Title: Transactions
- Transaction a collection of operations
performing a single logical function - written in high-level language (C, Java, SQL)
- delimited by BEGIN TRANSCATION and END
- Atomicity all operations in the transaction are
executed properly or none - both UPDATE operations need to be performed
- Consistency the execution of a single
transaction preserves the consistency of the
database - the sum of balances should remain unchanged after
execution - Isolation each transaction is unaware of other
transactions executed concurrently - Ti finished before Tj started
- Durability changes the transaction have
performed persist in the database - recovery
4Transaction States
- active initial state, transaction stays in this
state while executing - partially committed after the final operation
has been performed - failed when normal execution cannot proceed
- aborted transaction has been rolled back
restoring into prior state - committed successful completion
5Abstraction of transaction
- a sequence of read and write operations
- T1 r1(balanceA), w1(balanceA), r1(balanceB),
w1(balanceB) - other operations
- ci commit everything done
- ai abort and roll back
- T1 r1(balanceA), w1(balanceA), r1(balanceB),
8Failure Classification
- Transaction failure
- logical error
- e.g. bad input
- system error
- e.g. deadlock
- System crash
- e.g. bug
- Disk failure
9Recovery algorithms
- ensure there is enough information to allow
recovery from failure - actions taken after failure to ensure
consistency, atomicity and durability - examples
- dirty pages not written to disk when failure
occurs - need to reexecute operation REDO
- partial writes have been performed
- need to UNDO operations
10Log-based Recovery
- Record modification in log
- stored in disk
- sequence of log records
- transaction identifier
- data-item identifier
- old value
- new value
- ltTi startgt
- ltTi abortgt
- ltTi commitgt
- ltTi, Item, OldValue, NewValuegt
- For each transaction and each write operation
write log records to disk - ltT1 startgt
- ltT1, balanceA, 1000, 900gt
- ltT1, balanceB, 900, 1000gt
- ltT1 commitgt
- Problems?
12Write-ahead logging
- disk access for each write
- high overhead
- use buffer
- but log records might be lost!
- log records stored in stable storage (e.g RAID)
- write-ahead logging
- before data are changed log records are created
- if transaction commits, flush log to disc
13Recovery procedure (1/2)
- Scan back through the log
- collect set of committed transactions C
- UNDO any transaction not in C
- Scan forward through the log
- REDO any transaction in C
14Log Exercise
- Perform recovery from the current to the
recovered state - ltT4 startgt
- ltT1 startgt
- ltT1, balance56, 94340.45, 84340.95gt
- ltT2 startgt
- ltT2, balance34, 10900.67, 8900.67gt
- ltT2, balance67, 34005.00, 36005.25gt
- ltT7 startgt
- ltT2 commitgt
- ltT1, balance34, 8900.67, 18900.67gt
- ltT7, balance67, 36005.25, 37005.25gt
- ltT7 abortgt
- ltT4 commitgt
15Recovery procedure (2/2)
- Any problems?
- need to read complete log
- time consuming
- unnecessary (when most of the REDO operations
have already been written onto disk) - Use checkpoints
- write all log records to stable storage
- write all dirty pages to disk
- store log record ltcheckpoint Lgt to stable storage
- L list of active transactions
- Recovery needed up to checkpoint
- faster
- shorter log
- updates are suspended
- scan backwards until checkpoint
- collect set of committed transactions C
- the records of each transaction in L which is not
in C must be UNDOne - UNDO any transaction not in C (all its
operations) - REDO each record of transaction in C
17Fuzzy Checkpoint
- checkpoint can be slow if many pages to write
- everything suspended
- fuzzy checkpoint
- permit updates after ltcheckpointgt has been
written before modified pages written to disk - incomplete checkpoints
- last-checkpoint record
- keep a list of modified pages
- update last-checkpoint when all modified pages
have been written to disk
19Concurrent Execution
- improved throughput
- number of transactions executed in given time
- improved resource utilization
- reduced waiting time
- dont need to wait behind long transactions
- transaction histories interleave
- what happens when transactions access common
items? - preserve isolation (ACID)
- H1 r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34), c1
- H2 r2(b34), w2(b34), r2(b67), w2(b67), c2
- Possible concurrent executions
- order preserved
- Hx r2(b34), r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34),
c1,w2(b34), r2(b67), w2(b67), c2 - Hy r2(b34), w2(b34), r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34),
w1(b34), c1, r2(b67), w2(b67), c2
21Restrictions in transactions
- Example
- H r1(a), w1(a), r2(a), c2,r1(b), fail
- Whats the problem here?
- non-recoverable history
- recoverable histories
- transaction does not commit until all
transactions it has read from have committed - Rolling back
- H r1(a), w1(b), w1(a), r2(a), w2(a), r2(a), a1
- problem?
- cascadeless history
- transactions reads only from committed
22More Examples and Problems
transfer(From, To, Amount)
T1 transfer(56, 34, 10000)
T2 transfer(34, 67, 2000)
23Anomaly 1 Lost Update
T1 transfer(56, 34, 10000)
T2 transfer(34, 67, 2000)
r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34), c1
r2(b34), w2(b34), r2(b67), w2(b67), c2
r2(b34,18900.67), r1(b56 ,84340.45), w1(b56
,74340.45), r1(b34 ,18900.67), w1(b34
,28900.67), c1,w2(b34 ,16900.67),
r2(b67,34005.00), w2(b67 ,36005.00), c2
24Concurrency anomalies
- Must ensure that concurrent execution is free of
anomalies - e.g. lost update, inconsistent analysis, dirty
writes, etc. - use a serial history
- no interleaving!
- Isolation (ACID) each transaction is unaware of
other transactions executed concurrently - Ti finished before Tj started
- Serial history all operations of a given
transaction appear together, one after the other - Hz r2(b34), w2(b34), r2(b67), w2(b67),
c2,r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34), c1 - T2,T1
- All histories equivalent to a serial history are
also accepted (and they are free of concurrency
anomalies) - serializable histories
26When are two histories equivalent?
- equivalence
- view equivalence
- conflict equivalence
- view equivalence
- database ends in the same state
- writes and reads are performed in the same order
in the two histories - there have the same final writes
- but, difficult to test at run time
- conflict equivalence
- two operations conflict if they belong to
different transactions and one of them is a write - two histories are conflict equivalent if the
order of the conflicting operations is the same - conflict serializable
- a history is conflict serializable if it is
conflict equivalent with a serial history
27Conflict serializable history
r2(b34), w2(b34), r2(b67), w2(b67), c2, r1(b56),
w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34), c1,
28Identifying conflict serializability
- For history H, create precedence graph Gh
- a node for each transaction in H
- a directed edge for each pair OP1, OP2 of
conflicting operations - OP1 appears before OP2 in H
- H is conflict serializable if
- no cycles in Gh
- H r1(a), w1(a), r1(b), r2(b), w2(b), w1(b)
- Not conflict serializable
30Serializability Exercise
- Are the following histories conflict-serializable?
- Hx r2(b34), r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34),
c1,w2(b34), r2(b67), w2(b67), c2 - Hy r2(b34), w2(b34), r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34),
w1(b34), c1, r2(b67), w2(b67), c2 - Hz r1(a), w1(a), w3(b), w3(c), r2(c), r1(a),
w1(b), w2(b) - which are their equivalent serial histories (if
they have one)?
31Concurrency control protocols
32So far
- Transactions
- Recoverable histories
- H r1(a), w1(a), r2(a), w2(a), c2,r1(b), fail
- recovery procedures
- Concurrency
- Hx r2(b34), r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34),
c1,w2(b34), r2(b67), w2(b67), c2 - serializable histories
- desirable
- cascadeless histories
33Concurrency control protocol
- protocols that schedule operations (r,w) so that
transactions executing concurrently generate only
serializable histories - lock-based protocols
- using locks to protect items
- timestamp-based protocols
- transactions are assigned a timestamp (unique
34Lock-based Protocols (1/2)
- l(item) . op(item) u(item)
- lock manager
- if Ti requests for an item already locked by Tj
then Ti goes into wait queue - binary lock lock - unlock
- T1 l1(a), r1(a), u1(a), l1(b), r1(b), b ab,
w1(b), u1(b) - T2 l2(b), r2(b), u2(b), l2(a), r2(a), a ab,
w2(a), u2(a) - concurrently l1(a), r1(a), u1(a), l2(b), r2(b),
u2(b), - l2(a), r2(a), a ab, w2(a), u2(a), l1(b),
r1(b), b ab, - w1(b), u1(b)
- initially, a5, b10
- T1,T2 b15, a20
- T2,T1 a15, b35
- concurrently a15, b15, not serializable
35Lock-based Protocols (2/2)
- batch locking
- acquire all locks at start time
- release all locks at commit/abort time
- example
- l(b56),l(b34),r1(b56), w1(b56), r1(b34), w1(b34),
c1,u(b34), u(b56) - does this guarantee serializability,recoverability
? problems?
36Two-Phase Locking (1/2)
- read locks rl(item) ru(item)
- shared
- write locks wl(item) wu(item)
- exclusive
- downgrade from wl to rl
- upgrade from rl to wl
- two phases
- growing phase
- shrinking phase
- once a lock released,
- no more locks acquired
37Two-Phase Locking (2/2)
- does 2PL guarantee serializability,
recoverability? - but
- T1 wl1(a), w1(a), wl1(b), w1(b), wu1(b), wu1(a)
- T2 wl2(b), w2(b), wl2(a), w2(a), wu2(a), wu2(b)
- concurrently wl1(a), w1(a), wl2(b), w2(b),
deadlock - T1 waits for lock on b
- T2 waits for lock on a
- 2PL susceptible to deadlocks
- waits-for graph
38Variants of 2PL
- basic 2PL
- serializable
- not recoverable
- deadlocks
- conservative 2PL
- serializable
- not recoverable
- no deadlocks
- strict 2PL
- serializable
- recoverable
- deadlocks
39Preventing deadlocks
- conservative 2PL
- using timestamps
- timestamp TS(Ti) for transaction Ti
- unique identifier for each transaction
- monotonically increasing
- if Ti started before Tj TS(Ti) lt TS(Tj)
- Ti waits for lock on item X that Tj holds
- wait-die if TS(Ti) lt TS(Tj) Ti waits
- else Ti aborts and restarts with the same
timestamp - wound-wait if TS(Ti) lt TS(Tj) Tj aborted and
restarted with same timestamp - else Ti waits
- deadlock-free why?
40Deadlock Detection
- construct wait-for graphs
- deadlock when cycle
- select victim transaction
- expensive in space and time
- timeouts
- if waiting exceeds specified timeout, abort
- deadlock preventions
- transactions aborted based on timestamp
- deadlock detection
- transactions aborted to break waits-for cycle
- transactions are assigned a priority
- priority increased with time
- abort transactions with less priority
42Timestamp-based protocols (1/2)
- concurrency control
- timestamp ordering
- history equivalent to the serial order
corresponding to timestamps - for each item accessed by conflicting operation
doesnt violate serializability order - read_TS(item)
- write_TS(item)
- basic timestamp ordering
- TS(T) lt read_TS(item), write_TS(item)
- T aborted
43Timestamp-based protocols (2/2)
- T1 r1(a), w1(a)
- T2 w2(a)
- concurrently
- r1(a),
- read_TS(a) 1
- w2(a),
- TS(T2) 2 gt read_TS(a) 1
- write_TS(a) 2
- w1(a)
- TS(T1) 1 lt write_TS(a) 2
- T1 aborted
- but, w1(a) doesnt neet to be executed
- if T issues a write(X), and write_TS(X) gt TS(T),
ignore write - Thomas Write rule
44Delete and Insert operations
- what are the conflicts when delete and insert
operations are also examined? - how should the locking protocols be adapted?
- how about timestamp ordering?