Title: Referral Received at RMC
1Annex 1 Proposed Flow Chart for Referral
Management Centre
Ca 2 week wait / Urgent referrals direct to
referral destination
Take copy and send to destination immediately, LOG
Referral from practice, other health
professional, consultant, electronic or paper
Check Against INNF list. On list?
Referral Received at RMC
Check if urgent (in case sent in error)
Review Referral for data quality, originating
practice and speciality - LOG
Referral returned to referrer with reason and
feedback from clinical lead
Practice informs patient?
Assess options for shorter / alternative waits,
especially for Welsh referrals
Clearly not eligible, return to practice. If not
certain, refer to PCT commissioning team for
review / advice
If Speciality Lead exists check and feedback to
RMC staff and referrers
Alternative route, such as Second tier service
e.g. GPwSI or NES identified, refer for agreement
RMC informs patient?
Check Complete and other routes considered
If no specialty lead and practice activity is
outlier pass to General Clinical Lead check
on referrers where activity significantly out of
line and feedback to RMC staff and referrers
Speciality Lead sees patient to assess, feedback
to referrer
RMC informs patient?
The referral will be tracked at all stages
through the process, and the outcomes logged.
Patients and referrers will both be able to ring
into the centre to have an update on the progress
of their referral. The centre will also start to
be a method by which the PCT can facilitate
choice at the point of referral.
Referral passed to original destination, patient
seen at outpatients
No check undertaken as no speciality lead, and
referrer activity not significantly different
Shorter alternative referral route available
refer to referrer for agreement to change
Referral Sent