Title: End of the Year CIO Meeting 200708
1End of the Year CIO Meeting2007-08
- Review
- End of the Year Submissions
- Snapshot Events Templates
- Whats new for 08-09
3Location codes
- Are numbers/letters created by you
- Can be UP TO 6 numbers or letters
- Should be named specifically
4Location Codes
- Represent the BEDS code of the school building or
BOCES - Ex the location code of 42 represents your HS
whose BEDS code is 123456789012 - Show where each student is enrolled
- Distinguish between different entities
5Download the Location Code Key from our website
6It will look like this
7How to fill out the form
- Erase all the sample data
- In the first column, put your Location Code
- In the second column, put the specific name of
the location - If the location is a BOCES classroom in a public
school, you may want to identify the name as
BOCES Main Street HS, or something to that
effect - In the third column, put the BEDS code of the
location - For BOCES locations, always use the generic BOCES
BEDS code
8What to do next?
- Save the file with your District in the file name
- Email the file to datawarehouse_at_gw.neric.org
- Put your District name in the title of the email
(e.g., YourDistrict Location code update)
- Only send Additions do not send your whole list
of location codes. - Look for BEDS codes at http//portal.nysed.gov/pls
/pref/SED.sed_inst_qry_vw.startup - DO NOT USE feeding sites or inactive codes from
this site.
10Tips cont..
- You must use Building level BEDS codes except for
BOCES and BOCES classrooms. - BOCES and BOCES Classrooms must use the district
level BOCES code. (ex 019000000000) - If you have more than one location in the same
BOCES region, you must designate one of the
locations as the PRIMARY location and the others
as the SECONDARY locations.
- For example If you have 3 out-of-district
placements and all of them are in the Cap Region
BOCES, you would designate one of them as the
Primary (think first, not elementary) code. The
others you would mark Secondary (think second,
not high school). It would look like this
13End of Year submissions
- Due June 27 July 18
- ALL DATA for 07-08 school year. Includes
- Summer school (August 2007)
- ALL Program Services
- ALL Assessments (Aug/Jan/Jun)
- ALL Graduating Information (Aug/Jan/Jun)
- Closing Enrollment records, where applicable
14End of Year submissionsDue 6/27 7/18/08
- Closing Enrollment records K-12 plus PK w/no
disabilities - Necessary ONLY for the following students
- Leaving the district
- Graduating (i.e., leaving)
- Students moving to a different building (leave
students as ACTIVE in Demo) - Otherwise, leave enrollment record open.
- For SWDs who are either changing disability or
declassified, be sure to enter proper Exit Reason
Code in PS (901 or 912)
15End of Year submissions Due 6/27 7/18/08
- Closing records PS PK w/Disability
- If PS student is declassified, or enters K
without a disability - End Type of Disability with End Reason Code of
901 - If PS student moves out of school district
- Ending enrollment record of 170 or 221
- If PS student will enter K with a disability
- Ending enrollment code of 782
- End Type of Disability with End Reason Code of
912 - Otherwise, leave enrollment record open.
16End of Year submissionsSpecial Ed Templates
- Both EOY Snapshot Events template due to NERIC
between 9/01 and 9/30/08 - EOY Snapshot data is for PS students ONLY
- Three meetings scheduled with Inni Barrone from
VESID - Friday, May 16th in Albany
- Wed, May 28th in Saratoga
- Thursday, June 5th in Malone
- As of right now, Level 0 will default to the
08-09 year on 10/01/08.
17Special Education Snapshot Template
- Instructions for the submission of the End of
the Year Snapshot
18Field 1 District code
- Public school districts NYnnnnnn (NY followed by
the first 6 digits of the BEDS code) - For State Agencies, Child care institutions with
affiliated schools, and the NYS Schools for the
Blind and Deaf, use the number 8 followed by the
last 7 digits of your institution code.
19Field 2 Location Code
- The Vendors will populate this with the District
code of 0000.
20Field 3 School Year Date
- Use June 30 of the reported school year
- yyyy-06-30
21Field 5 Student ID
- Use the unique local identifier for each student
assigned by your student management system. - Must be 9 numeric characters, left padded with
zeros. - Ex 000001376
- IMPORTANT These IDs MUST match the ones in
Level 0 for that student. - Consequences could be no demographic file
errors or assigning records to wrong students.
22Field 31 Primary Service Code
- Only for Preschool students with disabilities.
- For End of School Year
- Report all preschool students with disabilities
who received some special education service at
ANY time during the school year (July 1 to June
30) - If students received different services during
the school year, use the code that reflects the
last service on students IEP during the school
year. - If student received multiple services for an
equal amount of the day, report the service with
the numerically lower code value. - Use the following codes from Appendix 9 in the
Data Dictionary
23Field 35 Snapshot Date
- For the End of the year, the date will be
24Field 47 - School Aged Indicator
- Since districts are only required to submit PS
data for EOY submission, make sure this field is
populated with N.
25End of Elements
- Those are the required fields.
- Leave all other fields BLANK.
- See the Excel template on our website for more
details. The required fields are highlighted in
yellow. - May use Level 0 directly to enter data.
- May also use an empty Excel file to input data.
- Each student should have only 1 row.
26Special Education Event Template
- Instructions for the submission of the End of
the Year Events Template
27Field 1 District code
- Public school districts NYnnnnnn (NY followed by
the first 6 digits of the BEDS code) - For State Agencies, Child care institutions with
affiliated schools, and the NYS Schools for the
Blind and Deaf, use the number 8 followed by the
last 7 digits of your institution code.
28Field 2 Location Code
- The Vendors will populate this with the District
code of 0000.
29Field 3 School Year Date
- Use June 30 of the reported school year
- yyyy-06-30
30Field 4 Student ID
- Use the unique local identifier for each student
assigned by your student management system. - Must be 9 numeric characters, left padded with
zeros. - Ex 000001376
- IMPORTANT These Ids MUST match the ones in
Level 0 for that student. - Consequences could be no demographic file
errors or assigning records to wrong students.
31Field 5 Event Type Code
- Events are actions such as referral of a student
for determination of eligibility for SPED,
parental consent to evaluate, CPSE or CSE meeting
to discuss evaluation results, etc - NYS collects codes for 5 chains of events
- Referral of a student from Early intervention to
the CPSE, parental consent to evaluate, CPSE
meeting to determine eligibility , the full
implementation of IEP. - Referral of preschool student to CPSE parental
consent to evaluate, CPSE meeting to discuss
evaluation results. - Referral of school age student to the CSE
parental consent, Meeting of CSE to discuss
evaluation results. - Referral of school age student who is parentally
placed in a non-public school parental consent,
meeting to discuss evaluation and IEP/IESP/ISP
implementation - A High school student makes application for
vocational rehabilitation services to VESID or
CBVH - Student will have more than one record is most
cases - See pg 109 in the Data Dictionary for the codes.
32Field 6 Event Date
- Provide a date associated with each Event Type
code. - Date is in standard YYYY-MM-DD format.
33Field 12 Event Outcome Code
- Identify whether or not the student was
determined to be eligible for special education
for the following event type codes - EI03,CSPE03,CSE03, CSENP03
- Y if student was determined to be eligible for
special education services. - N if student was found ineligible for services.
- Leave Blank if eligibility was not determined.
There will need to be a reason code to explain
why a determination was not made within the
reporting period. - To be provided with the initial event type
34Field 20 Non Compliance Reason
- There are 5 instances when a reason for delay is
required. The Reason Code must be submitted with
the initial referral event type record for the
following scenarios - For children transitioning from EI to preschool,
if there were more than 30 school days between
date of receipt of parent consent to evaluate and
the sate of the CPSE meeting at which eligibility
determination was made OR if the CPSE meeting was
not held by the reporting date. - For preschool children who are referred to the
CPSE for eval. If there are more than 30 school
days between date of receipt of parent consent to
evaluate and the date of the CPSE meeting at
which eval. Results were discussed OR if the CPSE
meeting was not held by the reporting date. - If a child is transitioning from EI to preschool
is found to be eligible for preschool SPED but
does not have his or her IEP implemented by his
or her third birthday OR for child whose
eligibility determination is not made by
reporting date. - For a school aged student, if there were more
than 60 calendar days between date of receipt of
parent consent to evaluate and the date of the
CSE meeting at which evaluation results were
discussed OR for students for whom the CSE
meeting was not held by the reporting date. - For students who are parentally placed in
nonpublic schools, if there were more than 60
calendar days between date of receipt of parent
consent to evaluate and the date of the CSE
meeting at which evaluation results were
discussed OR for students for whom the CSE
meeting was not held by the reporting date. - Filled in if Event Outcome Code is Blank
- See pages 111-113 in Data Dictionary for specific
35Field 31 Initial Event Type code
- Enter the event type code for the FIRST event in
the chain of events being reported for the
student. - The initial event type code are all codes for
initial referral to the CPSE or CSE ( EI01,
CPSE01, CSE01 or CSENP01) - The Initial Event Type Code is submitted with the
initial referral event type code.
36Field 32 - Initial Event Date
- Provide the date associated with the Initial
Event Type Code
37Field 33 Number of Days
- Report the number of days with the initial
referral record for the following - Report number of calendar days between the date
of receipt of parent consent to evaluate a
preschool child transitioning from EI to
preschool (Event Code Date EI02) and the date
CPSE met to determine eligibility (Event Code
EI03) - Report number of calendar days between the date
of receipt of parent consent to evaluate a
preschool student (Event Code Date for CPSE02)
and the date of CPSE meeting to discuss
evaluation results (Event code Date for CPSE03) - Report number of calendar days between the date
of receipt of parent consent to evaluate a school
aged student (Event Code Date for CSE02) and the
date of the CSE meeting to discuss evaluation
results (Event Code Date for CSE03) - Report number of calendar days between the date
of receipt of parent consent to evaluate a school
aged student who is parentally placed in a
nonpublic school (Event Code Date for CSENP02)
and the date of the CSE meeting to discuss
evaluation results (Event Code Date for CSENP03)
38Special Ed Status
- Clear Track and IEP Direct extracts should have
this information. - Vendors are expected to be ready for both EOY
Snapshot and Events templates by July 1. - Work with Special Ed departments closely.
- Events template replaces data for PD 11 and PD 12
state reports. (NOTE only certain districts have
to submit these indicators each year) - http//www.vesid.nysed.gov/sedcar/sppschedule.html
- To review
- Program Service information
- School-Level service
- All CTE Programs must be reported, not just those
that are SED-approved - For each students program, is it Tech Prep or
conventional CTE? - NEW FOR 07-08 8261 PS code
- Single Parent/Pregnant Status for CTE
Concentrator students ONLY
40Upcoming Changes in 08-09
- See Appendix 13 in DD
- New Assessment codes in 08-09 (Algebra
Geometry) - Multiple Ethnicity codes in Student Lite template
will be required - 8294 ( Census ) code will remain optional
41Upcoming Changes in 08-09
- Special Ed turnaround times are expected to be
shorter - 10/01/08 SNAPSHOT data ( BEDS Day)
- Expected verification and reasonability check
period from Nov 1 08 through early January of
09 - EOY SNAPSHOT and EVENTS submissions
- Due to Level 1 by late August 09
- Expected verification and reasonability check
period between August and September of 09
42Upcoming Changes in 08-09
43Be prepared
- Beginning of 08-09 will be very busy.
- 07-08 Events and EOY Snapshot due no later than
SEPT 30th - 08-09 1st Warehouse submission ( Demo, Enroll,
Disability,) and SNAPSHOT due OCT 1st -15th - Aug Sept/Oct School District Accountability
44Try to Smile
- Jeff Baker 518-862-5410 jbaker2_at_gw.neric.org,
AOL IM JeffBdataw - Cathy Burbules 518 862-5413
cburbule_at_gw.neric.org, AOL IM cburb - Gail Galusha 518-862-5323 ggalusha_at_gw.neric.org,
AOL IM gaildataw - http//dw.neric.org