serving large area of
North Dorset. Other LEAs buying places for
children. (Somerset, Wiltshire).
Widest age and ability range of any school within
Dorset LEA. (2 19yrs, PMLD, SLD, MLD, Autism,
increasing numbers of EBD/ Complex pupils).
Recently put into Serious Weaknesses by OfSTED
(June 2002).
3Background to ISECCAs involvement
- OfSTED had criticised Leadership and
Management, due to inconsistencies at all
- Sudden influx of new staff to complement
others who had been at school for many years.
4Self-efficacy and team work
If lasting change is to happen in an individual
or organisation it must come from within.
Individuals need to value themselves (and the
role they play), value each other and understand
how each person can positively influence the
bigger picture of the school
This is where ISECCA came in!
5ISECCA asked us to question
How well we knew ourselves?
How well we knew our colleagues?
Then taught us how to use this knowledge to bring
about change in ourselves and others?
6If you always do what youve always done, Youll
always get what youve always got!
ISECCA 2002.
We have now broken this self-fulfilling prophesy!
7The positive impact of ISECCA
- It gave us time to reflect on the
qualities of ourselves and others.
- It helped us to think differently about our
- It brought about noticeable change within the
8Impact continued..
- It gave staff the self-confidence to share
opinions/concerns more openly.
- It put into place the foundations for
team-building and gave staff the personal
skills to develop within their team.
9In summation..
- Our Goals are now shared Goals!
- Our performance is now closer to where we know
that it needs to be!
We are now all moving in the same direction!
10Andrew Littlewood (HMI) has just said (Jan 03).
In the best lessons, opportunities for students
are superb pupils were being allowed to trip
but not fall. Staff were thinking about and
expecting positive outcomes. Staff morale seems
very high a very buoyant staff! This school is
well led and managed. Communication within the
school is transparent. Team effort is
Good. Key Issue 1 Good progress Key
Issue 2 Good Progress Very Good progress
being made overall!
11People who feel good about themselves.. produce
good results! Taken from The One Minute
Manager Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson