RPR FOM Community Ballot Resolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RPR FOM Community Ballot Resolution


2 not applicable - comments on comment tool not the RPR FOM (4, 61) 16 editorial ... units are spelt properly :-) Should use American spelling. Recommendation - Accept ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RPR FOM Community Ballot Resolution

RPR FOM Community Ballot Resolution
  • 2 not applicable - comments on comment tool not
    the RPR FOM (4, 61)
  • 16 editorial
  • 36 minor technical
  • 7 major technical

Reclassified comments
  • 22 (was editorial now minor technical)
  • 55 (was minor technical, now major technical)
  • Classification of all others remain as per
    authors recommendations

Editorial Comments
Comment 4
  • a) Repeat entries of continued blank fields at
    the top of each page. Provide table of contents.
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • Tables automatically generated by OMDT tool
  • PDF bookmarks are included

Comment 4 (continued)
  • b) Routing Space Table looks like orphan or
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • The OMT specification requires a Routing Space
    Table to be present. The RPR FOM does not define
    any routine space information, therefore the
    table should be empty

Comment 16
  • Pulse Width has units of microseconds
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • Conventionally Pulse Width has units of
    microseconds (should really be called Pulse
    Duration). We follow the DIS standard (and

Comment 23
  • FireControlSolutionRange units are spelt properly
    -) Should use American spelling
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 30
  • Add references to IEEE standard and enumeration
    document (these are the baseline documents)
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 31
  • Clarify the what type of reference FOM the RPR
    FOM is
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 35
  • Add note describing use of any in
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 36
  • Add note explaining why the Value field of the
    ArticulatedPartsStruct type does not have an
    entry for units
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 38
  • Add note explaining why the FixedDatumValue field
    in the FixedDatumStruct does not have an entry
    for units
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 43
  • Remove note 1 (this refers to the Environmental
    Process objects - which were deferred to V2)
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comments 44 45
  • Remove notes 15 17 (no longer used)
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 46
  • Note 26 is an "orphan (this note is valid,
    although there is no obvious place to refer to
    this from)
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • Add note to metadata?

Comment 49
  • Orientation is described as the yaw, pitch, and
    roll angles. Delete yaw, pitch, and roll and just
    describe the angles as rotations around the
    coordinate axis.
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 50
  • The names of the VelocityVectorStruct are not
    consistent with other names. Drop the word
    Magnitude from field names.
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • These descriptions were provided from the OMDD

Comment 51
  • Note 38 should refer to note 44.
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 57
  • Add Metadata or notes "qualifiers" on RPR FOM
    usage guidance
  • Recommendation - Accept (implementation TBD)
  • Adding a note is easier, called up from the

Minor Technical
Comment 1
  • Lack of Datalink Parameters
  • Recommendation - Postpone (Need more information)
  • However, if the required enumerations are not in
    EBV 99-01 then they should not be added,
    therefore the comment should be rejected

Comment 2
  • Command and Control Radars not fully represented
  • Recommendation - Accept (in part)
  • AN/TPS-75, AN/TPS-43 are listed in EBV 99-01.
    EmitterTypeEnum needs updating to EBV 99-01
  • However AN/TPS-70 is not in EBV 99-01. DIS
    enumeration CR needs to be raised.

Comment 9
  • Move the attributes into the object classes
  • HatchState to MilitaryPlatform
  • PersonStanceCode to MilitaryLifeform
  • RampDeployed to MilitaryPlatform
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • Note - the actual disposition of these attributes
    might be effected by later comments

Comment 10
  • Change update type of BaseEntity EntityType and
    MilitaryEntity AlternateEntityType attributes to
  • Recommendation - Accept ?
  • In the past some implementations have changed
    their entity type enumerations during an exercise
    (e.g. from Tomahawk Booster to Tomahawk). This
    is probably no longer the case

Comment 11
  • Change update type of Designator
    DesignatorEmissionWavelength and
    DeadReckoningAlgorithm to conditional.
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 12
  • Change update type of RadioReceiver
    ReceivedTransmitterIdentifier attribute to
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 14
  • Add Note 13 to Acknowledge, CreateEntity,
    RemoveEntity, StartResume, and StopFreeze in the
    Object Interaction table.
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • This may not strictly speaking be required, but
    it certainly does no harm

Comment 15
  • Renumber and reorder notes into logical grouping.
    Fix references accordingly.
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • Logistics!

Comment 17
  • a) Remove WorldLocation from RadioTransmitter.
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • The use of the WorldLocation attribute is an
    implementation enhancement in DIS aimed at
    simplifying the processing for radio simulations

Comment 17 continued
  • b) If part a rejected, then add explanation to
    the GRIM
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • Add note to the FOM as well

Comment 18
  • Clarify padding in VariableDatumStruct by adding
    a padding field and a note.
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 19
  • Remove notes 9, 10, 11, 15, and 16.
  • Recommendation - Accept (in part)
  • Notes 9, 10 and 11 are still used
  • 15 and 16 can be removed

Comment 20
  • Notes 5 and 24 should be combined. The text of
    note 24 needs some revision
  • Recommendation - Accept

Comment 21
  • Add the DIS time stamp tag to the Complex
  • Recommendation - Accept ?
  • Add note explaining why this is not referenced
    from anywhere

Comment 24
  • Federates should be required, not encouraged, to
    transmit the data valid time.
  • Recommendation - Accept ?
  • Not all current DIS simulations do this (although
    they should).

Comment 25
  • Use variant enumeration struct for
    MajorRFModulationType and DetailedRFModulationType
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • Details need to be checked

Comment 28
  • The ActionResultEnum32 and RequestStatusEnum32
    should be exchanged
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • The TACCSF_LOS_Reply_Type, etc., enumeration
    values should be added to RequestStatusEnum32 and
    deleted from ActionResultEnum32

Comment 29
  • Add Dead Reckoning Other Parameters Field of 120
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • The DIS specification states This field shall
    specify other required dead reckoning parameters
    and shall consist of 120 bits.
  • DIS simulations are allowed to use this (although
    the meaning is exercise specific)

Comment 29 implementation
  • The new attribute should be complex data type
    (not enumeration as described)
  • Must take byte alignment into account
  • The attribute should be added to the BaseEntity
    object class

Comment 32
  • Check object class names Expendables to
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • All other object class names are singular
  • Supplies should stay plural because usually there
    isnt just one supply, there are multiple ones
    (e.g. 10 cases of ammunition, 200 gallons of fuel)

Comment 33
  • Remove IR attributes from RadioSignal interaction
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • The radio signal interaction is intended to be an
    abstract interaction class (it has no
    parameters), so federates should not initiate or
    react to them. The subclasses are intended for

Comment 34
  • Replace Dummy Modulation in ModulationStruct with
    CCTT SINCGARS modulation data
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • EBV 99-01 now contains modulation data
  • Add a complex data type for the CCTT SINCGARS
    radio modulation.
  • ModulationStruct contains new complex data type
    with cardinality 0-1

Comment 37
  • Incorrect data type for Value field in
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • AttributePairStruct data type should be "any,
    cardinality 1, instead of octet, cardinality 1
  • This more clearly indicates that the value field
    can be any type, simple or complex

Comments 39/40/41
  • Postponed until after resolution of comments 5/6

Comment 42
  • Missing enumeration values (attached parts,
    repair types repair response)
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • EBV 99-01 defines additional enumeration values
    not yet in the FOM

Comment 47
  • Add note to all padding fields about setting them
    to zero
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • This is a DIS requirement, but has not been
    specified in the FOM

Comment 48
  • Add note explaining "Frozen entities should not
    be dead-reckoned
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • This is a DIS requirement (specified in the EBV),
    but has not been specified in the FOM

Comment 49
  • Delete yaw, pitch, and roll and just describe the
    angles as rotations around the coordinate axis.
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • Orientation is described as the yaw, pitch, and
    roll angles. Yaw, pitch, and roll generally
    refer to angles relative to the entity. This may
    be confusing.

Comment 50
  • Change the names of the VelocityVectorStruct
    fields. Drop the word Magnitude from field
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • These names were chosen for consistency with the
    OMDD, but are internally inconsistent. Internal
    consistency wins

Comment 52
  • Add note to ArticulatedParamentersArray in
    PhysicalEntity warning about creating to many
    articulated parts (also applies to other
    unbounded classes)
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • The note should be about compatibility with
    existing DIS simulations, which are limited by
    the maximum PDU size

Comment 54
  • Indicate that the unit of length in the
    SignalDataLength parameter for the
    EncodedAudioRadioSignal, and RawBinaryRadioSignal
    interaction classes is BITS.
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • Corresponds to the DIS specification

Comment 55
  • Remove TDLMessageCount parameter from
    DatabaseIndexRadioSignal Interaction
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • See next slides for details

Comment 55 continued
  • This comes from the least significant 14 bits of
    the DIS PDU encoding scheme field (IEEE spec d)
  • equals encoding type when encoding class is
    encoded audio
  • is zero when encoding class not encoded audio and
    TDL type is zero
  • otherwise contains the number of TDL messages
  • Thus a database index signal can contain TDL

Comment 58
  • No support for LAN information nor for non-radio
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • Clarification from commentor required, but v1.0
    constrained to IEEE 1278.1-1995 implementations
    which do not support such communications

Comment 59
  • Emitter list is incomplete and contains repeats
  • Recommendation - Accept (in part)
  • Emitter list is not complete (see comment 2)
  • Emitters not in EBV 99-01 should not be added
  • Need more information about repeats - what are

Comment 60
  • Opacity code requires spectral component
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • The opacity code reflects the 1278.1-1995
    environmental entity attributes.
  • More comprehensive support for environmental
    processes and their attributes is provided in v2
    (or in user extensions)

Major Technical
Comment 5/6/7
  • Missing Light Attributes
  • a) Light attributes missing
  • b) Add light attribute to currently
    attributeless leaf nodes.
  • c) Move MilitaryPlatform Attributes to more
    appropriate classes
  • Recommendation a) Accept
  • Light attributes are in EBV 99-01 so should be
  • b) c) deferred to after next comment

Comment 56
  • Move all attributes to the top of hierarchy or
    distribute according to well defined rationale
  • Recommendation
  • Comment 5/6 does provide a well defined rationale
    - push attributes down to leaf nodes, each leaf
    node contains the explicit attributes for its
    entity type

Comments 5/6/7/56 continued
  • Pros
  • Less confusion about whether an entity contains a
    particular attribute
  • Makes translation from DIS to RPR FOM easier/more
  • Cons
  • Must subscribe to leaf nodes to get all
  • Some duplication of attributes (not thought to be
    a great problem)
  • Once decision taken FOM editors to distribute
    attributes according to chosen rationale

Comment 8
  • Environmental Entity and Cultural Feature limited
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • Environmental entity and cultural features map
    capabilities of IEEE 1278.1-1995
  • Much better support provided in v2 which maps
    IEEE 1278.1A-1998 capabilities

Comment 13
  • Merge civil and military classes
  • Recommendation none
  • Reflector debate addresses this
  • Opinion
  • Single class would be cleaner
  • Con political argument in favour of retaining
    civil classes to show support for OOTW

Comment 53
  • There seems to be no mechanism for translating
    the minefield / mines PDU information
  • Recommendation - Reject
  • The mines PDUs are in IEEE 1278.1A-1998 and will
    therefore appear in v2

Minor Technical (Reprise)
Comments 39/40
  • Missing attributes
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • Defines more missing attributes than comments 5/6
  • Implementation dependent on resolution of
    comments 5/6/7/56

Comment 41
  • Engine Smoke is not valid for Subsurface
    Platforms, Space Platforms and Cultural Features
  • Recommendation - Accept
  • If comment 5/6/7/56 passed then remove these
    attributes from the specified class
  • Otherwise we need to add note specifying which
    attributes are valid for which entity types (see
    GRIM comment ???)
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